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The High-Five Corner

The High-Five Corner2011-08-01T14:51:43+00:00

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    Post count: 529

    Lakelly – ooooooooooh! That is so interesting!! Good luck indeed!!!! Wow! Thats pretty awesome!

    Aelvecro – Good luck! My hat is off to you! All my jobs I got by word of mouth, except my nursing one… had an interview, but the boss knew me since I was 5 years old and loves me so… I dont count that as a real interview! I havent really had a REAL interview! I would be so scared!! Kudos to you!!

    Quizzical – I LOVE your idea of making the days different fun things! I LOVE this thread too! Honestly it makes me WANT to do things just to say that I can!! And it being for when you do instead of making goals is so much better! Goals just dont work for me! They put too much pressure on then I dont do them! I just figured that out! WOOO HIGH FIVES ALL!!

    Walked my kids to school today! I LOVE having everything so organized and in such an easy way for them! A HUGE load off! I wasnt even nervous going into the school today. I made conversation with the lady outside who watches the kids, I talked with the teacher whom normally I avoid because she was once my teacher (im weird I know haha). But I loved her as a teacher shes great! But I talked with her today calmly. Then I talked with the secretary. Ahhhhh I felt so good! I then walked home by myself and stopped and pet a dog who always lays on the road. It was great!


    Cat Alberts
    Post count: 32

    High Fives for everybody!

    I have one too!

    Last friday I went to a party and had lots of conversations without zoning out.

    Probably because I didn’t know anybody, so all information was new.

    But, before diagnosis, it used to freak me out, because I never knew if this would be a good or a fogged up day.

    But this time, it didn’t even cross my mind.

    Perhaps that is the power of knowledge and a diagnosis can do.

    Thanks @quizzical for starting this thread, makes me smile everytime I check it.


    Post count: 251

    High fives to Carrie and Cat for conversations!

    I have made good on my threat to start my ADD blog, and here it is, complete with first post:


    It’s pouring rain and thundering here; a perfect day to write!


    Cat Alberts
    Post count: 32

    High Five for the blog!

    It is now somewhere among my 100+ bookmarks to read up on :-)


    Post count: 596

    Hey great blog Quizz! You articulate so well many of my own feelings. I look forward to the next entry!

    And it certainly looks like everyone here has been busy making headway in all of your lives. So high fives to all of you!

    Well I’ve been anxious to report this: THE BASEMENT FROM HELL IS FINALLY UNDER CONTROL!!!!!

    Somehow I managed to clear out and rearrange tons of stuff and make it presentable and into an extra usable space by my deadline. I now know what’s in every box and can find stuff if I need to. There’s still work to be done but it’s now no longer so daunting. Furthermore, my home office is now a functional and comfortable place to work. Better yet, if the plumbing or electrical system act up, I won’t be deathly embarrassed to let anyone in! This has been an area of considerable stress for me for about 15 years and as I write this I realize I’ve been pretty calm the last few days as a result.

    Of course, I would prefer it to be looking like something out of a decorating magazine and it’s not there yet. However, as I said in the outset, it is under control with control being the key word here.

    To borrow and corrupt a line from an old commercial – I can’t believe I cleaned the whole thing!

    Oh and incidentally, no-dopamine – open the box! I opened several that have been in the back of a shelf for over 20 years and never saw the light of day since we moved in. It was fun! Found some interesting memorabilia but also lots of stuff I was able to easily part with.

    And for those of you who subscribe to the if you don’t know what’s in it toss it theory – DON”T!!! I was in that mode once a while ago and was about to toss a huge box I thought was full of obsolete papers. Something stopped me. ALthough most of it was truly junk, I also found the deed to my house and several other important documents I had no idea were in there. I actually thought they were in my file cabinet. The box had been standing there about 10 years so initially thought it should be safe to throw out. I think for those of us with ADD and memory impairment issues, the toss it if you don’t know what’s in it approach could be problematic. Or am I the only one who stuffs stuff somewhere when I’m in a hurry and stressed ? :-)


    Post count: 251

    High Five, Nellie, on the big cleanup! That must feel great!

    I’m sure you’re not alone about filling boxes full of Whatever when you’re in a hurry. I’ve got an office full of Crisis Cleanup Boxes of Miscellany that could use some attention. I could never just throw away a box without looking in it; the next time I’m missing something I’d be wondering “what if it was in that box I threw out last week?” Eeek!

    Here’s my major accomplishment from yesterday: a stress-free grocery shopping experience. I usually shop when my kids are at their piano lessons, so there’s always a time limit, and I always manage to overextend my available time, so I’m always late to go pick the kids up, which was really embarrassing, not to mention an imposition on the teacher.

    So yesterday I implemented some changes (I think I’ll elaborate in the blog) and they WORKED! On time to get the kids, and no panic in the checkout line! Huge!

    Thanks for reading the blog, Nellie! I’m having fun with it so far, and now I’m off to write the next entry!


    Post count: 14413

    Wow, Nellie, congratulations! About the box with the deed, I think I posted somewhere here that my landlord at work was going to throw out an envelope thinking it was a sweepstakes scam, but decided to open it and found a cheque for over $3,000, just what she needed at the time. So it does pay to actually look at stuff rather than just dumping it.

    My husband is the dump-it-in-a-box and we’ll look at it later. He has a lot of boxes to look at later!

    high five quizzical!


