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Category : ADHD Advice

Guest Blog | TotallyADD Blog | Work & School

5 Steps to Avoid “Drama” at Home and Work

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

Whether at home or in the workplace, human dynamics are complicated. As we start to plan for the post-summer-back-to-school-and-work season, we have an idea of how we want things to go once we get back into some routine. Wouldn’t it be great if everything could run smoothly? And still do what’s best for our selves, or our families, or our job?…

Comedy + Holidays | Rick Rants | Videos

Hyper Holiday

By totallyaddauthor

The end-of-year, crazy-making, crowd-crushing, high-pressure, time-sucking, energy-sapping, hysteria-causing holidays are here. Forget celebrating. How about surviving? Rick has a suggestion.