Forum Replies Created
Excellent point billd, alone ain’t fun. I’ve been living there a while. But it beats being screamed at and being called an idiot.
For once I’m going to make a short post. Isn’t that amazing?! hehe. (I used to get some flack at an Spinal Cord Injury site about my long wordy posts.)
Here I don’t think anyone has noticed that much accept for a few jokes when I first showed up. That was fun.
Forgiveness is a powerful healing tool. We’re all here for you peter, but if you do choose to stick with her, go for the counseling, etc. There will be some serious emotional and mental sweat on your part. It’s extremely rare for any partnership to be completely one sided. And I’ll bet you can count on some more support if you choose to stick it out.
I hope you take your time and make a good well advised decision.
Hey neighbor, add my vote to the rest that say the abuse is not acceptable in any way, shape or form. No excuses. I have not walked in your shoes but I have indeed walked in very similar shoes. The anger and rage that has been directed at me due to some of the exact same struggles has caused me real harm. I also know that as a kid, seeing my mother be very abusive with my father caused me incredible grief. I’m very sad to hear about your reality. There is always hope. Please Please get some counseling. Both for you and all family members, together and separately according to direction from professional help. Take the time to shop around and find the best possible counseling you can. I can tell you after many years of countless different kinds of therapy that an incompetent psychologist, or therapist may actually do more harm than good. So please, let some of the folks here help you find the help you deserve. You do indeed deserve some expert help. Family is priceless. Take the time, do the work.
Not all relationships are salvageable but I haven’t gotten anywhere near enough info on your struggles to go beyond the suggestions I have made. There is ALWAYS HOPE. Especially when there is love. I’m assuming there is much love because you’re able to tolerate what you have told us about. I’ve had to let go of more than one painful toxic relationship. I’m better off for it. But loneliness does indeed blow! life is painful. Spending more time here will help. I know it has helped me tons in just a matter of only a couple months.
Take a little time in the morning or early in the day to meditate, relax, do whatever calms you down and helps you get centered. It is possible. Use a mantra. Ask me to describe a simple mantra and how n why it helps if you don’t know what I mean.
Please take the time to watch/listen to the video’s here, in particular the ones of Dr. J, start here and please keep moving foreword. The forgiveness is such an important part of the whole equation. And love. Love is a Verb. It’s what we do that counts. Listening is a huge part of communication, Do that, do listen, and write things down so you remember important needs your family has. Please give us more details and you may find out that some of the solutions appear right in front of you as you type here. Be brave, trust us as much as you can tolerate, remember that I am not a professional, I do have valuable experience that I’m happy and unconditionally willing to share with you. (I could go on and on… it’s hard not to.)
Invite your family to watch some of the video’s here and also consider contacting Dr. J. for some more advice. I’m new here, sort-of. But I hope you’re able to consider us part of your extended family. Let the last two sentences of the video I gave you really sink in. (Become a member of the family, And KNOW you are a member of a bigger family.) [Allow me to invite you to be a member of this cyber-family, okay?] If you have to, watch that video, and a few of the others many times. That’s what it takes for me. This is very hard work. You will be working up some serious mental and emotional sweat here. When I imagine myself in your shoes in hurts!, and I can easily imagine myself watching this video and having the very helpful information bounce right off my stubborn ADHD brain like it’s mental poison or something. Some medicine is very hard to take, but it’s good for you!. Honest!. I can’t understand why we are the way we are, but I do know there absolutely is hope for us. WE. Our Family here in cyberspace. You are with us. We are with you.
I once thought about starting a new 12 step program, Onanonanonymous!, hehe. Get it? Unfortunately my imagination quickly realized the meetingz would eat up more of the peoples time than they could afford. Can you imagine? I’m grateful for my spell check and word processor. I use large print; somehow I find it easier to correct all the typos and extra chatterboxie. (and new word invention occasionally.) with large print, I don’t look for one of the 8 or 9 pairs of reading glasses I have all over my apartment, buried under endless junk mail. AAACK!! ;-P grrrrr, sheesh! crap! Oh man!!!… ope, found two pairs right in front of me!