    Post count: 14413

    ….trying to read this huge thread got me cross-eyed!! nighty nighty med.

    but….. I got myself to sleep by 12:30am last night……and woke up all by myself at 8:30am……and nearly completed a school project….made my way to the dentist (after not having gone in nearly 2 years) [perfect report yay].. my project still isn’t completely done.. I lost the ability to focus on it. but it is ok because the only missing things are the details.

    oh yeah..more stuff.. i have a clean sink and no trash in my home.. and have groceries too. lol sounds so simple. feel a little sick from the delicious dark chocolate raspberry sticks…………chocolate……….


    Post count: 14413

    HIGH FIVE, sugargremlin, that’s a lot accomplished. Maybe you could use the chocolate sticks as a reward for getting off the computer early in the evening.


    Post count: 251

    Our first Family Chore Hour was a success!

    Did I even mention Family Chore Hour in this thread? :) It’s exactly what it sounds like: One hour where EVERYONE in the family is doing household chores, because nothing’s worse for morale than to be cleaning up while somebody else is reading the newspaper, playing on the computer, etc.

    I won’t go into all the particulars of how the chores were assigned (unless somebody’s interested, because I did put a lot of thought into it!), but the main thing is, it happened and things got done! There was grumbling at times, but no arguments. And I’d guessed fairly well how much work the kids could accomplish in two half-hour chunks, so I’m feeling especially good about that!

    As for me, I’m still on track with my weekday house chores. I’m making a mighty effort to stick to what I wrote down, and not be tempted by “while I’m here” moments. Sometimes I actually have to say “NO!” to myself out loud, which sounds really goofy but it always works!


    Post count: 529

    Grats! High five!! Ive been avoiding the PC a lot these days. Just been too busy and yeah….

    Quizzical – I have been doing the exact same thing! I find that I really am all over the place. I was suppose to clean the cat litter about 45mins ago, but then took out the garbage and then cleaned the bathroom hahahaha I too have been telling myself NO FOCUS!! CAT LITTER!! CAT LITTER!! CAT LITTER!! Oooooooh! Thats a pretty bug! NO!! CAT LITTER! hahahahaha

    Well I bought my first car! Well financed! Ive only ever paid cash for a car before… I am proud that it was not impulsive. I went on a hunt. Narrowed it down, dealt with the sales people, got what I wanted for what I wanted. Am very happy about it! One less head ache yay!!


    Post count: 251

    [game-show announcer voice} A NEW CAR!!! [/game-show announcer voice]

    Way to go, Carrie! Have fun! May it take you to all good places!

    For me, my new weekly schedule of tasks has helped a lot with the temptation to sidetrack onto other chores. I can tell myself “I don’t have to clean the bathroom, that’s already on for Thursday.” Now I only get in trouble when I discover things that aren’t on the schedule!

    Today’s accomplishment: In honor of “Emptiness Day,” I threw an entire rack’s worth of old magazines into the recycler. We’re talking magazines from 2004! “I have to save them, they’re Consumer Reports!” That was the old me, anyway. I’m finding that as I get my house looking better I’m finally more willing to throw things away, which is huge, because I’m a major pack rat!


    Post count: 14413

    Wow!! I cannot believe that it has been a month since I spent any good length of time on the computer. It’s just too hard to dig out my laptop from my son’s school bag to use it when he comes home (how ADD is that!?!!). I have missed you guys :)

    My high five for the moment is that I finally went and got a referral to a psychiatrist. Not a real biggie, as the appointment is in two weeks and I couldn’t put things off much longer, but I did it earlier than I tend to do these things, and I am very happy with the result.

    I decided not to go to my usual GP (he of the “I think you’ll find he’s just a normal teenaged boy” comment when I went for a referral to a paediatrician for my son’s ADHD), and chose a female GP I had taken my daughter to earlier in the year. This female GP seemed patient, thorough, and I really liked her manner in dealing with my daughter. The upshot was that I think I will continue to see this woman. She is my age, was really open to new things, and was easy to talk to (which I did a lot of because I was nervous!). She said she had never dealt with adult ADHD before, but didn’t dismiss my beliefs, looked over the online ADHD questionnaires I had filled in and printed out, discussed my life in general and how well an ADHD diagnosis fit into it, and commended me on my decision to seek a diagnosis and treatment, and on my courage to do so. She also listened to my concerns about psychiatrists being conservative and not believing in adult ADHD, and she said not to give up, but to make sure I came back to her if I didn’t have any luck with my psych appointment and she would help me find another psychiatrist to see. I felt so buoyant and relieved afterwards. I have someone in the medical field in my corner and giving me support, and I cannot begin to describe how good it feels.

    I cannot wait to try medication, and I really hope that I get the chance soon. I have helped move my grandparents into aged care this week, and I wasted lots of time pacing because I kept losing track of what I had to do next! I so badly need something to help keep my mind where it’s supposed to be lol!!

    Not so high five is that I should be sewing a skirt right now, but I really wanted to talk about my appointment….


    Post count: 596

    Good for you Krazy Kat – your being proactive – always a good thing! Hope your appointment turns out well.

    I finally feel like my house is coming together. Got my kitchen re-organized.I cleaned out all of the drawers and cupboards recently and got rid of a bunch of stuff I didn’t need. I reorganized so that I can find things and access them easily. I even installed one of those sliding pullout drawers in one cupboard this morning in record time before having to head off to a hairdresser appointment. I got the tools out, drilled holes (only very slightly crooked!) installed the thing and – for bonus points – put the tools back into the garage where they belong! It’s so much fun to cook in an organized kitchen. The last few meals were a breeze to prepare as a result. Did I just say it was FUN to cook??!!


    Post count: 251

    HIGH FIVE, Krazy Kat! So glad you got an appointment! Good to see you here again; I was wondering where you’d gotten to!

    High five to Nellie for successfully organizing! I organize all the time, but it so rarely works out to my advantage! :)

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