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Category : adhd strategies

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

ADHD Planner? The Path To New Habits…

By totallyaddauthor

I’ve mentioned recently that at my lowest moments, despairing, I thought, “I wish I’d never been diagnosed.”
That’s not true, of course. Having an explanation for some of my challenges, an explanation that I can work with, has been hugely helpful.

Adult ADHD | Rick | Tools, Tips & Tricks | TotallyADD Blog

De-cluttering and Procrastination

By Team TotallyADD

By Rick Green
Which aspect of your ADHD do you dislike the most? Which trait, or if you prefer, ‘symptom’, does the most damage?
It’s a valuable question to ask. For several reasons.
One payoff for identifying the trait that undermines you the most? It requires you to focus, and you won’t drown in good intentions, trying to manage every symptom at once. (A recipe for overwhelm as I found out after when first diagnosed.)
Another payoff? Mastering the bugaboo that most sabotages you…

Adult ADHD | Articles | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

ADHD Strategies

By totallyaddauthor

You’re reading this because at some point you, or a loved one, saw a video, read an article, did an online test, or took our Unofficial ADHD Quiz, and the penny dropped, you thought “maybe I have adult ADHD”.

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog


By totallyaddauthor

“I don’t believe in ADHD.”  
“Isn’t that just a big Pharmaceutical scam?”
“It’s just the internet.”
You’ve probably heard stuff like this. Probably again and again.  You may be sick of hearing it.

Guest Blog | Parenting, Children, School | Relationships & Family | TotallyADD Blog

Parents Can Make a Difference for Smart Kids who Struggle with School

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

It was a joyous afternoon, filled with promise and expectation. Who knew it would be overshadowed by years of misery and disappointment?
Adorable in her little uniform shirt at 6 years old, she was home from her first day of 1st Grade. She had changed into jean shorts and was sitting tall and proud at my grandmother’s antique desk. Pony-tail bobbing, she was ready to tackle her homework, proud in that “I’m-a-big-girl-now” kind of a way….

Adult ADHD

ADHD Strategies: Chunking it Up

By totallyaddauthor

I had to break the bike rally into chunks. Manageable chunks.And since I didn’t own a bike, hadn’t ridden one in a decade, was out of shape, overweight and late to start the training regime, those chunks had to be very, very minute to be manageable.