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Category : TotallyADD Blog

Parenting, Children, School | Rick | TotallyADD Blog | Work & School

You Need a Good Education – Not a Standard Education

By totallyaddauthor

“You need a college education if you want to get a good job.” My parents told me that. The school system told me that. And what I could see of the real world from my High School seemed to confirm it.
A university degree brings you wealth, happiness, opportunity, and success. Not having degree doomed you to menial, unpleasant, and servitude. It was obvious…

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog | Work & School

Disclosing ADHD? – Curb your enthusiasm

By totallyaddauthor

As ADHD specialist Dr. David Teplin explains, “In terms of disclosure, like anything else in life you have to be aware of who you are telling, who is receiving that, and what they might do with it. In some ways it has to do with trust. In some ways it has to be with naivety. Or lack of naivety. And really at the end of the day what you’re trying to achieve or what you think will be helpful.”
Who have you told? And how did it go?

Comedy + Holidays | Emotional Journey | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

A Different Kind Of New Year's Resolution

By totallyaddauthor

At this point, we’re well into the New Year. This year seems to be as turbulent as any other year. And I assume with all that’s going on – in politics, the weather, celebrity scandals, and your family – one can be forgiven for letting one’s New Year’s Resolutions fall by the wayside. If you haven’t forgiven yourself, please do so now.
Studies have shown that very few of us stick to our resolutions…

Adult ADHD | Emotional Journey | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Emotional SENSITIVITY – A Small Trigger Sets Off a Huge Explosion

By totallyaddauthor

Before I understood my ADHD, when I’d make small mistakes and they were pointed out, I’d often brush them off, miffed, ‘Whatever! You get the point.’ I felt like, ‘I’ve created the Mona Lisa for God’s sake, who cares if the frame has a chip in it!? Nitpickers! Critics! Complainers!’ By the way being ‘overly sensitive’ and ‘prone to drama’ are very common for many of us.

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

The Universal Challenge

By totallyaddauthor

I know a lot of people with ADHD/ADD. Whaddya expect, I work in show business. (And yes, I know, “You call that work?!”) One of my friends, Glenn, is a television writer, a pilot, and an astronomy enthusiast. He and his wife Michelle live up north…

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Lazy, Selfish, Insensitive – Labels, Morality, & ADHD

By totallyaddauthor

By Rick Green
I have had the opportunity to be a part of many different ‘communities’ during the course of my life. And I have found a common thread among three of those groups: The Speculative Fiction (SF) community. The Lesbian/Bi/Gay/Transgender (LGBT) community. And the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) community…

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

ADHD Is So Gay

By totallyaddauthor

By Rick Green
Lately, I’ve been thinking that the Speculative Fiction community, the LGBT community, and the ADHD community are so much alike. Ever since the Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is legal…

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

By totallyaddauthor

There’s a meme that keeps popping up on Facebook that has a great deal of wisdom in it: ‘Don’t believe everything you think.’ That simple phrase popped into my head when we were interviewing Dr. Edward ‘Ned’ Hallowell at his home in Massachusetts. I had driven down to Boston to appear on WGBH, the local PBS station, when they debuted our program, ADD & Mastering It! We were talking about anxiety and depression, two common spinoffs of life with ADHD, especially before it’s diagnosed. Ned said, “Never worry alone. Call someone.” He calls it Vitamin C. ‘C’ as in Connection. Connect with someone…

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

I Made a Documentary About ADHD

By totallyaddauthor

“What is the purpose of your trip, business or pleasure?”
“What kind of business?”
“I made a documentary about ADHD in adults, you know, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and it’s airing on PBS! So I’m traveling from station to station to talk about the program on air.”
“… You made a what?”
“A documentary…