Remember, that sense of humor of yours can defuse many a miserable situation. Maybe it’s just a matter of balance. Figuring out when not to goof off, and when it’s actually the best idea may help a lot. I hope to hear from you neighbor. Remember, people here care and truly empathize with you. You’re not alone.
PS, thanks for giving up the “pest X” thing. It’s important to let yourself express how you feel though, we’re not the boss of you :o). Your honesty about how you feel is an excellent tool you can use to let us help you. I’m glad you said “I hate myself today” instead of just “I hate myself” tok to ya soon man.
REPORT ABUSECan imagination and creativity be measured? I think they both should be a factor in determining how high a person scores on the IQ score. I wonder why we care how intelligent we are? Should we care?
I’ve been thinking a lot about what my place in the world is, or what should it be. And I think I’ve got it narrowed down to a little more. I simply must find out the best way to exercise my creativity. It’s possible that I’ll have many different ways and places to do that. The one main thing in my way is the human Ego. I’ve got to let myself be original and creative, while at the same time, not separating myself from humanity. It’s not a race. There’s no winning or losing. There’s just love.
How do I get rid of my desire to be special? different? To be remarkable?. ADHD or not, we all got human problems and I’m pretty sure that our biggest problem is Ego. How do I define Ego?. It’s the conscious feeling of being separate. When I’m feeling more special, better than, or even less than, I separate myself. And in doing so I create my own loneliness. Manufacture my own pain. That can’t be what I signed up for. I don’t remember signing up for anything in this life that I know of anyway… Could I have decided to have ADHD as one of my larger obstacles? or is it just some kind of gift? Why do we have to wait until we die to find out why we’re here? why we were created the way we were created? Why can’t we get the answers while we’re still alive? It’s a pointless question, but I really like it when people pontificate about what they think the answers are. It takes a lot of creativity to figure out why we were created. Riddles are everywhere in a mind like mine. I’d like to find a way to turn off this question machine between my ears. In the meantime I’m glad to have found this place on the net. lot’s of folks here give me the answers to my questions in many different creative and interesting flavors.
I bet if we add love, interest, attention, and enthusiasm to whatever it is that we create, we can make this world a much more pleasant place to be in. And be happy. Isn’t that success after all?
I’ve spent most of my life wondering why we are here? what created all of this? Searching not just for God, but why did God create us? the world? Maybe that doesn’t matter so much after all. I was created by a creator. So naturally I should be a creative being. Maybe that’s why I’ve got so dang many different kinds of creative projects piled up in my life and my plans for life, in my mind. I feel like I’m right on the edge of an incredibly awesome discovery of endless creative intelligence. It just bothers me a lot that I almost definitely will have to take medication to make my leap into participating in the world that I’ve always felt like I didn’t fit in. That’s a little bit scary. Each time I dive in, life throws me a fast-ball, or a curve, I strike out and I’m back on the bench! I’ll bet if I go at it with full intention of adding to, not just getting back. I won’t get beat up as much. Unselfishness is very tricky business. My brain just has not been trained that way. That may be what’s different about so many people with problems like ADHD. We somehow, somewhere, got the idea that we need to earn, collect, consume, and covet. Those things never did make us feel like we thought we should feel. Creating, entertaining, and serving might just be the way for me to find a way to fit in this world. What I need is to not need. To just give. And I don’t mean give presents to people because of tradition. Create things for people, all the time, not just at Christmas.
All the reading I’ve done here had helped me tons to realize that I’m actually not all that much of a weirdo after all. So thanks you guys. Yer all a bunch of freaks and that’s a good thing. Imagine how boring life would be if we all turned out like a bunch of Christmas cookies. Just a very limited number of (cookie cutter) shapes, a few colors like red, green and white. All the same thickness, all made of the same dough. Yuck!
Some of us are not even cookies! isn’t that freaking cool? it’s a good time to be alive, I hope it all doesn’t suddenly end now that we’re really starting to get some answers. I’m gonna start living as if it will suddenly end any time, with or without warning. Just in case.
