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  • in reply to: I just had an epiphamy #110556

    Post count: 40

    Ah, okay. I did yoga nidra years ago – similar stuff.

    I read the sample on Amazon and it looks good. I found a link near the end of the sample reading to the website that has the fundamentals of the meditation technique the book uses.

    Now I need to remember not to hyperfocus out and read it in one session. The kids hate it when I do that, though I know at least they’re eating because there are empty wrappers on all the horizontal surfaces in the kitchen.

    Thanks for the tip. I’m buying the book.

    in reply to: I just had an epiphamy #110554

    Post count: 40


    That looks like a great book. I noticed the audio is only available on some kindles… however, also I see it’s available on iTunes for the iBook app, and the description there also mentions audio track (which contains exercises, etc.).

    Has anyone on this board downloaded the book from iTunes? It sounds like the audio stuff is an integral part of the book from the Amazon customer reviews…

    in reply to: Bacon? #115578

    Post count: 40

    There’s Sir Francis Bacon, philosopher and proponent of the scientific method.

    He died from pneumonia experimenting with freezing meat as a means of preservation.

    He should have stuck to curing and smoking.


    Post count: 40

    @ Rick & Webmaster.

    I don’t think it has anything to do with links. It has to do with login.

    When I’m not logged in, the “England Doesn’t Care” thread only loads the first post. It is this way on I.E.8, Firefox 12,

    running under Windows XP and 7, and Safari running under iOS 5.1.1.

    However, comma, when I log in, then the same thread loads fully, and this happens on all three of my test machines.

    See if this works for you…

    (I’m a software engineer, and the operations people are reloading my database, so I had some time burn :o)

    in reply to: Favorite songs? #113184

    Post count: 40

    Post count: 40

    Fun stuff thread? Okay, here goes… I’d listen to more Clapton if his group could just find a decent guitar player.

    Netflix has his Crossroads Guitar Festival 2010. Absolutely amazing. Amazing! 4 hours. Amazing!

    in reply to: Caste System for ADHD #112606

    Post count: 40

    Wolf, Jim, kc… I can relate to all y’all. I’m in IT as a senior analyst, and thankfully, not a supervisor. I feel fortunate to make it to work with shoes. I’m HD-ADHD, high def, and to top it off, I’m an Aspie. So generally, there’s a train wreck/three ring circus going on in my head, but being Aspie, I don’t care. I support the economy through late fees!

    I must have had 30 jobs over my life, but the last three lasted years, and I left because of boredom. Yah, I was married three times, but the last one was for 22 years, and she only left me because of leukemia.

    I fret over my four kids, because they all have a good share of the clutter and affection for the bright and shiny that I passed along to them, but if it weren’t for we dreamers, this planet would be a dreary old place.

    I’ll suffer through the lost car keys and late fees, just to have the opportunity to have explored the edge of what is possible. I have no regrets, and I can’t change it anyhow. Grab the laces and pull on the boots! Oh, and make sure you remember to put your pants on before you leave the house. Oh, and don’t forget the keys. Got your cell phone? Stove off? Car got fuel? Aaargh.

    in reply to: What Happened to the Site?? #103412

    Post count: 40

    One more thing, Robbo. I’m also a successful lead software engineer on a web development team. Looking over your suggestions for ‘chat’ room, I’d think that if I could click a ‘reply’ button at the bottom of your post, it could put a ‘to:Robbo’ at the top of my post, and at the same time, put an entry (with a link) in your profile that you have a post from me, and maybe even a big red “You have replies” at the top of every page you visit, until you visit your profile page.

    This isn’t rocket science, just some jQuery, a new action class, and some sql.

    in reply to: What Happened to the Site?? #103411

    Post count: 40

    Actually, Robbo, it’s Dharma. I only recognized that because I’m Buddhist. If you use Firefox to post, it will spell check for you as you type. On those eastern words, just throw an ‘h’ in there somewhere, and you’ll do just fine :o)

    Actually, I’m just off a 12 hour shift and coming off my meds with the help of a couple roast beef sammies and a shot of Jack Daniels.

