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Category : ADD video

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Is ADHD over-diagnosed?

By totallyaddauthor

‘Oh, everyone thinks they have ADD nowadays.  It’s over-diagnosed.  It’s the internet.  And cell phones.  And everyone’s trying to do 9 things at once.  Fifty years ago there was no such thing as ADHD.’

Comedy + Holidays | Rick Rants | Videos

Hyper Holiday

By totallyaddauthor

The end-of-year, crazy-making, crowd-crushing, high-pressure, time-sucking, energy-sapping, hysteria-causing holidays are here. Forget celebrating. How about surviving? Rick has a suggestion.

Adult ADHD

Executive Function Disorder & ADHD

By totallyaddauthor

This is going to be one of those stories where I admit to resisting something that turned out to do me a world of good.  Dunno if that’s a ‘guy thing’, or an ‘ADHD thing’, or a ‘Rick thing’, but it’s going to take me a minute or two to get there. Stay with me!  (Or skip to the end, then come back and read chunks in a random order until it makes sense.  Hey, it’s your ADHD, do what works for you.)

Adult ADHD | Articles | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

ADHD Strategies

By totallyaddauthor

You’re reading this because at some point you, or a loved one, saw a video, read an article, did an online test, or took our Unofficial ADHD Quiz, and the penny dropped, you thought “maybe I have adult ADHD”.

Rick | TotallyADD Blog

I Hate Change. I Love Novelty. An ADHD-Friendly Website Grows Even Friendlier

By totallyaddauthor

Is it fair to say that most of us who have ADHD love novelty?  We are drawn to new things.  New ideas. A new pic on Instagram.  When it’s the same old stuff, we get bored.  “That’s the way it’s always been done,” is comforting to some people, but to me that sounds like an apology.  “We’re too afraid to mess with it” sometimes strikes me as a challenge, “We can’t possibly imagine how it could be better so we just live with it.”

Adult ADHD | Articles | Rick | TotallyADD Blog | Work & School

What's the Best Career for Someone With ADHD?

By totallyaddauthor

“Is there a list of great careers for people who have ADHD? Is there an ideal job that works with ADD? Can I make good living and succeed with ADHD?” Those are big concerns for adolescents with ADHD going to college. Or for adults who are struggling with their ADHD at their job. If they have a job.
The rates of unemployment amongst people with untreated ADHD are depressing.