REPORT ABUSEWow, it’s late and I hope to come back to this thread and post more about all the many posts that I can relate to and agree with. It’s awesome and it’s horrible. We’re gifted and cursed. But what we are not, is just like the rest of the selfish self centered egotistical world that is out for only themselves to such and extreme that they are beyond any hope of recovery from “the disease called more”. We know how much is enough. We’re capable of being satisfied.
We’re lucky. Some how, some way, We have a GIFT. I can’t tell you if it’s good or bad, what I think I know is that we’re valuable and the world cannot survive without people who think outside of any box or even the concept that there is or ever has been a box. We don’t fit into anyone else’s idea of what people are supposed to be, we are different. That’s a good thing to be.
Pride is not what I need. it’s humility. I need to find my place in the world and make a contribution. I’m very equipped to do such a thing. This is the place where I will find out my place in the world before my life ends unexpectedly. If it does end. It’s okay. Because there is more to me that just the physical representation of my spirit. My spirit will live on. I hope to help folks find out they are a unique and priceless creation that some extremely powerful creator, that we have yet to define has created. And we have much more growing to do after we get done surviving this awkward and sometimes unbearably painful place called planet earth. There is more after this. I promise.
Nex time cats! … I hope to make more sense.
There’s indeed something special about cats. I’m a cat and! dog person. But Cats… They get me. They’re nocturnal for one thing. They trust me just like dogs do. More than human beings do. I’m grateful for that.
love n peace to you indeed.
ol be bock.
REPORT ABUSEThanks, it’s a wonderful thing to live without judgement. I hope to figure that out some day. When people say they don’t judge, I choose not to argue with them… In many cases it actually is the truth. I don’t feel judged by you. That’s a rare pleasure though. Sometimes it’s other peoples judgement that keeps me from really screwing up bad. Mostly they teach me patience if you know what I mean. :o)
Staying on any particular path is the difficult part for me. And those rocks really suck huh?.
I don’t know why I chose the webinar #13 about eating disorders. But I watched it last night after writing (this mornin actually) I may not feel like I have an eating disorder, my appetite’s the problem. It’s just not there!. If it does happen, I eat as much as I can while I don’t have to force myself to. Force-feeding myself has saved my life during the last few years battling pressure sores, waiting for a plastic surgeon… Eating tons of protein supplements, healthy whole foods, etc. Huge quantities. I may have killed my appetite just eating too much, don’t know, don’t need to know.
I found tons of solutions to many of the ADHD problems in that Webinar, that had to do with other bad habits that usually cause eating disorders or relate to them. A well spent hour indeed. I’ll be watching many more of those. I think I’ll watch all of em, even if the title doesn’t sound like it applies to me. If you guys see me doing better, it’s because of those videos, and all the folks sharing their experience here; being brave and caring enough to tell the truth on the Internet. The videos are not therapy, but an excellent and very helpful option nowadays where good psychotherapy just isn’t available to most of us. I did make a start at getting an ADHD support group started at a local church last night. Talking to folks in person, with eye contact will be the best way to live with this characteristic we have. (not character flaw)
I tend to say thank you a lot here, I’m that grateful a lot!. I’ve tackled many kinds of problems in my life, always with the help of other people. “Groups”, support groups are the first big “higher power” I really got help from. I can especially relate to folks that got the ADHD diagnosis later in life, after many years after being treated for, and treated like! they had other more socially unacceptable problems. Glad ya made it here finally. Stick with it you guys. The folks just reading instead of posting. We care about you a lot.
Any of you guys that haven’t checked out the video’s please PLEASE check em out, they are an excellent and generously helpful resource. Watch a bunch before you decide if they’re helpful or not. Take the time, make the time. Don’t give up!
My next goal is to figure out how to keep what I say brief. For now, that’s just plain way too steep of a climb for me. I’ll keep trying though. (this one was twice as big before I edited it in a word processor.) Then it grew some more, ugh… ***chuckle***, ***silly grin***.
Ukay, later…
REPORT ABUSESometimes I think people get some kind of pleasure out of just plain making an argument for or against any given fact or opinion. I’ve decided that my happiness is usually more important than making some person think I’m right. It’s enough to think, or know I’m right. Not always, sometimes it’s helpful to try to let a person know they’re wrong, and voicing their opinion may be hurting people much more than they realize. We all have to make our own decision on how to proceed with wrong people. And idiots! We can’t possibly correct all the wrong people out there.
