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Category : Edward Hallowell

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

“When I Grow Up I Want To Be…”

By totallyaddauthor

Ask most kids what they want to be when they grow up and you’ll get very clear answers. Which may change from week to week, depending on the video game they’ve played. I had no idea.
“What do I want to be?” From age 8 to about the time my first marriage ended, that question invariably triggered a snowstorm of ideas, then brain freeze. I didn’t have an answer.
Then I realized what I wanted to be: Happy…

Adult ADHD

Getting Help For ADHD

By Edward (Ned) Hallowell, Psychiatrist

In terms of finding help, I would start with a book and a friend.
So forget about the professionals at the start because …

Experts | Mastering Your ADHD | Straight Answers | Tools & Tricks & Tips | Videos

Financial freedom from a frozen asset

By totallyaddauthor

In this video, Dr. Stephanie Sarkis talks about the challenge of ADHD and credit cards. Plus, ADHD expert Dr. Ned Hallowell shares a simple secret to deal with ADD, impulse shopping, credit card debt, overspending, buyers remorse, and self-control. It involves a bowl of water. Intrigued? This simple strategy, a trick anyone can use, will help cut debt and overspending for adults, students, and seniors who struggle with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and their finances.

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

By totallyaddauthor

There’s a meme that keeps popping up on Facebook that has a great deal of wisdom in it: ‘Don’t believe everything you think.’ That simple phrase popped into my head when we were interviewing Dr. Edward ‘Ned’ Hallowell at his home in Massachusetts. I had driven down to Boston to appear on WGBH, the local PBS station, when they debuted our program, ADD & Mastering It! We were talking about anxiety and depression, two common spinoffs of life with ADHD, especially before it’s diagnosed. Ned said, “Never worry alone. Call someone.” He calls it Vitamin C. ‘C’ as in Connection. Connect with someone…

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog


By totallyaddauthor

Last year we took a poll during one of our webinars. We asked: “What are the biggest issues you want us to address?” Number one? Procrastination. No surprise. And we’ve been working on a Procrastination video for a while now. (Insert your own procrastination joke here.) Second issue? The tornado of emotions that erupt when you, or a loved one, receives the ADHD diagnosis. We’ve been asking a lot of experts about this furious funnel of feelings that can send an already racing mind into a tailspin. And, man oh man, do we have some stories to tell…

Guest Blog | Work & School

10 Tips to Achieving Focus in Today’s Busy Workplace

By Edward (Ned) Hallowell, Psychiatrist

1. Do The Impossible. People focus most intently when they take on a challenge, when they are working in an area where they are skilled, but where they are also stretched. Often, amazingly enough, what seemed impossible becomes possible. 2. Trust Your Way. Perhaps the single most clichéd song lyric ever…