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Category : ADHD Advice

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog


By totallyaddauthor

“I don’t believe in ADHD.”  
“Isn’t that just a big Pharmaceutical scam?”
“It’s just the internet.”
You’ve probably heard stuff like this. Probably again and again.  You may be sick of hearing it.


Does Rudolph Have ADHD?

By totallyaddauthor

Love This Video? We’d Love to create more but we need your help! Become a Patron! Santa Clause is surprised […]

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

I’m Glad I Know I Have ADHD. Not Glad I Have ADHD.

By totallyaddauthor

A few months ago I blogged about those dark moments, when things would overwhelm me, and I wished I’d never been diagnosed. “It would have been better to just carry on like I was.”
That despair engulfed me when my best efforts, latest strategy, or brilliant new tool, would fail. One step forward, 37 steps back. (Warning: Steps may be exaggerated for dramatic effect.)…

Adult ADHD | Guest Blog | TotallyADD Blog

I’m Struggling And I Don’t Know Why

By Ava Green

If there’s one big theme to the mail we receive, it’s “I’m struggling and I don’t know why”. When I look at the many ways this feeling is expressed, there seems to be a pervasive and common experience of feeling alone, misunderstood and having unique problems—even though we may be surrounded by people, at work, in the grocery store, wherever we go. If this feels all too familiar…