Dr. Umesh Jain is now exclusively responsible for TotallyADD.com and its content


Adult ADHD | Articles | Rick | TotallyADD Blog | Work & School

What's the Best Career for Someone With ADHD?

“Is there a list of great careers for people who have ADHD? Is there an ideal job that works with ADD? Can I make good living and succeed with ADHD?” Those are big concerns for adolescents with ADHD going to college. Or for adults who are struggling with their ADHD at their job. If they have a job.
The rates of unemployment amongst people with untreated ADHD are depressing.

Adult ADHD | Articles | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

ADHD & Overwhelm: Taming the Chaos

We are preparing to launch a new streamlined, cleaner version of TotallyADD.com.  We’re doing this while still running the current site, which is already a full-time job for two of us (and a part-time job for several others) which includes creating videos, blogging, sending out newsletters, Friday Funnies, booking live and online events, and more…