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The High-Five Corner

The High-Five Corner2011-08-01T14:51:43+00:00

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    Post count: 251

    High fives! There’s a theme in these last few posts, I think, about trying new things – very cool!

    Me, I’m still just enjoying having a better approach to all the day-to-day stuff; I’m getting it done!

    Yesterday we cleaned off my middle son’s desk to get ready for school. Streamlined the pencil cups so that instead of twenty-five pens that don’t work and three that do, and dozens of pencils but only half with points, we have just two or three working versions of each! Job’s not truly done because I have to deal with all the excess that we cleared off, but at least we have a nice clean desktop – dusted and ready!


    Post count: 14413

    Yay for cleaning up pencil cups – I have various collections around the house, some in cups, some in pencil cases, some in boxes, half of the contents don’t work and are way old (like my grandfather’s stuff). I’m inspired, maybe I will purge some of mine.

    I am using my late mom’s old watercolour paints and brushes, so recycling there.

    On Friday, I actually cleaned the inside windows and dashboards of both our vehicles – they really needed it. I also found out that the very best cleaning rag for the job is an old sweatshirt (cut into pieces) – the smooth side is for wiping the cleaning liquid on (and dirt off), and the rough side is great for drying it off. I’ve always used paper towels before and had problems with missed sections, but not this time!

    As for laundry, at the moment there is nothing in the washer or dryer, both laundry baskets are empty, and there is only a small amount of laundry to do, it can wait until later in the week. No mega loads (we used to do 4 loads on the weekends because we were always behind, and there’s only two of us). And I even dusted the worst parts of the living room (not all of it, managed to stop myself after just a bit). So, a good end to the week!


    Post count: 251

    High five! Amazing what a difference a clean car makes. With three kids, it’s pretty hard to keep my car clean, but obviously some of the fault is mine, since I can’t really blame the kids for them mess in the front seat! :)

    Yesterday our library books were due, and I took them ALL back on time – two shopping bags’ worth (did I mention I have 3 kids? :) ) And, amazingly, I didn’t have to hunt all over the house for any missing books this time, and/or renew books because I couldn’t find them! Yay!


    Cat Alberts
    Post count: 32

    High fives! Amazing stories and indeed motivating.

    I have one too! I don’t know what the word is in English, but today I posted my defence letter for a traffic violation ticket. Long story short, in July, because the setting sun was shining in my eyes I started braking too late and ran a red light. I stopped 2 meters over the line on the zebracrossing, backed up and took my place to wait for the green light. So I got a ticket, and it was waiting on my desk for 5 weeks, for me to write a defence/explanation. I finally wrote it today and posted it! 4 days before my chance was up.

    A project that I organised new ADD style: every step was a separate to do item, started a week early to avoid last-minute-stress-brain-fog, used my clear moments to look at this.

    So: Collect papers and put next to computer. Call police to send me the photo’s they took. Research examples of defence letters online. Find the official sunset-time for that day. And luckily a good narative for the letter started in my head, when I was watching TV one evening, and I had a pen and paper nearby. Those scribbles turned into a nice formal explanation of why I was not blame for braking too late.

    Nice feeling, bringing it to the postoffice today, on time and all.

    Fingers crossed, it could save me 186 euros!!!


    Post count: 14413

    High five, Cat and Quizzical! I used to do that in business, set a deadline way in advance of the real one, knowing things would get in the way or I would procrastinate. Unfortunately later in life I was just getting better and better at the art of procrastination :(

    Have to add something new to our nighttime schedule – after cleaning the cars beautifully, somehow one of us forgot to lock it, and someone prowling the neighbourhood got in and stole our change holder and change, and subway tokens (they left our GPS, thankfully). We think it’s our next-door neighbour’s adult grandson, as the lawn from their house was the only area that showed bent grass. But our vow is now to click-click both cars locked before we go to bed at night. My problem is the BOTTOM button on one remote clicker is the opposite of the bottom button on the other clicker. So I think I was the culprit, thinking I’d locked it when I hadn’t. Now I wait for the BEEP!


    Post count: 529

    High fives all! I havent been keeping up with the forum because I have been working. Today is my last night shift!

    Sugar- Sorry I just saw your question about how often I see the coach. Well its over the telephone and its once a week. $650/month. eeeeeeeeeeek A little pricey, but the first month is kind of a mess because you learn how the coaching works and basically just get set up and going. I will probably do another full month and then go maybe down to twice a month. Depending on how it goes.

    My high-five worthy deeds are doing my upper body workout like I wanted, and then 45mins of cardio when I didnt feel like it! Its hard to overcome “feelings” at times I have so much energy I could clean my entire house, other times – most of the time – I have no energy at all to do anything but mope around. Bleh! But im learning to work with myself and do what I can when my energy allows me to!

    Cat – I once ran a stop sign… I was coming home from a night shift and forgot it was there! Luckily no cops were around!


    Post count: 14413

    Cat, similar situation with me visiting my son in Boston. For some reason I sent my plea upon my return. Long story short many many month =s later I found out they dropped the citation. It can work, good luck!


    Post count: 251

    Been a while since I had an obvious accomplishment – Can I blame earthquakes and hurricanes? :)

    Today’s was small, but for me, very big, because I’m shy and a terrible conversationalist – With strangers and acquaintances, I say hardly anything, and with close friends and family, it’s blah, blah, blah! :)

    So today I made a point of getting dressed, walking with the kids to the school bus stop, and, once there, chatting with all the other parents. It helped that it was such a beautiful day out. Here’s hoping I can keep being a friendly face in the morning, and not the sleepy, scaredy-cat grump of the past, who used to hide in the car in her pajamas!


