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Category : A.D.H.D.

Adult ADHD | Most Popular | TotallyADD Blog

ADHD and Our 23 Strengths

By totallyaddauthor

There are a lot of hot button issues around ADHD.  Not just around medication, or the cost of getting a proper diagnosis, or the ongoing stigma and dismissal, that ‘ADHD isn’t real.’
In particular, there is the contentious claim that, “people with ADHD have real strengths.”

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Willpower In 30 Second Bursts. Making Permanent Changes.

By totallyaddauthor

In the years since I was diagnosed I’ve noticed 2 things that undermine my resolve and success. One is when a new ADHD-Friendly tool, strategy, or practice that I take on doesn’t actually work for me.
The other that sabotages my ability to make permanent changes and stick with new habits is when a tool, strategy, or practice does work for me. Especially if it works well.
For example…

Adult ADHD | Guest Blog

Reducing Distractions

By Team TotallyADD

By Tara McGillicuddy – There are just so many distractions in our world today. These distractions make it challenging for the average person to stay focused and be productive. When you have Adult ADD / ADHD these distractions intensify these challenges…

Emotional Journey | Experts | Myth Busting | Videos

Marijuana Myths

By Team TotallyADD

By adulthood everyone has found tools to cope and manage their ADHD, whether it has been diagnosed or not. Some self-medicate with addictions to work, sex, dangerous activities, high risk sports. But many also end up using illicit drugs. As Doctor Sam Chang explains, the number on choice for ADHD folks is Cannabis. And though marijuana has always been surrounded by myths, in fact, the more ‘enlightened and informed’ of us are simply accepting a whole new set of myths.

Adult ADHD | Guest Blog | Women & ADD/ADHD


By Sari Solden, MS

For a woman with ADD, the healing starts in her brain and continues in her heart.
In order for women with the executive function struggles of ADHD to maximize their strengths and increase their feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment, it is usually necessary to re-structure the way they set up their lives both at home and at work.
This means that first, they must come to a deep understanding and acceptance of how they function best, how their brains work, and become willing to ask for support for their challenges. This may sound simple, but it is far from easy….