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March 5, 2011 at 6:27 pm #96056
AnonymousInactiveMarch 5, 2011 at 6:27 pmPost count: 14413I forgot to say what I have forgotten. I think the worst thing was a pot of rice that I forgot was cooking. I had gone outside because my then husband called to me and I forgot about the rice until the smoke alarm started going off. It didn’t catch fire or anything, but the house smelled for weeks.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 5, 2011 at 6:55 pm #96057
AnonymousInactiveMarch 5, 2011 at 6:55 pmPost count: 14413Funny posts….I’ve done a bunch of these things too. Here’s my most recent:
I actually left a candle burning in the bathroom, fortunately in a very safe place. I said to myself, “Oh, I’ll remember that. I’m on meds now!” About 12 hours later, came home, my wife went into the bathroom and yelled, “You left a candle burning!!!!!?” Oh my, the room has a thin film of black soot on the ceiling and walls. Guess what I’ll be cleaning this afternoon? I’m happy our house is still standing. I’m never lighting another candle : }
REPORT ABUSEMarch 6, 2011 at 7:07 pm #96058
AnonymousInactiveMarch 6, 2011 at 7:07 pmPost count: 14413When my son was younger, he was playing a spider in a school play. I made a fantasic spider costume and was very excited about the play. Unfortunately, I had the day wrong and we both missed the play. The director did not respond to my apology. Luckily, my son, who is 20 now, has no memory of this tragic event. I’m sure my poor children has blocked a lot of stuff like this from their memory. Having an ADD parent is not easy.
This probably isn’t the worse thing I’ve forgotten, but right now, it’s the one that pops out. I’ll think of 100 more before the day is over!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 6, 2011 at 8:42 pm #96059
AnonymousInactiveMarch 6, 2011 at 8:42 pmPost count: 14413^ That’s why it’s probably good that I didn’t have children.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 12, 2011 at 4:15 pm #96060
AnonymousInactiveMarch 12, 2011 at 4:15 pmPost count: 14413Lurking on this post for a long time. BUT — I just remembered a good one. Laugh at this, OK?
I went to a job interview. I actually flat out quit my previous job because my boss pissed me off. I politely quit at the end of the next day.
Forget #1: My wife doesn’t remember me telling her that I quit. I may or may not have — a very stupid thing to do is quit a job before you have another… so – on with Forget # 2.
I went to this next job interview. Very nervous and I needed to go to the head just before the interview. I was wearing my suit and power tie <grin>. After dispensing with the duty in the bathroom — I decided my shirt didn’t look good. So, like my daddy taught me, I reached into my pants through my open zipper and pulled the tails of the shirt down to present clean shirt lines all around… looking good I left the latrine and headed into the interview.
Setting on a provided stool, the CEO and his flunky proceeded to interview me. I had a tour of the place and we ended the interview on what I believed was a VERY good note. I left the building pumped… until…. realization of “Forget # 2”.
Can you guess???
Well, upon leaving the building I was a little sweaty from nerves, and the cool outdoor air felt really good… oh – wait a minute, cool air feels good but, but — NOT DOWN THERE???? OMG.
FORGET # 2: My fly was open, wide open. 😳
I never closed it after tucking in my shirt tails. Sat there during the entire interview – the tour – EVERYTHING… 😆
The punch line: I GOT THE JOB!!! When I left the company a couple of years later – the two who interviewed me mentioned that they wondered about a guy who would interview with an open fly. I countered with, “well — when I got the job I worried about you two in that same sort of way… 😉 touché ❗
REPORT ABUSEMarch 12, 2011 at 8:37 pm #96061
AnonymousInactiveMarch 12, 2011 at 8:37 pmPost count: 14413LOL…What a great story about the employers who could see past the “open fly” to the “great guy” they hired. What a cool story!
As the “worst” thing I forgot is still too painful to recount, I have finally, after 20 years, come to the point where I can laugh about this “Forgetting.”
After spending two years in a M.Ed. program with the same people in a Cohort, you get to be pretty good friends. As I was going to move overseas, my friends organized a going away party for me. Guess who didn’t show up? I didn’t even realize I had forgotten to show up at my own party until several months later. Sigh.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 25, 2011 at 2:53 am #96062grade school, wore a dress, forgot to wear underwear, monkey bars – you do the math… quit laughing, I mean it!!!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 25, 2011 at 4:21 am #96063
AnonymousInactiveMarch 25, 2011 at 4:21 amPost count: 14413I recently decided to make a very concious effort to not worry about remembering a million things – instead, all I had to remember were two things – 1) writing things down in my notebook – and 2) CHECK my note book.
It works, in theory – except last weekend I forgot my notebook at work. Now I have to remember at 3rd thing – always take my note book!!!
But my favorite recent forget, is; I had to pay for a vacation rental by bank draft, so thinking I was being very dilligent I sent it via registered mail. A few days later they still hadn’t received it, so when I went to look at my copy of the shipping slip, I realized I completely forgot to put the street address! Name, city, state and zip code…. but no street address. So my $900 was lost in the mail for several days because the postal service decided they just knew where it needed to go, and delivered it to a completely different address! Luckily I tracked it down, and the good samaritans on the other end actually mailed it back to me.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 25, 2011 at 6:38 am #96064
AnonymousInactiveMarch 25, 2011 at 6:38 amPost count: 14413My dog! I was so excited and so keyed up ( read hyper focusing and being scattered at the same time) to go to our first obedience trial that I forgot to load my dog in the car. I think I even said goodbye to him on my way out the door! I was about 30 minutes out when I realized Gambler was not in the car. I was however talking to him… That was some 30 years ago now but it still makes me smile. Oh and it is always talked about at reunions! And I have to now ask – why didn’t anyone notice back then that I was probably ADHD??? <LOL>
REPORT ABUSEMarch 25, 2011 at 7:21 am #96065
AnonymousInactiveMarch 25, 2011 at 7:21 amPost count: 14413Okay, you asked for it!
