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Category : Videos

Comedy + Holidays | Rick Rants | Videos

Hyper Holiday

By totallyaddauthor

The end-of-year, crazy-making, crowd-crushing, high-pressure, time-sucking, energy-sapping, hysteria-causing holidays are here. Forget celebrating. How about surviving? Rick has a suggestion.

Experts | Mastering Your ADHD | Straight Answers | Tools & Tricks & Tips | Videos

Financial freedom from a frozen asset

By totallyaddauthor

In this video, Dr. Stephanie Sarkis talks about the challenge of ADHD and credit cards. Plus, ADHD expert Dr. Ned Hallowell shares a simple secret to deal with ADD, impulse shopping, credit card debt, overspending, buyers remorse, and self-control. It involves a bowl of water. Intrigued? This simple strategy, a trick anyone can use, will help cut debt and overspending for adults, students, and seniors who struggle with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and their finances.


Does Rudolph Have ADHD?

By totallyaddauthor

Love This Video? We’d Love to create more but we need your help! Become a Patron! Santa Clause is surprised […]