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I have been absent from the forum for many months. Reading this reminds me of me. I can chuckle about most of my ADHD stuff. My doctor and I haven’t found the correct medication for the ADHD but have been working on the anxiety meds first. Go Effexor.
Then I find out I’m dyslexic. Oh crap, eh!?
REPORT ABUSEI was told by a qualified source that she knew of “children on a 50 mg dose.” It’s supposed to be an 8-hour slow release medication. I have read posts that would suggest the daily affect of 30 mg is about the same timeframe you stated.
My personal experience was the same.
REPORT ABUSEI have been taking Vyvanse for a few months and no urinary changes for me. Began with 30 mg x 1 mth then + 10 mg each month thereafter. I am currently at 60 mg.
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REPORT ABUSESome great ideas shared….thank you all.
I’ll be inviting my wife to some appointments!
My current and last two offices contain very large whiteboards that I would drag the boss over to when we had discussions. Your whiteboard comment made me chuckle. So true. (Diagnosed 3.5 moths @ 49)
funny how so much shit makes sense, eh? Anyone get that feeling too?
REPORT ABUSESome great ideas shared….thank you all.
I’ll be inviting my wife to some appointments!
My current and last two offices contain very large whiteboards that I would drag the boss over to when we had discussions. Your whiteboard comment made me chuckle. So true. (Diagnosed 3.5 moths @ 49)
funny how so much shit makes sense, eh? Anyone get that feeling too?
REPORT ABUSE49 years and counting
REPORT ABUSEI don’t think that you should expect ADHD meds to help with rage, but not certain as I’m only into meds for about 2 months now.
There is evidence that depression, anxiety, and oppositional defiance disorder (among other “disorders”) are common in us folks with ADHD. It seems like the dog chasing its tail – ADHD people can actually set themselves up for failure because of our internal expectations can’t be met. So we need to address both or all issues. I was told by my ADHD shrink that they normally want to address any side issues before the ADHD with medication, for me it was getting my anxiety under control. Perhaps there are some other issues that are popping up now for you because of the medication – windows to the soul.
It’s like that game at the fair, Wack-A-Mole… need to know what is causing the rage (those buttons) and then you gotta jump on the issues before the rage, find your pause button, and get to another place.
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REPORT ABUSEI’ve read a lot of descriptions of symptoms on this site but few come as easily and simplistic as what you described Shutterbug55: “I can tell when I am getting frustrated, so instead of going from 0-liftoff, I can do something about it. I don’t go down the rabbit hole NEARLY as much, and I haven’t spaced out in a long time.”
I am just starting to figure out where my Pause Button is so that I don’t liftoff as well, and finding that I’ve been able to face a few of my situations head on however my wife said I’ve spaced out a few times during supper.
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REPORT ABUSEFunny…I just did the mac N cheese for lunch. Passing is not a good thing.
Wear a helmet to bed!
REPORT ABUSEI hear you….I’ve been able to successfully upset many bosses, even got fired by a few, so about 7 years ago I started my own company so now I can’t get fired, and I try really hard not to offend.
Years ago I thought that I’d just “tell it like it is.” The world ain’t ready for that yet!
Get the %$$^^# out of the basement!
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REPORT ABUSE@Blackdog Too funny! Thankfully my wife only brought with her a mother! No father, brother or sister in laws to be irritating! (grin)
I’m not looking forward to being more irritable that is for sure.
Ya….start a new list! (haha)
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REPORT ABUSEFunny how people have their preconceived notions or perceptions. I’m always so outgoing, full of energy, so to is my (undiagnosed) brother, and when either of us is quieter than usual, we get that same thing @Blackdog “Are you okay?”
Sometimes I just need to stop….but that isn’t too often. But I hope as my meds get worked up, the impulsive chattiness will subside.
But as my wife said, “I like you the way you are. I don’t want to loose the person I know to medication.”
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REPORT ABUSE@blackdog My wife is 49 and just starting menopause and tells me her anxiety medication has a wonderful “side effect” that keeps the hot flashes at bay. How cool is that! (pun intended)
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REPORT ABUSERe: Whiteboard
i’ve had a whiteboard in the past three offices I’ve lived in…..currently a home office.
It is good to get the thought out in front of you if you are visual and write it if kinetic, but I still haven’t found a great way to use it and keep rolling with it.
I recently changed the Daily section to Weekly because I wasn’t getting things done… to ease my guilt feelings.
REPORT ABUSEHey thanks for your note. I’m a coffee lover and can do 4-6 cups a day but recal my doc asking then recommending keeping it at 2 or less per day. That’s not considering other caffeine sources.
I’ll be more aware now that simple changes in caffeine intake may affect me while on Vyvanse.
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