The funniest, not sure, but here is a “Free Association” of some good ones:
-Car Keys=Daily; Every time I need them they are GONE!
-Car=Every time I park it in a lot, it’s gone!
-Which Dr. I am going having an appointment with: Literally drove to my son’s Pediatrician when I had an appointment with my OWN internist.
-A meeting with my BOSS!
T-he EXACT thing I was suppose to buy at the grocery store
-My exact age
-On a regular basis: My groceries; my dry cleaning etc. I pay and LEAVE without the item purchased. This happens to me often.
—Now, one about my husband, who ALSO has ADHD/combined:
—When we EACH lose our car keys, which of course is a daiy experience, we tend to blame each other for our own lost set. It is a ridiculous pattern because of course, we each misplaced our very OWN set
One day, while he was blaming me for his lost car keys, and becoming very stressed out, because he was late for work, also a regular occurrence around our house, he was jumping around and…………………his car keys fell out of his pocket:)
It was VERY funny……………..and gratifying.
And, YES, every list I have written to remember other things, has been lost!
Siging off now.
Great to swap ADHD tales!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 30, 2011 at 2:59 am #96066
AnonymousInactiveMarch 30, 2011 at 2:59 amPost count: 14413I forget to shut the lights off on my car at least twice a month and sometimes once a week. The worst time was when my friends and I went hiking 95 miles north of Fairbanks, Alaska where there is literally NO ONE! There was a ranger station about 10 miles down a dirt road and that was it. We got back to the parking lot from hiking around 9pm and it was starting to get dark and lo and behold the car was dead, dead, dead. Boy did I feel stupid, luckily these were my really close friends and they weren’t upset, they are used to me. Anyway we made this elaborate plan in which the boys would run to the ranger station and me and the other girl would jog down the highway and hope that someone would be driving this way and come help us out. Fortunately both guys are electrical/mechanical engineering majors and can find a solution to everything. So we pushed my car over to the other car in the parking lot which was luckily a stick shift and were able to jump it from their car. Also, coincidentally my friend knew the person who owned the car so we left a long thank you note and drove back home. I now have a post-it on my steering wheel that reminds me to turn off the lights and all of my friends remind me whenever we get out of my car. My other worst moment was locking myself out of both the bunkhouse and my cabin at work (about 50 miles from ANYONE) and I had left my car keys in the bunkhouse so I couldn’t just drive to the office to get an extra key. There i also no cell phone reception for about 40 miles each way out there. I had to wait 10 hours for the biologists to return and let me in.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 31, 2011 at 12:04 am #96067I am so grateful to find this forum! The shared stories are amusing and heartwarming to no end. The moments of forgetfulness are so colassal there isn’t time or room to mention. The job interview was hilarious, similarly I wore two different colored shoes to one of mine because I lost focus while comparing and just forgot the whole process – did not get the job! So, so many stories, mostly it distresses me to think of the frustrations I caused others and still sweating the very potential harm that could have happened,like a fire, etc., from my memory lapses. Mostly I remember the accusations of how I was lying from my ex-husband when I truly forgot. Finally people who sound just like me and it appears still surviving and laughing about it. I’m following suit.
REPORT ABUSEApril 4, 2011 at 5:17 am #96068
AnonymousInactiveApril 4, 2011 at 5:17 amPost count: 14413This isn’t necessarily the worst thing I’ve forgotten, but it’s the funniest thing in current memory:
When I was in 9th grade I was in drama class and we had to perform a little scene for a relatively large audience in the auditorium. In my scene it was just me and another girl. We had a minute or so to set up the stage, then we performed our scene, then were supposed to bow, and then clear the stage. So, things started off great: we set up the stage quickly and then started. I was ridiculously nervous even though I not only knew my lines, but her’s, too. Anyway, when it was finally over I just picked up the stuff and high-tailed it off the stage. I felt like an idiot when my friends backstage were like, “why didn’t you bow?!” xD
So nothing bad came out of it, but I couldn’t believe I forgot such an elementary thing!
REPORT ABUSEMay 30, 2011 at 2:01 am #96069
AnonymousInactiveMay 30, 2011 at 2:01 amPost count: 14413My son was still a young baby and we were due to go out. I put him in his car capsule, then went about loading all the baby paraphenalia into the car, remembered to go back and lock the front door after loading the car, drove off, then realised I had left my son in his car capsule in the hallway!! I am glad I went on to have a second child, as they then kept an eye on each other and I was soon told if I didn’t have one of them. I was so paranoid about forgetting to pick them up from school or kindy that I would set an alarm on my phone to remind me to pick them up!!
REPORT ABUSEMay 30, 2011 at 11:34 am #96070
AnonymousInactiveMay 30, 2011 at 11:34 amPost count: 14413My worst example is in another post called “Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned” (practicing violin while a big pot of hot oil for french fries was unattended in the kitchen).
But I remember looking for my glasses everywhere only to realize they were on my nose! And another time forgetting they were on the chair at the chiropractor’s office and I sat on them (brand new), luckily I didn’t sit all the way down when I realized something was underneath me! I also left them in a doctor’s office and when I went walking down the hall realized I wasn’t wearing them and had to go back and interrupt the next patient’s visit to get them.
It’s as plain as the nose on my face, but I just can’t find them!