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This is the thread that never ends….

This is the thread that never ends….2011-07-22T16:32:34+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other This is the thread that never ends….

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    Post count: 14413

    Gotta keep the thread alive! Just read this interesting article about hunter/gatherers and how they don’t know about work being unpleasant. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/freedom-learn/200907/play-makes-us-human-v-why-hunter-gatherers-work-is-play

    Very interesting if you’re in the hunter/gatherer camp of ADHD.


    Post count: 529

    oh goodness, that is WAY TOO Much to read after a 12 hour shift and meds worn off! I will read it the day after tomorrow… Or tomorrow morning. I dont know what its about, but the whole hunter/gatherer thing… reminds me of me… I feel so terrible if I dont do something productive which is about 95% of the time. I finally realized this week how I can socialize and feel great at the same time! Help others with their work! I LOVE IT! While on vacation I helped my aunt catch up with her paper work, I LOVED it. Helped her out a lot and it was a change in pace. The next day I helped my uncle weed and paint at his job. Was fun. Once again helped him, got to visit and I was productive. Then I did the dishes for my grandma, and cooked for the BBQ my aunt was hosting. LOVED IT! Best vacation ever!


    Post count: 14413

    hmmm should I eat my chocolate now or save them….? I’m waiting for this guy to call me. we were supposed to get some dessert or something..but i want my chocolate nowwwwwwww. i hate waiting. but i don’t really want him to call in 15 min and I’m full.


    Post count: 128

    Does anyone know the words to the song “on top of spaghetti, all covered in cheese, i lost my poor meatball, when somebody sneezed.” I think after that line it goes “it rolled off the table and on to the floor, before i could catch it, it rolled out the door.” I dont know anymore, does anyone else?


    Post count: 529

    I think thats right… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFvQgOj9yIQ Yep. Thats right. Bleh I cant stand that womans voice hahahaha


    Post count: 14413

    I’m horrible with lyrics.. in my head I was singing “on top of mt. frosty, all covered in cheese”.. there is a snow/mountain version right?. hmmm…

    maybe some of you can related to this:

    it was totally relevant at the time promise… i got the theme of the Golden girls stuck in my head.. you know the one that says “thank you for being a friend”. if you don’t know what Golden Girls is you are a horrible human being. lol. just kidding. Anyhow, I can hear the whole song in my head, but can’t pick up any of the lyrics. but what is in my head is more than just a bunch of mumbles. anyhow, my ex’s girlfriend grabbed a hold that what I was talking about made no sense and I obviously just forgot the lyrics.. *angry face*

    she did that all night…… just picking apart and correcting everything I say. treating me like a total idiot. yes, i know I say some extremely irrelevant things and usually miss the point.. and usually miss some important detail or have just not thought it out properly.. however, give me a little time and I’ll figure it out and understand it better than most. I’m really insecure about my slow thinking and always looking like an airhead. excessive talking + impulsiveness + slow thinking= appearing like a confused idiot. I’m starting to make more peace with this as a ADD thing and not that I have intellectual deficits. I’m a good student with a masters degree and career, but part of me has always questioned my intelligence for these reasons. (she works at a call center). end random rant..


    Post count: 128

    Everyone- you know how we are always correcting ourself mid-sentance or even mid-word? There is a word for it!

    epanorthosis ~ n. The correction or retraction of a statement usually while making it; thinking better of what one is saying and withdrawing it.

    Courtecy of http://wordsyoudontknow.com/


    Post count: 128

    Hey Carrie! Did you know that you can also change your display name as well as your picture? Changng both would be confusing. Acutally changing one is bad enough for me. Librarian_chef is now Biblio-something. I can only tell because of the picture of the aztec faces. At least thats what they look like to me.



    Post count: 529

    OH! That would be confusing. Most of the time I dont read the name and only look at the picture hahaha


    Post count: 529

    Does anyone else feel charged by the sun? I JUST LOVE THE SUN! If it is shining when I wake up I FEEL AMAZING and get things done! Until about 1-2pm then I crash and good luck getting me up then! BUT if its cloudy and gross outside then I could just stay in bed and sleep all day!

    Luckily they say I live in the sunniest part of BC… If thats the case I pity the rest of BC! It doesnt seem like we get a lot of sun here!


    Post count: 14413

    you mean like Superman? ;)


    Post count: 128

    I know exactly what you mean. I have to have the sun or at least bright light every day, all day or I get depressed. Its called Seasoal Affected Disorder or SAD. Apparently it is quite common among ADDers. I have trouble in the winter when the days are short. Last winter we got snowed in for a couple of days and I went nuts. I was shoveling snow even though I’m not supposed to do that kind of thing because of an old injury just to get my car out of the driveway as fast as I could. I moved a 3 foot snow drift only to get plowed in by a 4 foot wall of ice. AARRGGHH!


    Post count: 14413

    Thanks Carrie, for starting this Thread. :D It’s Awesome

    Plus, It’s the only One I could Read all the way through…yawn, another life story…Next!

    I’m not criticizing.No, No, No,, I’m Glad some folks are at a place where they Can share their Story. ….lol…I’m just Not in a Place to Read them now


    Post count: 14413

    @ sugargremlim This is the original http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiQzUEc_FmI

    But I like this version better http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOqyygAQSX0 cuz it’s longer. I Always wished the Song would Keep playing at the beginning of the show. So this is longer. It’s by AndrewGold. RIP Andrew. As for Missing the Point, and Irrelevant Ramblings..lol…It’s Not just you, I’ve been OuttaStep with the Rest of the World As long as I Remember!

    I’m new to this forum. My Real name is Carolyn.

    I’ve never been officially diagnosed with ADD. But I started Thinking a couple years after my Son was diagnosed. That was in 1999. Somehow I Never got to a Doctor…lol…But that’s kinda typical for me. Avoidance and procratination!

    I Love the Sun, too. I think Siestas are Healthy. It’s too Hot to do anything then anyway.

    I’m not sure where this ADD thing is going to take me. Or even what to do about it.

    No Job! No Money. No Insurance!

    Well life’s a Journey Not a Destination 8)


    Post count: 596

    Oh I totally get what you mean with the sun. I feel I’m totally wasting the day if I have to stay in and it’s sunny out. Makes me crazy not to do something really cool or at least purposeful. If I’m in the house I feel guilty and like I’ve wasted a day of my life.

    SInce right now I’m in a panic to get my basement from almost looking like an episode of the hoarders ( well no dead cats or strewn garbage or anything like that and it’s not totally stacked to the ceiling- but still couldn’t let in a plumber or normal people LOL). Anyway today it”s raining and I don’t feel guilty staying in and have no ambition to go out anywhere. Sleeping all day sounds great but too awake from the Vyvanse:-) In the winter I love snow days because I don’t feel guilty staying in.

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