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April 25, 2012 at 2:55 am #106751
AnonymousInactiveApril 25, 2012 at 2:55 amPost count: 14413Field placement is coming to an end. Tomorrow is my last full day and one service to do on Sunday. My supervising committee has recommended me to move onward with 10 thumbs up (there are 5 of them) recognizing that there are time management issues and conflict skills that I need to work on. I am very very happy.
REPORT ABUSEApril 25, 2012 at 6:58 am #106752Hey! Great Bellamom, I bet that feels huge for you. ***Slap*** Some successes have an extra special kind of sweetness. I’m grateful for you. I’m happy with you. I’m proud to be in the same community with you too. I bet this leads to even more sweet and comforting experiences.
Now here’s my high 5 thingy.
U’kay, ready?
HIGH FIVE!!! SSSLLAAPP! SSLAP! I feel like I earned a double high five tonight. My first ever teaching, or study group lead attempt. It was just my turn to set up some kind of “lesson” on a chapter in this book we’re working through. It worked out Grreat!. It’s a two hour study group about a book that’s about spirituality, and stuff I promised not to talk about on THIS thread. But not other threads.
Mostly the quality and character of the group made it work out so well. Just men, only 5 of us. And I’m really feeling like I can let these new friends see the real me as is. Even told them the address of this web site, and “I’m Robbo, the Squirrel Avatar with all the muscles” kinda hard to not find me here…. I said. Wanna see how deep the crazy goes?… it doesn’t even feel risky, cuz I’ve told em enough about the ADHD stuff that I don’t mind them finding some of my longer, more annoying (oops, actually only about 20 or so of the first ones make me want to go dig a hole and hide in it) I extra-egzaagerayte. some.
Ayyy, That was a joke, but quit laffin at me, it wasn’t that funny. It’s okay if you’re laughing cuz you can relate. Or because you’re relieved to not be “that” crazy any more… I even slept fairly well last night!, cool huh?. I have a high five in the works on that problem too. A goal, no posts after midnite, unless I’m extremely miserable, or have… No!. It’s a solid rule. No exceptions. A boundrie, A quardrail…
I have a new theory about why I’m having trouble sleeping again, still… As well as a solution, but it’s bedtime…
PS I’m allowed to read, just not post
REPORT ABUSEApril 25, 2012 at 2:13 pm #106753So my friend and I started this business. We are selling skirts for little girls. When I was younger, I would not be caught wearing them. (Okay, I will try to stay on point.) A shop in Chicago wants our skirts. We start selling on Friday and I stoked.
Best job ever!
Great dream last night too. I only woke up twice, instead of my three or four times.
REPORT ABUSEApril 27, 2012 at 11:28 pm #106754
AnonymousInactiveApril 27, 2012 at 11:28 pmPost count: 14413So it seems that other people think I’m smarter and more insightful than I do! I got a paper back today with a great mark and great comments, along with suggestions of books that would take me further on my subject. Happy sigh. Trying to get another paper done tonight. It’s much smaller than the last 2.
REPORT ABUSEMay 2, 2012 at 4:23 am #106755
AnonymousInactiveMay 2, 2012 at 4:23 amPost count: 14413Back in January I was seriously concerned about my field placement. Time management, disorganization, lack of focus and persistance were all a problem and I begged my dr to let me try Strattera. Fast forward to this evening – my year end review. I’ve got full credit for the field placement and the comments of my placement supervisory team were quite wonderful in terms of how everything has improved since then. I hadn’t noticed the improvement to the extent that they all have. Happy happy happy and really quite pleased with self.
Now – my remaining papers and assignments … !!!
REPORT ABUSEJuly 5, 2012 at 3:09 pm #106756***got hand in air waiting for that slap! sound***
I finally made an accomplishment list, and I thought maybe posting it here would encourage other folks to do the same. I had to come up with 10, (that’s a rule, like for gratitude lists, n such, also cuz David Lettermen always has 10 things on his lists) Hey! that would be a good idea for a new thread huh? ADHD top ten lists!
K, ear ya go.
Oh, jus one more thing, I didn’t number them, so if you’re like me and have trouble counting just trust me, you won’t have to take off one shoe and a sock.
I’ve been able to stick to just a single topic much more often.
I’m more confident about the quality and readability of my posts
I do great at staying under my self imposed size limit about 92.3 maybe 93% of the time
I still clown around but not too much.
The spelling/grammer police still haven’t given me a single ticket!
I almost always remember to…. ah crap, oh yeah, I give myself a break lot’s of times.
I’ve quit complaining about the health care I get, it’s better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
I try to stay positive and don’t talk about myself too much, unless it’s to help folks
I be nice to even people who I think don’t like me.
I have been more patient about the problems with this site that are not fixed yet.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 7, 2012 at 7:10 pm #106757*SLAP* Way to go, Robbo!
I like your list idea; maybe after my vacation I’ll sit down and write one too!
