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  • in reply to: What jobs have you enjoyed? #97218

    Post count: 40

    LOL. I failed accounting 101 three times. Nine years of college with no degree. I’m a software engineer and design systems these days, and menial detail is not part of my being… I get to envision the big picture, resolve the business problems, and create stuff for a staff of awesome geniuses to build. Multitasking? Hell, I forget my name if the phone rings.

    in reply to: Still Skeptical #99777

    Post count: 40

    Kazuo, Carrie. My iTunes account thanks you both.

    I never knew it was Satie who wrote that. I’ve heard some of part one in some modern music, gosh, who? Al Cooper with BS&T? ELO? Chicago? Emerson Lake and Palmer? Um… cobwebs… cobwebs.

    in reply to: Changing Education Paradigms- What Do YOU Think? #100053

    Post count: 40


    in reply to: ADD and dating, idea for this site #99478

    Post count: 40

    Hon, I can’t find my cell phone, can you give me a ring? No darlin, I haven’t seen your phone either. When did you last… wait, what?

    in reply to: Clearing my head about meds. #100050

    Post count: 40

    I started with 18mg Concerta six months ago and increased to 27mg in December. I have an engineering job, and really need to focus, and it’s been wonderful. I used Daytrana for a year prior to that, but the patches are annoying at best. If I ever become nostalgic about that, I can get out some duct tape. Yeesh.

    I work 4 day weeks and the 27mg really doesn’t let me relax as much as I’d like when I’m off duty, but I tried going without Concerta on my days off and spent most of my time listening to the circus upstairs… so I tried doing some of my leftover 18mg’s on my off days, and 27mg’s on my work days, and it has worked out well. Now I get two scripts for 27’s and one for 18’s when I see my doctor every three months. Took a couple years to get the meds right, but was well worth the trouble. My kids can tell when I forgot to take one… I don’t talk much when doing the internal channel surfing thing. Fact is, I don’t do much of anything useful when I’m not taking my meds. I was a professional worrier prior to diagnosis, and I find I’m much more able to do what I can about things and put them away (hence – not worry about them).

    These days, I don’t suffer from ADD and dyslexia, I enjoy every minute of it.

    Congrats on getting in control on or off your meds. I aspire to reach that point someday. I’m overjoyed to be able to function for now :o)

    BTW, what’s the name of the self coaching book you mentioned? I’d like to give it a shot. Thanks.

    in reply to: Getting my stuff done (humor) #99090

    Post count: 40
    in reply to: Qs about being Inattentive ADD #98459

    Post count: 40

    @Stacerella. I scored 18. Now what… I forget names of people I’ve known for years. I couldn’t state my age to the judge under oath. Under pressure, I’m easily flustered. It is what it is. As Dudley Moore said in Arthur, “Sometimes I just think funny stuff.”

    You’ll get by.

    I don’t necessarily want to paraphrase, but as for Bob L’s reply… Wait, what?

    in reply to: Go public, or keep it a secret? #97648

    Post count: 40

    Well, ENTP here… but my boss figured when I pushed him to make me a designer rather than being a manager any longer that I had some issues with his chosen direction for my career. I’m a visionary, not a technician, but if I don’t understand what’s possible, I can’t design. I asked to be a line engineer instead of a supervisor, because I can’t design if I don’t understand the technology, but I don’t want to be a technician. Put me in the trenches, let me learn the new stuff, then put me in a position to create.

    I lucked out. He understood and put the whole transition together. It wouldn’t have happened had I not opened up to him. I didn’t happen to say anything about ADD as such, but just pointed out my track record, my accomplishments, and basically told him what motivates someone like myself.

    Patrick mentioned in the movie that some of us find a wife and boss who has the attitude of our fifth grade teachers. I had plenty of that. My current manager is a gem. He wants people to succeed, and wants to do what will make us all successful. I am very fortunate in this.

    in reply to: Husband And Son With ADHD. #98303

    Post count: 40


    I’m ADD and am raising 3 ADD kids by myself. Three of us are on meds and dealing with things much more successfully than prior to the diagnosis.

    I went through two unsuccessful marriages before I met the gal who could put up with me. If you watched the show, you met Patrick’s wife, Janis is her name…

    My third wife, Jan, who I was with for 25 years, had the kind of loving, accepting attitude toward me as Janis does towards Patrick. Sadly, we lost Jan a few years back to leukemia.

    The most important, take home lesson I got from the program was Janice’s acceptance of Patrick and his ADD ways. She understands… If you read through the posts on this forum, you’ll get a handle on what we deal with, how we cope, where we fail, how we survive. Hopefully, you’ll get an understanding of the hell your mate has been dealing with, and with the meds and support, he will too. It now will take time, and some soul searching, and some work, but… it will get better, of this I have the confidence of our experience.

    The program these fine folks produced has been a treasure to my small family. We’ve watched it several times, and I’ve watched it one-on-one with each of my children. What a blessing it has been to see my kids finally accept that they’re not alone, that they really have talents beyond normal, that they now have a handle on why they felt ‘different.’ The most important thing I’ve learned as a parent to this group of misfits is that I, as Janis shows in the program, understand what they’re going through, and accept their misgivings. I love them all the more.

    This is my wish for you.

    Hang in there. It won’t be easy. It will be worth it.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, and my very best wishes for the New Year.

Viewing 9 posts - 31 through 39 (of 39 total)