I’ve gotten a diagnosis from a good psychiatrist. My appointment with this doctor had a short time limit. I have the option of getting some group counseling too. I think I’m on the right track. It’s just plain hard to figure us out, and how to help us with chemistry. We can’t depend on just medicine, just nutrition, just psychology, or spirituality. It’s a recipe of all that stuff and we the patient have figure out the final recipe for our own happiness. This site is one of many excellent resources for us to figure out our own recipe. And the recipe for the people we’re helping learn how to live in this world. It sucks but the older they get, the less we’re able to steer the course of our children’s lives. Helping ourselves helps them. They watch more than they listen. We help more when We Listen To Them… That’s when they begin to figure out the recipe for their own happiness. I hope.
Our best bet is to get as much education as we can about ourselves, the human problems we and our families can get. And more than anything else, be honest with ourselves. Over many many years I’ve saved copies of all the countless posts on different kinds of message boards, journals, articles, and rants that never made it onto the Internet. I go back, re-read and try to be my own best advocate. The opinions of friends that I think know me well enough to have a decent accurate opinion of how well adjusted or not well adjusted I am. How much I’ve grown, what I still need to work on and what I can give myself a little credit for. I need to listen more than talk. I only have experience with one daughter. Limited because we split up and my daughter has a step dad too.
Lot’s of people are wrong. Including Us, We. Even people that have known us for years may have heard someone else’s perspective that was wrong and changed what they thought about us based on some new crazy psychological mumbo jumbo. There are too many variables when it comes to figuring out how well we are doing in the business of living. I love that “Define Crazy” article by Rick Green, it’s an excellent resource for me when I get myself buried in the complications of my Big rapidly racing micro brain.
In general I think the most important thing for me is this, How much of my energies go towards helping other people, making myself better able to help other people, and service to humanity/society. And how much of my energies go towards my own desires, my own self interests, pleasing and entertaining myself.
Then I have to figure out what the best balance is for my own mental, spiritual, physical health. I’m more “high maintenance” that I would like to be, but I started out down the ladder pretty far compared to the average person I have in my life to compare myself to. Perspective really throws the whole equation out of whack if I get too deep into the wide range of human experience that can happen to us. How much I’ve grown is what I’ve got to give myself a little credit for. I seem to mess myself up if I spend too much energy comparing myself to other people. Especially with over 7 billion people on the planet to compare me to. Plus history… sheesh, a lot of peoples experiences. Turning my brain off and getting quiet is very important, and possible. I know from a lot of experience that if I try hard enough, for long enough. I can meditate. Turn the brain almost completely off, without the help of chemistry. I’m really lucky to be able to do that. I didn’t get the hang of it overnight, or over the course of a few years. It still takes a lot of real work. And I need help too. Meditation is the one solution I always find the most in all the writing I’ve done about coping with a gazzillian different human problems I come across.
Plain old meditation and connecting to some kind of power higher than myself, stronger, more powerful than just me has always been the best way for me to figure out how to spend my energies. The pursuit of happiness is difficult business. I’m super glad I don’t have to figure that out all by myself. I believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. (all three, God, the Holy Trinity is what I believe in) God has always been the most dependable source for me to find peace of mind and true happiness here now in the moment, day by day. The Holy Trinity is what I connect to when I meditate. It didn’t start out that way. It’s also a source of security for me, I think we’re all concerned about the future at least part of the time. I don’t insist that my way is the only way. It’s the best way I have found yet for me. You have to find your own source of power.
I don’t like to use the word Religion, it’s nearly toxic. But any way you want to label it, spirituality, connecting to the rest of humanity on a deeper level, taking good care of my soul, or becoming one with everything. My spirit seems to always help the rest of me get more comfortable. I found a book at a garage sale for 50 cents called Meditation, about 26 years ago, I think. It changed my life. I found my own spirit, my soul. And found I was not alone. Not alone is the same as not lonely, ever. My spirituality grew from that point on. The whole “long strange trip” has been good. Good because I’m still alive, and relatively free.
