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Category : Rick

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Putting Things on the Back Burner. A Guide To Letting Go.

By totallyaddauthor

As I mentioned yesterday we’ve been very busy doing a dozen things at once. Stuff around the website. Renovations, rebuilds, plus all the new features.
When I start to fear that it will never end, I pause and remind myself that at some point there will be nothing more I can do, cause I’ll be dead. Somehow that cheers me up.

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Emotion vs. Logic: The Delusion of Control

By totallyaddauthor

If an article on the internet is true, and why wouldn’t it be, when film director Sam Mendes and his wife, actress Kate Winslet, fly anywhere, they take separate flights.
Their thinking?  If one plane crashes, the other will survive to raise the kids. Having raised kids, I’m unsure if this is an act of love or ‘revenge from beyond the grave.’

Rick | TotallyADD Blog | Work & School

Finding a Job You Love… That Loves You Back

By totallyaddauthor

You’ve heard the advice, usually from people who are fabulously successful: “Follow your passion!”
If only everyone would do that!  Why, then… who would collect our garbage?  Or work in a noisy warehouse?  Or stand behind the counter at the bank serving customers for 8 hours a day?