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Guest Blog | Relationships: Family, Friends & Work | TotallyADD Blog

5 Mistakes You’re Making That May Be Holding Your Partner Back

Let’s start by saying that it can be really exhausting living with ADHD: for you and for your partner. When we depend on our executive functions to manage our jam-packed lives, we can quickly feel de-railed and impatient. The words frustration and overwhelm come to mind. So, none of these suggestions are easy. Just holding it together is often all you can handle, but here are a few things to keep in mind…

Adult ADHD | TotallyADD Blog

10 Fast Facts on Sleep Deprivation

Sleep.  Ah, glorious sleep.  According to my FitBit I actually got well over the recommended 8 hours of  sleep… once in the last two weeks.  If I add in the naps I take, I’m probably getting 8 hours at least twice a week.  Today was the first day since New Years that I was up before 8:00.  My alarm normally goes off at 7:10 and I’m doing yoga by 7:20.  Usually.  Ideally.  Mostly.