I wish I could find a way to say this with less language. I’ll keep working on that. For now maybe I’m just helping you learn a little patience. : )
Love and peace to you.
REPORT ABUSEhmmm been reading a while on the medications section, Duh! so I found the answer to my questions about dosages. Now I just have to wait until I can get another appointment. It’s a bummer having to wait my turn, it’s good for me to learn more patience though. That’s an important part of the work, or emotional/mental sweat that it will take for us to get more functional in this world. I hope my general practice doctor will make it easier for me. Getting another apt. with the brain doctor will take so dang long.
I’m sure glad you guys are all here. The best help we can get is to talk with people who are struggling with the same problems. It’s a wonderful thing to not feel like I’m some kind of neurotic mess with no hope of getting any better.
My biggest struggle is to forgive a few doctors and many friends who pushed me towards getting anti-depressant medication when that was never really the whole problem. It did keep me from suffering much more that i might have. I’m gonna keep looking for some kind of chat room where we can have something like a real time peer support thing going on. So please you guys, if you know of anything like that please let me know. I’ve got two big pages of ADHD web sites that the psychiatrist gave me. So I’ll bet I’ll find one and come back here to share about it.
Thanks a bunch n be happy you guys. I’ve got a funny animation I made out of a picture of me, I hope we can post GIF animation pics
REPORT ABUSEWelp, I’m back again. I brought my old mac mini back to life. I sorta want to kick myself for not doing it sooner, but it’s only 40 GB’s It’s great for my purposes now. I don’t get on the net much. Just check a little mail, come here, and I’ve got a bunch of other ADHD site’s to check out. And tons of other ideas I may never get around to…It’s for sure that the ritalin is working for me. Just for a very small clip of time in the morning. I have to wait a long dang time until I can get a regular dosage prescription and find out if it helps all the time, I hope to find more info about what that dosage might be. Is there a time release ritalin? I’m disabled, live in Ca. and our health care system does a mean job of teaching us patience. (Imagine what I really wanted to write…) I’m drinking coffee like medicine instead of like most of the world drinks it. I buy the really good stuff and make it by the cup, but that’s a poor substitute now that I know how well Ritalin works. It only made me feel a little “high” the first day I took it. The struggle with coffee is to not drink more than half a cup at a time, sometimes less. I really like coffee, I only like the good stuff though. I’ve heard that whatever they do to coffee to decaffeinate it is a pretty bad for us, but I’m just gonna say ta heck with it and buy some, I’m not a health food nut, I just want to eat as healthy as I can. Processed food is a big part of why so many people have health problems in my opinion.
I think smoking pot is kinda like gasoline on the fire that is ADHD, heck I wonder if it’s one of the causes? How many folks are willing to admit on the Internet that they smoked tons of pot in the past, or in high school, and countless bong hits slowly gave them TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and that’s a major part of why they have ADHD symptoms?. Crazy theory? I bet it’s worth checking out. Add all the rest of the toxins in our manufactured processed GMO stuff we call food and maybe just eating real food can be a big part of the solution. The solution is many different things. I’m sure you guys know that.
