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Category : adhd help

Guest Blog | Tools, Tips & Tricks | Work & School

Tips For Teaching Kids With ADHD

By Team TotallyADD

The beginning of school is a huge transition for everyone involved, but especially for children who have ADHD. As teachers of children with a range of attention difficulties, we’d like to share with you some strategies we use to make this transition go as smoothly as possible.

Tools, Tips & Tricks

It’s About The Costs and Hope

By totallyaddauthor

Over the past decade it’s become obvious to me that there is a hot button issue around ADHD.
It’s a topic that impacts every adult with ADHD at some point.
It’s controversial. It involves big corporations and profits.
It’s the M word.

Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Everyone Conveniently Overlooks The Details – Part 1

By totallyaddauthor

They all begin with a number. “12 Things You Should Know…”; “8 Ways Your House May Be Killing You…”; “15 Things That Turn Guys Off…”; “845 Ways To Make Sure…”[That last one was written by an ADDer.] Magazines, the internet, and newspapers are full of lists

Adult ADHD | Guest Blog

Tribal Traits. Do Emotions Get a Bad Rap?

By Stacey Turis

Emotions get a bad rap. Emotions are associated with weakness, vulnerability and sensitivity; all of the traits we’re told are unsavory, yet the traits that make us most human. What kind of nonsense is that? It makes me crazy when I hear that people consider stuffing their emotions as a sign of strength. I’m sorry…huh? I call that sticking your head in the sand. Have you ever seen what that looks like from behind? Not exactly like a mighty warrior. Unless you ate dairy earlier. In that case, you have a genuine weapon… my sense of smell is supernatural and I have what my dentist calls a “terrific gag reflex”. Let’s just say the combination is lethal when simultaneously triggered….

Guest Blog | Holistic Strategies | TotallyADD Blog

Mindfulness: Overcoming Procrastination Using the Power of Your Mind

By Linda Walker - ADHD Coach

Does this ever happen to you? You have a task to do, but you don’t do it. Of course it has! Now, a tougher question; have you ever chosen a task that you really want to do, that you’re committed to complete because the results are desirable and one where you feel relatively confident you can accomplish, and yet still you can’t get started? When you think…