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Quick: How many tabs do you have open on your browser right now?

Quick: How many tabs do you have open on your browser right now?2010-11-05T17:59:27+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Organization Quick: How many tabs do you have open on your browser right now?

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    Post count: 913

    This is the fewest I’ve had for days – only 8.

    For me, my reaons or excuse, I want to keep them open and handy, or I might forget where I was, etc.

    On my work computer, when I leave firefox, I hit the task manager and choose end task. That way when firefox is restarted, it opens all 8 or 9 browsers and the 30-40 some tabs open in them. It’ sjust faster and easier that way.

    But it’s a high-end developers workstation with RAID, 4 gig of RAM, dual monitors, half a terrabyte of drives in the raid, etc. so it can handle it.


    Post count: 14413

    I have one tab on right now but sometimes i have more than one because i want to view or read internet news on one tab and when my attention wanders take a masturbation break on the other one. Yeah I said it!


    Post count: 5

    ok Ok OK

    I change my profile pic AND censure myself from now on ok?

    The last thing I want is to be disrespectful.

    So, happy now?

    only 10 tabs now cause my firefox keeps “hanging”…


    Post count: 913

    Firefox has some memory leak issues…………. Opera is just bloated, and Chrome is not secure – and comes from the tech company I trust least in this world.

    IE is getting there – getting better…….. but like all MS products, is rushed out and then later fixed.

    >>censure myself from now on <<<

    LOL – sorry, you made me chuckle, as I didn’t think ANYONE with true ADD or AD/HD could possibly “censure” themselves or think before talking/typing. Kudos if you have ADD and have that sort of control. ;-) I thought we were more known for boldly speaking our minds regardless.


    Post count: 14413

    3 tabs in browser (usually more)

    Burning a disc in iTunes

    Printing an ADD help document

    Editing a website I run

    And e-mail open too

    …oh yeah, thinking about other stuff I have to get done like clean the shop, get stuff from storage for wife, finish desk cleaning organization, etc etc etc

    Have to go to work today too LOL


    Post count: 14413

    24 right now. That’s 2 1/2 rows at my current resolution.

    I usually don’t notice until they start scrolling past three rows and I can’t see them anymore or someone finally pulls me away. If I’m having a particularly lucid day and actually notice things are getting out of control I use Instaright (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/13317/) (formerly called InstaPaper) to save the page for offline reading on my iPhone. Of course, I rarely ever remember to read it on Instaright later and that’s the trick. When I do remember usually its hours or days later. More often than not after reading it I wander what the hell I thought was so great or important two nights ago when I couldn’t let it go.

    Another great too I use sometimes is Leechblock (http://lifehacker.com/374812/save-yourself-from-time-sinks-online-with-leechblock). Leechblock is a Firefox add-on that blocks web pages or the internet entirely based on virtually any criteria you can think of. Examples: Block everything between 8 am and 5 pm, Mon-Fri only, except Gmail; block a particular list of sites for a specified amount of time if any one of those sites is open more than a specified number of minutes; shut down Firefox at a particular time of night and pop a message on the screen to GO TO BED! Leechblock can also track your time online, on specific sites, and/or specific types of sites to show you graphs of the time you are wasting. Best of all it has features to make it difficult to disable, override, or bypass it when you just can’t resist.

    For outofshell: There is a Firefox add-on called BarTab (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/67651/) that automatically unloads all background tabs if they have not been accesses recently. The tabs are still there with there icons and titles they just don’t load the page until you click the tab. This helps prevent Firefox from getting bogged down from holding so many open tabs in memory at once.


    Post count: 14413

    2 tabs…but three computers running at the same time while I watch TV play internet poker FB and e-mail….i dont own a cell phone though [izzat wierd?]….


    Post count: 913

    yikes………… guess I have never understood the need to use “vulgarity” in public places in normal speaking. Apparently there’s some need for it, but I’ll never understand it, even having worked in factories and shops.

    currently 3 computers, 2 with dual screens, and between them:

    9 firefox browser windows running something north of 30 tabs between them, 5 IE browsers running 12 tabs.

    Was up to 5 computers – but I shut down 2 computers due to the heat and taxing the UPS.


    Post count: 22

    Hi folks, it’s Aerin, your friendly Community Manager here!

    I just deleted a post that included some pretty offensive language. We do our best to monitor the forums for abusive language and inappropriate comments – without being conversation cops!

    I encourage the free and open, and heartfelt conversations, and don’t want to have to wash anyone’s mouth out with soap.

    If you see a post that has language that you find objectionable or offensive, please let me know, and I’ll grab the Zest. :)


    Post count: 14413

    4 in this window…5 in my other window…lol


    Post count: 14413

    Those are just internet tabs, BTW. That doesn’t count the 2 instances of a work program, 1 other work program and my Outlook email which are all open and running as well…


    Post count: 913

    I can relate to that……..of the two computers I’m using now, one has 8 apps open with 3 instances of word, and the other has 11 programs or apps open with 3 virtual machine consoles among them.

    That’s not counting the browser tabs.

    I can’t STAND to wait for the computer to respond, so while it thinks, I swivel my chair and start another process in another one. I’m dnwloading a 1.2gig app file………

    I guess I never equated it with us……… I thought it was more or less normal. (whatever that is!)


    Post count: 14413

    20 in Google C

    2 IE


    and remoted to my other computer with

    4 Google C


    Post count: 14413

    ………….only one! …right now. so, can I say I’m not one of us???? oops partner says NO.


    Post count: 14413

    ECinABw3 – I could have written nearly you’re post. I just watched the documentary today. I found it by accident.

    After closing several tabs (I think) I now have only 8 in this window and two other browsers with just one tab a piece. Weird.

    I too find that I open browsers to keep things to come back to later.

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