I know that when I was in my early 20’s just the right amount of good weed made it easier to cook in a really awesome restaurant, fancy complicated works of art for ridiculous prices. On extremely busy nights when we had tons of plates coming out and timing was everything. Extreme multi-tasking. It ready did help me to focus and get really anal retentive about making really awesome fine cuisine, It was fun making really good food. It’s possible that smoking it every day back then is the reason I needed to smoke just a little to get “normal” so I could concentrate. Running out of weed usually meant about 7 to 10 days of depression and a case of the grumpy stupids; getting special orders right and just setting up the line for a busy night got more difficult. Becoming a dad made me quit that. And then turning myself into a Carpenter made not smoking weed just plain common sense. It makes ya dumb and careless, that’s bad when you’re left handed and use sharp power tools all day. More recently I have tried Marinol (the synthetic THC that’s truly legal) but the side affects were too awful, just as bad if not worse that real pot. I have pretty bad chronic pain and weed worked the best for that, but when I got honest with myself the truth for me at least is that the feel good of the weed high distracted me from the burning Neuropathic pain that comes with some spinal cord injuries. It’s not possible for me to take a low enough dose to help any problem, pain or just extreme hyperactivity, and not give me side affects that screw up my ability to function. I remember a time not very long ago when Dr. Drew was talking about weed on the celebrity rehab TV show. He said pot erases any affect SSRI’s have. I don’t think it was just his opinion. So if you’re taking prozac, n the other SSRI meds for depression and smoke pot, you’re like a dog chasing it’s tail. Hmm. I’m not sure if that’s the right metaphor. Maybe just kicking yourself it the teeth?. The side affects of canabinoids (SP?) are ADHD symptoms!. Just my not very educated opinion. Putting smoke in your lungs is dumb, I know that’s true. I’ve heard more than one person say it helps with ADHD, but not people I particularly trust to be honest with themselves or me. Getting stoned is fun, but it’s not the solution for the countless things people get cannabis club cards for, no matter how low a dosage a person takes. I’ll bet pretty soon cops will have a way to test people for driving weird just like they use a breathalyzer for alcohol. It’s a risky opinion to have. Lot’s of people think weed is less dangerous than booze. Maybe for some people it is. Most people get a case of the stupids if they smoke weed. And it’s been proven that it affects our short term memory.
Education is the biggest part of the solution for ADHD, that’s the main thing I’ve learned reading here. And just plain old slowing down. How to do that is the riddle of my existence. For years! I’ve had little note to self’s around my apartment that say slow down in many different and creative ways. I end up turning my slow down notes into art projects. Hmm. Is that another symptom?
REPORT ABUSEHoly molee! I’m on the slowest computer in the WORLD! no kidding, I was talking to a neighbor and compared this to my first windows 96 machine, it was faster! even with a 14.40 kbs modem! AAACCKK! Torture LOL.
It’s not that bad, it’s just fun to exageraty. I started the lowest possible dose of ritalin a few days ago. My awsomeTastic laptop. (Got that word from my offspring, I very proud to be my kids Dad) I wish she didn’t have my shyness but she is rather freakin brilliant. I could brag like crazy but that would just add to the many different topics I’ll probably talk about. Hmmm. It’a freakin me out how I have only made about three mistakes writing. Accept to the four more when I started writing “It’s freakin me out”. I can’ t remember when I was able to type this well. Like whole freakin sentences without a typo. Opps, half a sentence this time. But still…
My neighber and her caregiver said they noticed I was easier to talk to the very first day. That was just 5 mg, one time in the morning. I’m very skittish about medication. Sheesh, I need to rest my fingers, they’re getting tired from typing so fast. hehehe. I’m actually just going to slow down instead. And take deep breaths. Relax. (pause, then relax that is) The fact that I can slow myself down on purpose in out of this freakin world cool. hehe. That first day it was a little bit scary because I felt a little bit High. It’s scarry to admit that on the Internet. But I’m less worried about it today. The second day I actually bit the 5mg tab in half, n took the other half about 5 hours later. No high. Much better. About 2 hours ago I forgot to take half. Talk about anal retentive fear, huh? LOL. It’s okay laf it up. Probably cuz you can relate. Maybe cuz I’m making a bit more sense.
See. I’ll let you guys know about what happened to my laptop later. Gotta go get it. The good news is the 2 or 3 hundred hours of time I’ve spend building and rebuilding my Itunes playlists is still intact. I’m probably not going to get on the Internet with that super cool. portable CD/DVD player, photography software and Entertainment center… umm. Any more. This one in our comunity room is just fine. Accept my nosy neighbors may be coming here and reading about us now. They’re very sweet little old lady’s that in the last 6+ years have helped me learn how to be a better listener and to SHUT THE HECK UP N LET SOMEONE ELSE GET A WORD IN hehehe. Go ahead, laf it up again. You guys talk too much too probably!
later potaters. All Be Bock.
PS, I just clicked on edit, but that first typo was too funny. Now I just have to wait for some sparty pants jokester to tell me how they missed out on that edition of windows, and how did I like it…. ****snickering like a little prankster**** I bet you guys can firgure out the rest if there are any. I’ll bechta five bucks there are less that 10 mistakes that I would need to fix if I was a perfectionist.
