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Category : adhd relationship

Adult ADHD

No One Believes I Have ADHD

By totallyaddauthor

“I don’t believe in ADHD.”
“It’s made up by Doctors and big Pharma.”
“ It’s lazy teachers and weak parents who refuse to discipline their kids.”
“ It’s just a fad. It’s because parents have to work these kids run wild in the street…”
And on and on….

TotallyADD Blog | Women & ADD/ADHD

Changing the Conversation: Living Radically with ADHD

By Sari Solden, MS

In our new book, A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD (New Harbinger, July, 2019) my co-author Michelle Frank,Psy.D and I set out to change the conversation among women. We also wanted to address helping professionals across domains about how to approach the complexities of women and men with executive function challenges.

Guest Blog | Relationships: Family, Friends & Work | TotallyADD Blog

5 Mistakes You’re Making That May Be Holding Your Partner Back

By Laura MacNiven, M. Ed.

Let’s start by saying that it can be really exhausting living with ADHD: for you and for your partner. When we depend on our executive functions to manage our jam-packed lives, we can quickly feel de-railed and impatient. The words frustration and overwhelm come to mind. So, none of these suggestions are easy. Just holding it together is often all you can handle, but here are a few things to keep in mind…

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Talking About ADHD Triggers Tears

By totallyaddauthor

I learned the power of laughter during my career in television and radio, but when I’m giving a keynote talk or performing my one-man show about ADHD, I’m also surprised to see many people the tears. Sometimes it’s tears of laughter and relief.

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

‘Reward Deficiency Syndrome’? 

By totallyaddauthor

Have you ever heard the term ‘Reward Deficiency Syndrome’? From what I understand, it came out of research by Dr. Kenneth Blum and others. They were searching for a specific genetic glitch that might increase the risk of alcoholism.
They understood that something as complex as an addiction can not be caused by any single gene, but the one gene being studied did seem to increase the risk…

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog


By totallyaddauthor

Last year we took a poll during one of our webinars. We asked: “What are the biggest issues you want us to address?” Number one? Procrastination. No surprise. And we’ve been working on a Procrastination video for a while now. (Insert your own procrastination joke here.) Second issue? The tornado of emotions that erupt when you, or a loved one, receives the ADHD diagnosis. We’ve been asking a lot of experts about this furious funnel of feelings that can send an already racing mind into a tailspin. And, man oh man, do we have some stories to tell…