    My only survival technique is habit/routine. When the bright and shiny (squirrel!) distracts me from the habit, I lock myself out without my keys, I end up at work without my pass card, or end up at the store in the checkout without my wallet.

    Space cadet. Airhead. Flake. No, just got distracted.

    Spent my youth hearing: “if only you would apply yourself” … “you’ll never be half the man your older brother was in this class” … “what’s wrong with you” … “are you listening to me” …

    Also qualified for mensa at 16. Nine misdirected years in college. Countless jobs. Three marriages, though the last one survived 22 years, the only woman who could understand me died of leukemia. (When I saw Patrick’s wife on the ADD and Loving It movie, I thought of my wife. What a sweetie.)

    I don’t do body language, I don’t understand subtle hints. I live about a full second behind everyone else. That’s my lot. I’m a single parent of three teens that are essentially of the same mold. One self-medicates. One goes to my psych with me. One refuses to admit she needs assistance. Every horizontal surface in the house has something stacked on it. I work to feed us. We survive, and are, for the most part, happy. We put the ‘fun’ in ‘dysfunctional’ …


    Post count: 40


    Wait, I forgot the Pep Talk part…

    You mentioned you have a middle manager running your executive function?

    I’ve got Groucho Marx.

    You’re feeling better already, yes?


    Post count: 40


    I’m in the states. Dunno how things work elsewhere. I just know that our local gp or pediatrician wasn’t the answer for diagnosis and medications.

    I found the reference for a good local psychologist who administers neuro-psych exams by talking to the director of the local Sylvan Learning Center where my dyslexic/add son takes classes. Then I found a psychiatrist through the University Children’s Hospital who was covered by my insurance to begin the medication process… and it is a process. She happened to be board certified for adults as well, and so now I’m her dyslexic/add patient as well.

    We’re going on three years now, and we have our days, but things are much more manageable.

    in reply to: In the news: "Five Surprising Causes of ADHD" #103884

    Post count: 40

    disclaimer: my criticism is toward the article :o)

    I’m sure ‘western’ diet, as well as food colorings and environmental chemicals can exacerbate symptoms of adhd. These things can create adhd-like symtoms in non-adhd people… However, comma, there’s an abundance of evidence that it’s genetic.

    There’s also evidence that certain diet, exercise, and counseling can alleviate some of the symptoms. If putting me and my kids on a diet of king salmon and gold foil wrapped peregrine falcon eggs would help, I’d try it, and it likely would be cheaper than the current medication bill. Thing is, the meds work for us.

    My best to those doing the studies. The article sounds like someone needed to make a deadline though. IOW, if you or I wrote it, I have a feeling it would be quite different, and probably somewhat less sensational. For someone who’s been there, no explanation is necessary. For someone who’s not, no explanation is possible.

    I’d like Dr. J’s opinion…

    in reply to: Angry? Hell ,I'm Pissed! #103467

    Post count: 40

    Be easy on yourself. Like grief, this is gonna take some time. You didn’t mention whether you were taking meds.

    I didn’t get axle wrapped about the missed opportunities in my life until I’d started Concerta, began to think in an organized linear manner about things, and generally discover what a mess my life HAD been. Sometimes you just grab the bootlaces and pull.

    You’re doing fine, give yourself some of the understanding you now know you lacked, and go from here. The fact that you state you’re pissed tells me you are of a mind to deal with it. Good for you!

    I guess we play the hands we’re dealt. I wish you the best. Chin up, stiff upper, all that. And Happy Easter too.

    Please forgive yourself and others. It is the path to moving on… and the wisdom of the ages.

    in reply to: What Happened to the Site?? #103384

    Post count: 40

    James, I like the format and the improvements. Thank you all for what I know is a major effort.

    in reply to: Which Myers Briggs Personality Profile are you? #100520

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    nvrl8 & Bill – you asked what others think about meds changing the score… I’m much more introverted on meds, and it apparently is enough to tip me towards the I side. I’ve always been a bit more E prior to taking concerta. Dunno how it affects others… maybe I’m just thinking and focusing more now rather than rambling, clowning and gabbing aimlessly.

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