REPORT ABUSEAugust 10, 2012 at 8:34 pm #106758I finished university today1!!Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111
REPORT ABUSEAugust 10, 2012 at 8:55 pm #106759Hey! Flippin brilliant. Congratulations!
REPORT ABUSEAugust 10, 2012 at 11:53 pm #106760August 13, 2012 at 12:39 pm #106761^5 is the keyboard version of high 5
August 13, 2012 at 4:46 pm #106762Whole bunch of shiny on this thread! So great to hear so much positive stuff going on.
REPORT ABUSEAugust 18, 2012 at 3:27 pm #106763Wrestling with major PMS today, so I thought I’d write down some accomplishments of the summer to see if I can get out of my funk.
I cleaned out a basket of two years’ worth of the kids’ school papers (thank you Olympics!) and went on to clean out a major kitchen clutter corner that had formed around all those papers.
Compiled a list of my singing repertoire on the computer.
Got back into an exercise routine by doing laps at the pool.
Read books. Not sure how many, and it’s not many, but more than usual.
Related to the reading, I had a major insight about the way I shift focus – mainly, I need to give myself a generous amount of time to switch gears. It might take some time to settle into the chair, and I might have to re-read the first couple of pages of a book, but after that – if I don’t beat myself up for my lack of concentration – eventually the focus tunes in and I can read effectively. Seems like a bit of a “DUH” but I really wasn’t giving my brain the extra time it needed to switch tasks. Realizing that I CAN read again (I used to be able to devour books, once upon a time) has been really exciting.
Taking that knowledge out into other spheres has been interesting, too…realizing why I’m not “fast on my feet,” understanding why I want to stay at the pool all afternoon when the kids want to leave after an hour, grasping why I hate it when my husband is driving and asks me to suddenly find a map and navigate, or pinpointing the reason why I hate going for Mexican and being asked halfway there “How about Chinese instead?” The classic image of an ADDer is a restless person, but in me the ADD has the opposite effect – I really struggle with change. So my challenge is to find ways to acknowledge this and work with it.
Wow, that went all over the place! But I do feel better. I’ve missed this forum – summer busy stuff kept me away – but it’s so good to know it – and all of you – are here for me!
REPORT ABUSESeptember 1, 2012 at 10:53 am #106764Welcome back Quizzical! I LOVE challenges that make us look inside and find what makes us tick, why, and how to change/work with it! Wooooo! I find that so exciting! My last one was learning to be quiet and not so all over the place when talking to others. It was really awesome!
A little update… we have moved now to the city. Been here since March and have been learning the basics of life. Its been good because my grandma (the PERFECT housewife) and uncle (SUPER SUPER ORGANIZED) are here they are helping me learn the simple things to stay organized. Why are simple tasks SO FREAKING HARD! I can handle complex problems, but im so oblivious to simple things *le sigh*
REPORT ABUSESeptember 1, 2012 at 12:17 pm #106765Love the top 10 list. Funny I’ve been thinking about that as well. And love Letterman’s top 10. For the last year and a half about I have been unemployed after losing a job I had been at for 11 years. WOW! yes that long for an ADHD’r. I’ll have to do another post on that one.
But anywho… so in the in the time I’ve been unemployed to get myself out of funks I have thought about things I have done and in a top 10 sort of way. Or what I also refer to as what I did on my summer vacation. So here goes.
1. Actually cleaned up layers of the house and discovered about a doz. or so more rolls of scotch tape! That will save me money because I don’t have to keep buying any more. And time since I know where stuff is now.
2. Even though I’m really low on money I have still been able to pay my debt down. Can see a light at the end of the tunnel on that one.
3. Took the change I saved from not having to buy any more tape or other multiple items I didn’t know I had but found since the big house cleaning and put that in a saving account. I have $30.00 but it’s a start It’s small but “small change add up” ha,ha
4. Learned how to shave the dog since I can’t afford the groomer. Took about 3 hours. He’s a golden retriever. But he’s happier since he’s not so hot with fur in summer. Well lets just say it was a new experience. No one got injured.
5. Volunteered for the animal shelter I always said I would but never had time due to old job sucking the life energy out of me.
6. Started my own freelance graphic design business. And finally am getting portfolio and self promotional pieces together that I have had on my to do list for the past 11 years! And very freaking of afraid of doing. Clients I’m good at myself not so much.
7. Allowed my self to go on a vacation
8. Started a jewlery business using wire wrapped pieces of Sea Glass I found while on vacation. I got hyper-focused and collected about 200 pieces. And thought “hey I could sell this”
9. Used the need to do something with my hands while on vacation (making jewelry) as a way to stop buying jewlery because I’ve got the shiny object shopping combo. And now I can wear my own. And people give me lots of compliments. We like compliments.
10. And the biggest life changer and in-progress event: came to terms with the diagnosis of ADHD and all that goes with it and seeking treatment and outlets like these to help me manage my life.
It’s in reverse order. Go figure. : )