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Category : TotallyADD Blog

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Stop Procrastinating?

By totallyaddauthor

Financial paperwork. Legal documents. Old tax returns. Contracts. Shoot me now! I’ve had a month to locate and compile all the paperwork for my meeting this Tuesday. Tuesday is tomorrow. I started yesterday. And this is a victory over procrastination because normally I would have started looking today

Adult ADHD | Most Popular | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

8 Ways My ADHD is a Gift

By totallyaddauthor

Now and then someone will tell me that Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a gift.  A big, fat, wonderful, exciting gift.
Rather than a problem, disorder, constant challenge, or, on bad days, a curse.
Why such opposing views?

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

ADHD Planner? The Path To New Habits…

By totallyaddauthor

I’ve mentioned recently that at my lowest moments, despairing, I thought, “I wish I’d never been diagnosed.”
That’s not true, of course. Having an explanation for some of my challenges, an explanation that I can work with, has been hugely helpful.