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Category : Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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A Body Double Helps You Zip Through Paperwork

By Linda Walker - ADHD Coach

Have you ever thought it would be fun to have a body double? In Hollywood, actors use body doubles to appear in films with six-pack abs and tight, firm bodies without eating anything but seaweed and grapefruit while working out five hours a day. Less popular politicians and dictators also use body doubles, but in that case, it’s because people are out to get them.
Imagine if you had your own body double…


Overwhelm is my Choice

By totallyaddauthor

We are working on the last stages of four new videos. Follow ups to ADD & Loving It?! Count ‘em, Four!
On Saturday, June 9, Patrick and I will be on the air on the Baltimore PBS station, MPT, for the world premiere of ADD & Mastering It!…

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Getting In Shape

By totallyaddauthor

When I started training for the bike rally I was 20 pounds overweight, and had enough muscle to be able to get up from my computer, get to the dining room table and then make it to bed.