Any takers?
K, guess that’s it. I think.
This I how I say goodbye after visiting a friend or vice versa,
It takes a while,
One time we (a friend and I) sayd Buh bye in about 7 languages and a handfull of different ways in english like “Get the heck outa here ya freakin maniac!” That’s usually last thing I imagine them saying… But they don’t. I’ll bet they think it though!
Okayyy, sheesh, I’m goin I’m goin….. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Uhh,… buu’h buy. ****sheepish goofy grin followed by a confuzed,bewilderededered, and “lost in space” sort of expression on my face***** That last typo was really freaky huh? sortof bewildering yet fun, huh?
Ah crap, now I’m late!!!
REPORT ABUSEOctober 26, 2011 at 1:52 pm in reply to: best anti-depressant for depression/anxiety that co-exists with adhd? #92304I’m hoping to get some feedback about Wellbutrin side affects. I think It may have made me too hyper. For more than a year I used to skip one of two 150 mg tabs 2 or 3 times a month. Especially when I was in the hospital not getting ANY DANG SLEEP!!! not freakin fun. Now I’m mellowing out after the brain doc said I could take just one a day. But I have less impulse control, and I smoked a couple cigarettes last week! DANG! no more though. I keep making a butt outa myself. Fortunately just one tattoo! hehe. And I still like it. I draw on my shoes a lot instead, and all over anything close when my heads really running in 7th gear…. (that’s a lot, too) It’s riddiculous how much “inspirational” stuff I come up with and write down. And later realize It’s not always all that brilliant… uugh. It’s no fun feeling like a wierdo.
REPORT ABUSEwhelp, here I am again not sleeping. I did try to at least go go bed and let my body rest at least, It‘s a lil aggravating trying to write on my side in bed, but it I get up it‘s harder and I need to stay off my butt. It starts to burn from sitting all the time. It’s such a mixed bag of problems we get as human beings in this fast paced world today. Coming here makes me grateful I’m not alone with my lil bag of problems n that’s great. Thanks you guys.
15 years ago I was hit from behind while stopped at a red light on my motorcycle. On my way home from work as a cook in a fancy restaurant. So I can encourage people who have problems staying awake or alert driving to take it seriously. More positive changes than negative have happened as a result of becoming disabled since then. I’m paralyzed from my sternum down, Chronic pain, pressure sores/surgeries etc… It was easy to forgive the 16 yr old kid that hit me back then. And now it‘s even easier to never have bad feelings about it. after reading about all the reasons it could have happened other than being an idiot. (I used to call him that). Not for a very long time. Never actually met the dude. No lawsuit. Why sue a 16 year old kid? or the parents? He had insurance, but it didn’t amount to anything at all like what happens when a person gets hit by UPS, or some other big company. I respect and admire people who do whatever it takes to avoid accidents due to all the sleep problems people can have. I don’t work. I was a carpenter after for a bunch of years and then went back to cooking after I almost had to beat the crap outa one stupid boss. I walked off the job instead. It was great money but I love cooking a little bit more. Now I do both, just as hobbies from a wheelchair. Thanks for not driving when your gut instinct tells you not to you guys. I have the luxury of being able to sleep during the day if I can’t get enough sleep at night. That can make the problem worse. I’m remembering my dad giving me a hard time. (jokingly) about getting my days and nights mixed up. But It’s been that way all my life. A big part of why I went back to cooking at night. I’m a night owl. It’s hard to break the habit of getting up at the crack of noon!.
Anyways, I’m glad you guys are here. I’m gonna check around and see if there’s a chat room to go to where I can talk about adhd related problems. If anyone knows about one, I’m hoping to find out about it. I promise to try not to dominate the conversation or talk about a gazzilllian different things mixed with typo after typo hehe. Remember, I did say “try” I won’t get a chance to start the Ritalin until late in Nov. That Dec. appointment got moved up fortunately.
