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Tagged: adhd symptoms, adult ADHD, forgetful, memory
September 7, 2012 at 2:45 pm #111418
AnonymousInactiveSeptember 7, 2012 at 2:45 pmPost count: 14413I have another one to add. I bought a juicer about two weeks to help me be able to see my feet again, and I did pretty good the first few times around as it took a little bit of concentration to get all the pieces together. Problem is, you have to take it apart to clean and the inevitable happened. I didn’t lock down the unit tight enough after putting it back together and when I put in three carrots to juice, the carrot fiber exploded in a circular pattern all around the kitchen. I had a nice orange splatter art design on my wall that actually looked pretty cool, and my shirt looked more like a Flash superhero costume.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 7, 2012 at 3:25 pm #111419carsonky – that is SO AWESOME!!! (The mess that is, not that you are trying to lose weight.)
REPORT ABUSESeptember 7, 2012 at 3:35 pm #111420
AnonymousInactiveSeptember 7, 2012 at 3:35 pmPost count: 14413Misswho – lovely preventative tricks! I’m glad they helped make for a successful meeting! Dress pants always get me as well. I actually had a designated coworker whose job it was to alert me to me unbuttoned pants.
It’s really not our fault you know! Dress pants require much more hand work, with all those fancy closures – sometimes 5 buttons! Sometimes a zipper and those little hook things! Much more follow through than our hands are used to with normal jeans or sweats. I don’t know about you, but a lot of times I operate on sheer muscle memory because my mind is somewhere else.
carsonky – props to you for attempting to take it apart and clean it in the first place! things like that tend to be single-use items in this household ๐
REPORT ABUSESeptember 7, 2012 at 6:21 pm #111421nellie – when I said short I really meant long….as in I was only 17 days late!
It’s a bit like when people say “come round next Saturday” – WHICH Saturday? To me next Saturday is the next one to arrive, but apparently that’s ‘this Saturday’….too confusing. Well done on your basement! Maybe I could live in it when the guy does my house up?!
carsonky – sure beats decorating!!
REPORT ABUSESeptember 7, 2012 at 7:46 pm #111422
AnonymousInactiveSeptember 7, 2012 at 7:46 pmPost count: 14413SayWhat – The thing about raw vegetables is they have to be disposed of within 24 hours. I’ve forgotten to clean it at least four times but my nose reminded me of it every time, especially when I leave the house and come back. I can easily ignore (or in most cases not even be aware of) a physical mess with my eyes, but it’s different when it comes to a smell that knocks you back. The carrot design on the wall is still there though as the particles aren’t big enough to make a odor. ๐
REPORT ABUSESeptember 9, 2012 at 2:03 am #111423Picture of one of our members and his “Jack Ass’ teeth resulting from replacing mercury fillings with horse manure. ๐
REPORT ABUSESeptember 9, 2012 at 3:16 am #111424
AnonymousInactiveSeptember 9, 2012 at 3:16 amPost count: 14413You are all great! I just about passed out from lack of oxygen from laughing so hard at these posts. Not laughing at you but with you! I could easily have been the ‘do-er’ of each one of these escapades. It made me feel so good to realize there is another person out there just like me.
Fortunately for me, the horror and embarrassment of my own escapades seems to cause my brain to loose the ability to ‘record’ the event for later recall. All I remember is being outright embarrassed.
I just loved reading these ’cause I know I’m not alone! :o)
REPORT ABUSESeptember 9, 2012 at 2:54 pm #111425LOL @ “next saturday vs. this saturday” confusion. freaks me out too. N people look at me like I’m some kind of idiot because I don’t know the difference. Maybe there’s a clue in the body language??? Beets. me. Isn’t “this saturday” actually yesterday? hmmm. I give up. Is today really “this sunday”?
I’m amazing that I write so much using a language I barely understand huh?
Aren’t you English Scatty? that means you should understand English more than the rest of us doesn’t it?! hah hah!
