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Category : TotallyADD Blog

Rick | TotallyADD Blog | Work & School

I have ADHD. Who Should I Tell About it?

By totallyaddauthor

I’m coping, everybody’s coping, and we can’t talk about it! 
Those early days, after I was first diagnosed with ADHD, were heady times.  My first reaction was a mix of relief, excitement, and alarm.  Bouncing between “This explains so much!” and ”What does it all mean? And I damaged?  What do I do about it?”

Adult ADHD | Articles | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

ADHD & Overwhelm: Taming the Chaos

By totallyaddauthor

We are preparing to launch a new streamlined, cleaner version of TotallyADD.com.  We’re doing this while still running the current site, which is already a full-time job for two of us (and a part-time job for several others) which includes creating videos, blogging, sending out newsletters, Friday Funnies, booking live and online events, and more…

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Talking About ADHD Triggers Tears

By totallyaddauthor

I learned the power of laughter during my career in television and radio, but when I’m giving a keynote talk or performing my one-man show about ADHD, I’m also surprised to see many people the tears. Sometimes it’s tears of laughter and relief.

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog


By totallyaddauthor

“I don’t believe in ADHD.”  
“Isn’t that just a big Pharmaceutical scam?”
“It’s just the internet.”
You’ve probably heard stuff like this. Probably again and again.  You may be sick of hearing it.