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Category : ADD

Adult ADHD

Executive Function Disorder & ADHD

By totallyaddauthor

This is going to be one of those stories where I admit to resisting something that turned out to do me a world of good.  Dunno if that’s a ‘guy thing’, or an ‘ADHD thing’, or a ‘Rick thing’, but it’s going to take me a minute or two to get there. Stay with me!  (Or skip to the end, then come back and read chunks in a random order until it makes sense.  Hey, it’s your ADHD, do what works for you.)

Rick | TotallyADD Blog | Work & School

Finding a Job You Love… That Loves You Back

By totallyaddauthor

You’ve heard the advice, usually from people who are fabulously successful: “Follow your passion!”
If only everyone would do that!  Why, then… who would collect our garbage?  Or work in a noisy warehouse?  Or stand behind the counter at the bank serving customers for 8 hours a day?

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Talking About ADHD Triggers Tears

By totallyaddauthor

I learned the power of laughter during my career in television and radio, but when I’m giving a keynote talk or performing my one-man show about ADHD, I’m also surprised to see many people the tears. Sometimes it’s tears of laughter and relief.