    Post count: 14413

    Wonderful Quizzical. You really did a great thing. I am sure that your children loved it as well. I am also running low….I did do 2 loads of wash, however. One still in dryer the other yet to be dried. Then I will have to fold, that is usually something I like to avoid. Same with emptying the dish washer. I also manged, I think to get a bill that was not credited on my Sears account. Over $1K. I spent 2 hrs on the phone yesterday, and was abused one customer service person after another. I couldn’t sleep. Called the warehouse directly today and found the most wonderful person who may have finally corrected the problem. She was so kind and understanding. I plan on meeting her, and she even suggested we start a business together. I am still un-nerved by last night, but this gal really made me feel better. I wonder if she has ADD?


    Post count: 14413

    Well, it’s been a week since the cars were rummaged, and we’ve remembered to lock them every night (sometimes two and three times, just to be sure – our neighbours must be going nuts with the beep-beeps).

    Have been doing laundry every week too, and folding and putting the clothes away right away. There’s only two of us, but usually we would leave that job so long that it was a laundry from hell when it did get done. Now it feels under control.

    And today I cleaned the exterior of both vehicles, by hand. They really needed it, the rust-protection gunk was oozing out in the heat. Haven’t done that in a long, long time. I’m starting to get caught up with little jobs that I’ve been meaning to do for a long time, and the main reason is that space that I created by giving up the teaching commitment. Yay for me!


    Post count: 14413

    Yay for you again! Sounds like you are on a roll! Great going!


    Post count: 61

    You guys are all amazing! I can’t imagine taking care of kids (up to three different kids!) and being married and having a household, some of you working full-time and long hours. High-fives, for real!! I have trouble enough just taking care of myself, while living alone and not working. (though my kitty always gets the best care.)

    next Tuesday I go back for my final year at university and I am freaked. there’s so much I planned to get in order before I go back; it’s really important to me that I buckle down and focus this year, and actually enjoy the work. (I study fine arts.) yesterday I FINALLY got the ball rolling on my student loan application (way overdue and now I’m stressing about money), made a grocery shopping list (though ran out of time to do the shopping), and made an appointment with an optometrist (something I’ve put off for about a year).

    so much still to do, while balancing the relationships in my life. wish me luck, I could use it!


    Post count: 14413

    Best of luck POW. Sounds like you are getting it together to me. Glad you are getting your eyes examined, could be a tremendous help with school etc. Make sure you go to the appointment. I hate getting my eyes examined, I always think I am going to make a mistake…”better or worse? Better or worse?” I do go every year however, i have a rather strong prescription. Then , I hate picking out frames. I will agonize over picking out a pair and inevitably pick out frames that look like the pones I have been wearing forever. Last time I suggested the gal at the doc’s pick them out. Worked out well. But then I take forever to pick them up! One of the crazier things about me. I did finally pick up this new pair last week and I am most happy. Probably will wear this frame style for another 20 years! :)


    Post count: 14413

    Hey Carrie, Are you still out there?


    Post count: 529

    Hellooooo! Yes I am still here! Just been busy with life is all! I also go through phases of times I will be here always, and then like now, may not be around for a while. Depends on how im feeling I guess hahahaha not that when im feeling bad I dont come here, I just go in and out of being bored with things. “Ok bored with this, next! Ok bored with that! Back to this! Bored with this again, will go back to this now” etc etc etc.

    Just been juggling life at the moment. Between work (four on and four off, 12 hour shifts) and both kids will be in school this year, so trying to organize for that, and we ALL know organization SUCKS. Plus well September is here now and IM NOT READY FOR THE WINTER!! I HATE IT! bleh! I need to move somewhere warm! And my husband is trying to get hired at a new job (fingers crossed), my car just died on me and the one I bought to replace it died 2 weeks later (not impressed) so trying to decided to just get a new car or fix the one I have. I HATE CARS!!!!!!#(*$&$^)$@_#(*$& money buckets is all they are! Found some abandoned kittens and nursed them back to health and now finding homes for them. I would keep them but I already have 4 cats! Im not a crazy cat lady I swear! hahahaha Husband is not happy about my four cats never mind the seven at the moment! But how could I leave the poor things on their own! I would cry every night! Maybe I am a crazy cat lady! hahaha

    Right now im on my second night shift, feel EXTREAMLY tired, and, well I guess later this morning, after I get home and sleep for a few hours I have to pack up my kids, grandma and sister and then drive 6 hours to bring my grandma home and my sister is moving out there, and then school shopping, on a long weekend. UGH! Not looking forward to it! And then kids start school next week!! NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT!! Panic-city-town! That made no sense! But what does on a night shift? hahaha

    If I survive the weekend and next week, I will check back in! Wish me luck!


    Oh my gosh quizzical I just read your comment about walking with the kids and talking with parents! I SOOOOOOOOOOOO cant do that yet. I go in but cant make conversation. I LOVE to talk and am very social but at the same time… well I just cant. I go into the school there are a million (so it seems) kids running around. Parents talking about all the latest gossip and this and that. I cant take it. I feel like im on the outside looking in. I really do. Im hoping to get over that this year! Though I do tend to keep to myself because im not into whos sleeping with who and did you hear this and did you know that and blah blah blah! No thanks and I dont care!

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