REPORT ABUSESeptember 9, 2012 at 4:31 pm #111426Good point Robbo. It’s now Sunday. “This” Saturday should be in this weekend, which make this Saturday yesterday.
Hmmm . . . so if it’s Thursday of this week then this Monday . . . can we go back and talk about right and left? ๐ฏ
Does it require ADHD to talk about this subject?
REPORT ABUSESeptember 9, 2012 at 4:37 pm #111427September 9, 2012 at 4:46 pm #111428Hay!, I just came up with a super cool idea!. (in my head it’s a super cool idea…)
Since we may not be getting a chat room any time soon. Let’s just have one here on this thread on sunday morning? We can all vote on a time. Or make a new thread called “Sunday morning chat” Limit each post to what can fit in this post box without having to scroll down.
Whadya think gang?
REPORT ABUSESeptember 9, 2012 at 5:26 pm #111429sounds GREAT!!!
REPORT ABUSESeptember 9, 2012 at 6:17 pm #111430September 9, 2012 at 8:03 pm #111431Yeah why not Robbo. So it’s about 21.00 in the UK now so synchronising the time could be interesting….then there’s the issue of remembering for this Sunday…or is that next Sunday. And then the clocks go back an hour next month.
Yes I live in England….but I think it’s not a case of not understanding the English (but you might be right – it’s a rapidly changing language – I presume it is because I don’t understand half of what the kids at work are talking about!!)….. it’s just because there are special phrases that the ‘linears’ use, like ‘next Saturday’ meaning ‘this Saturday’ – or is it the other way around?! It’s their version of the masonic secret handshake. It’s all just an evil plot to confuse an already confused scatty being…!
Oh yeah….my computer keeps wanting me to use American English and I keep resetting it to English English (no offence but…) and yesterday it asked me if I wanted to use Canadian English. I’d never noticed that before. I know it’s an issue to mistake the Canadian accent for American and vice versa, but I didn’t realise that Canadian English is different from American English. Apologies for my ignorance or if I have managed to offend most of the forum users!
REPORT ABUSEJust curious.
September 10, 2012 at 2:42 am #111432ROFLMAO @ Scattybirds post.
Yer so funneee. My cheeks hurt from grinning and laffin. I once had a girlfriend from Detroit. She used to tease me because I talked so much like Spicoli (spellin?) the surfer dude from that movie “Fast Times at Ridgemont High, from the early 80’s. He said things like “totally tubular bro” hehe. I didn’t even know there’s a California accent, anyone remember that movie “Valley Girl”?, in high school I had a girlfriend who was a “total val” (a total valley girl). It wasn’t an act. She naturally talked just like those chicks in the movie. Is it okay to call ladies “chicks”, I don’t mean it in a bad way.
Yep, it’s a rapidly changing language. I get a kick out of some of the things you say. That’s a good thing by the way
Australians crack me up too. I used to chat with a dude named Dowdy who has CP in the middle of the night. It was morning for him. So yeah, the time thing will be kindof tricky. I think you’re about 8 hours ahead of us, my best guess. So it’s almost 7:30 pm as I write this. If you see it before the first 24 hours is up, maybe you can do the math. Or just write down your local time next time you post. There’s bound to be at least one of us capable of the math… I bet I could do it. I’m a lil smarter than I was only a year ago. Honest!. Just not all the time.
Whoops, Duh!!! I just looked at your post again. So it’s it’s 21:00 pm there 6 hours ago, that means it’s 3 in the morning now. You’re 71/2 hours ahead of us. I did it!!. And no headache. Will miracles ever cease? ***snicker grin*** So, let’s see, in 12 hours it will be 7:30, no, too early… um. at oh, um 4:30, or 16:30 your time, it will be 9:00 in the morning here. PST. Anyone following me? Hmm, maybe me and math can be friends after all huh? Just no algebra!.
I’ve never been offended by your posts, that I can remember that is… hehe.
Now we’ll have to wait for some more folks to weigh in on what time they would like ta chat. I could get up a lil earlier. Or we could try later. Guess we need to gather votes.