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Category : parenting ADHD

Parenting, Children, School

ADHD & Addiction: What a Parent Should Know

By Kerry Troester

Finding out your child has ADHD can be a scary moment for parents. Not only do parents have to worry that their child will struggle in school, adjust socially and maintain stable relationships, but now there is increasing evidence that ADHD can lead to struggles with addiction.

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

ADHD? It's The Whole Family

By totallyaddauthor

The web, and our Forums, are full of speculation about ADHD/ADD being caused by diet, bacteria, family stress, lack of a vitamin, or severe lack of good old-fashioned spankings.
(Cue old man muttering, ‘In my day we didn’t have all these fancy…’)
The problem with these theories…

Guest Blog | Parenting, Children, School | Work & School

Find Your Village

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

As parents, we tend to rely on the support of our “village” to help us raise our kids. We appreciate the give and take of a local support network. “Can I drop that off for you on my way home?” “Can you pick up this child for me?” It’s a kind of a dance. We learn to ask for help, and depend on each other. But sometimes – all too often – your village doesn’t quite know what to do with your ADHD child, or with you. You find yourself bouncing from village to village, or sitting on the outside, looking for a way to fit in…