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Category : ADD help

ADHD in Adults | Adult ADHD | Most Popular

5 Superpowers of ADHD

By totallyaddauthor

I am going to suggest that there are some potential benefits to having ADHD. Symptoms that can be impairing in some situations can work for me in other situations. However, before we dive into this…A Caveat.  A Clarification.  A Disclaimer. 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is not a gift. 

ADHD in Adults | ADHD Myths | Adult ADHD

Does Everyone Have ADHD?

By totallyaddauthor

“Everyone is ADHD. It’s the internet and smart phones.” 
“These days everyone is ADD.”  
“Yeah, everyone thinks they have it.”
Uh… No! Sorry, friend, but the whole world is NOT suddenly suffering from Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

Adult ADHD

"ADHD? That's Just An Excuse…"

By totallyaddauthor

Is it just me, or are more and more people confusing their beliefs with facts.  Perhaps people have always mistaken their opinions for the truth.  I don’t know.
What I do know, for sure, is the universal challenge you face after getting an ADHD diagnosis is whether or not you should tell anyone about it. Who you should take into your confidence? Who probably doesn’t need to know? And who definitely should never find out?

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

“When I Grow Up I Want To Be…”

By totallyaddauthor

Ask most kids what they want to be when they grow up and you’ll get very clear answers. Which may change from week to week, depending on the video game they’ve played. I had no idea.
“What do I want to be?” From age 8 to about the time my first marriage ended, that question invariably triggered a snowstorm of ideas, then brain freeze. I didn’t have an answer.
Then I realized what I wanted to be: Happy…

Adult ADHD | Most Popular | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

8 Ways My ADHD is a Gift

By totallyaddauthor

Now and then someone will tell me that Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a gift.  A big, fat, wonderful, exciting gift.
Rather than a problem, disorder, constant challenge, or, on bad days, a curse.
Why such opposing views?

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

ADHD Planner? The Path To New Habits…

By totallyaddauthor

I’ve mentioned recently that at my lowest moments, despairing, I thought, “I wish I’d never been diagnosed.”
That’s not true, of course. Having an explanation for some of my challenges, an explanation that I can work with, has been hugely helpful.

Tools, Tips & Tricks

It’s About The Costs and Hope

By totallyaddauthor

Over the past decade it’s become obvious to me that there is a hot button issue around ADHD.
It’s a topic that impacts every adult with ADHD at some point.
It’s controversial. It involves big corporations and profits.
It’s the M word.

Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Everyone Conveniently Overlooks The Details – Part 1

By totallyaddauthor

They all begin with a number. “12 Things You Should Know…”; “8 Ways Your House May Be Killing You…”; “15 Things That Turn Guys Off…”; “845 Ways To Make Sure…”[That last one was written by an ADDer.] Magazines, the internet, and newspapers are full of lists