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Adult ADHD | Uncategorized


By Rick Green
I want to thank, and to tell you about a couple of heroes who work behind the scenes to keep TotallyADD humming. Both work part time, and both put their heart into this.
One is Jimi Doidge. He has the challenge of working with me and producing new videos, sales, newsletters, uploading blogs and products in the shop, creating the shop pages, linking everything together so it works, helping to develop out new quiz which we will be launching in the next week, and a dozen other things.
At one point Jimi came here to our office every day. (The office being the spare rooms in the house.) This year he got married and moved across the country, which I thought was a brilliant strategy. But then I learned about Skype.
Now, to be fair, I tried to learn some of the processes involved in making the site work. However, it quickly became clear that the ‘back-end’ can be a pain in the back-end. I’ve concluded website design is basically black magic, voodoo, and possibly created by aliens… because it requires precision and attention to detail. (Horrifying, I know!)…

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Willpower In 30 Second Bursts. Making Permanent Changes.

In the years since I was diagnosed I’ve noticed 2 things that undermine my resolve and success. One is when a new ADHD-Friendly tool, strategy, or practice that I take on doesn’t actually work for me.
The other that sabotages my ability to make permanent changes and stick with new habits is when a tool, strategy, or practice does work for me. Especially if it works well.
For example…

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Is It Possible to Cure ADHD?

Is it possible to ‘cure’ ADHD? To answer that we need to time travel…
Our documentary, ADD & Loving It?! is a surprise hit on PBS. The network is delighted. I am stunned and sent reeling. (I’ve yet to recover. I wake up reeling. And I love it!)
ADD & Loving It?! tells the story of comedian Patrick McKenna and his wife Janis, dealing with his mid-life diagnosis of ADHD. It was hailed by the critics as, “Unique, different, and ground-breaking.” And these are real TV critics, not my family members using made-up Facebook profiles.
Within days of the first broadcast we are flooded with messages of gratitude, relief…and calls for help…

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

The Least You Need To Know

Like many adults diagnosed many years ago, I learned about the disorder by reading books… Okay, skimming books.
I have to tell you, there was far less information, but I was overwhelmed by what there was. And because the research is ongoing, today there’s even more to learn. In fact, there’s always more for me to learn… And some things I’ve had to unlearn because of new research and discoveries. Today it’s almost impossible not to feel overwhelmed by Blogs, Podcasts, E-Books, videos, and more.
Where to start?…