I’m here instead of a physical disability web site because the ADHD has literally caused me more grief and unhappiness than the spinal cord injury. If I had a choice between the two, that would be easy. The only mildly difficult part is not having much money. I know how much of whatever money can buy is enough though. So I’m happy where I am. Fortunately I can really cook, so I eat really well when I can get an appetite. I wish I could have an appetite more often. I’m hoping and praying the Ritalin won’t affect my appetite. “medical” marijuana doesn’t, only plenty of exercise, and there’s only so much I can do with arms and shoulders only. I’m hoping to get some answers from more folks about Wellbutrin in the medication thread. (I marked it as a favorite so I can find it again)
I can relate to the dream problems. Dreams can really suck, why don’t I ever have funny dreams? It’s only happened a few times. One time I was laughing so hard it woke me up! That hasn’t happened in years. It’s always some stupid struggle, or I get lost, left behind, or make some incredibly stupid mistake with people telling me not to beat myself up… sux huh?
Later pataters.
PS I just checked the “best anti-depressant for depression/anxiety that co-exists with adhd?” thread in Forums/ask an expert. section, No expert answers yet from my post four days ago. I checked and just realized I forgot to ask a specific question about Wellbutrin, doh!. That would probably help, huh?
REPORT ABUSEYummm, dang, I’ll need to write down my recipe for marinated petite roast beef. Screamin good you guys.
Anywayz, I came up with a good T-shirt idea, I hope no-one had already thought of it.
What are “dendrites”, that post above me is fascinating! it’s an awsome art project and possible tattoo forming in my brain.
Back to my idea.
“ADHD, the diabetes of the brain” It’s not exactly funny, but it is strangely interesting for some reason I can’t quite nail down. Possibly because even at 84 year old friend of mine has heard about all the new awareness about Adult ADD. This man is a wise extremely valuable friend. Full of experience and wisdom. Yet he doesn’t see it as some new reason for a doctor to hand out medication some drug company representative wants him to hand out. Too many doctors with a fair but too much amount of prudence are fighting to keep this genie in it’s bottle.
It’s amazing how brilliant we can become when we get enough sleep. Huh? Just M.H.O.
REPORT ABUSEOctober 22, 2011 at 2:16 am in reply to: best anti-depressant for depression/anxiety that co-exists with adhd? #92303I’ve watched too many friends go through hell, me included due to being given the wrong medication. Medications are good, Important, Life saving, and sanity saving. I think it’s very important to rely on much more than just the medication. That truth is talked about well here. Especially if you watch a lot of the videos. I fell asleep watching one last night. After al least 15 others. I’m hoping to find a place where there is more good doctors advice to combine with the real psychiatrist, and other doctors who prescribe medz for me, a team effort. Where I make the final decision what goes in my body. Food is definitely medicine. Eating healthy is at least half our solution depending on your problems of course. A belly full of pills and no food is just dumb, of course accept for first thing in the morning when I take my thyroid medication. I have to take it on an empty stomach with lots of water and wait a half hour before I eat.
I think I’m saying this mostly to remind myself (and go eat) But I do hope someone tells me a good place here, or on the Internet to get some good medication truth/advice to go along with the doctors I’m already seeing. A dietitian is one of the more important experts to talk to, I’m not just saying that because I’m the proud father of one. It’s True!!! My next career will probably be herbal medicine. I’d like to find a way to get more regulation for herbal medications without more government controi. Is that realistic? As determined as we can be I’m sure it’s possible. HYPER-FOCUS BABY!
K datz it, thanks gang.
REPORT ABUSEouch! ouch! My cheeks are hurting from grinning after I laugh. We sure are a positive bunch. I’ll remember to mark this thread as a favorite. .. there, did it (so I can find it to come back a finish reading… ) I gotta go look at some shiny thing I just saw…
Thanks you guys. I slept most of the day, going through the same darn nightmarish dream… I’ve been having a lot of trouble sleeping, so today I decided to catch up. I feel healthy and rested. That freaky dream cluster wasn’t so bad. A bunch of the versions were actually a bummer to wake up from.
REPORT ABUSEOctober 21, 2011 at 5:43 am in reply to: best anti-depressant for depression/anxiety that co-exists with adhd? #92302dang, I goofed, I’ll try again tomorrow… I can’t concentrate tonight.