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  • in reply to: Made social errors and never knew it #108891

    Post count: 226

    I have a social group and they play card games. It is so hard for me to sit there and wait my turn. One game you have to get ten hands to win. That is ten times redoing the game over again. It drove me nuts.

    We talk sometimes, but most of the time it is card games and I cannot stand it. We played outside but people are complaining it is too cold and too dark to go outside. Most of them are late, and when I was younger I got into trouble if I were late. So, it also drives me nuts when I show up on time and no one is there. I spend what feel likes two hours thinking it is canceled and find out it is not. Oh, and it is only two minutes.

    Sometimes, I get so overwhelmed that I don’t talk at all. Too many people and I rudely butt into conversations. Most people think it is cute though, still some get a tad upset. I have learned to wait until someone talks to me. I knit while I wait.

    Another social gathering they are use to being on time. So one time I showed up late and they let me have it. I had no idea why and did not state that many of them are late showing up. Then someone said they were joking. Only I did not find the humor in the joke.

    in reply to: Discovering ADHD in Literature #93622

    Post count: 226

    @billd I cried when Anne hair turned green. LOL! For a week in fourth grade I asked my teacher to read the whole book series. Only watched the mini-series. Funny that I didn’t dress like her for halloween. I would make the perfect Anne with an e.

    in reply to: Discovering ADHD in Literature #93618

    Post count: 226

    When I was younger my love was poetry. Mainly because I could read a poem and still stay focus enough to finish the poem. There was there this book, Lunch Money. My mom and my babysitter would read me this one poem about not doing my homework. It was that time when I got bored and would daydream or move about and my medicine at the time failed. The poem was about this child trying very hard to do his homework and failing at it. The poem talked about how he or she seemed to get off the task. After they read the poem or when I got older I would read the poem, I went back to my homework. It was a shock that I could do my homework and complete it. That was until I decided I was too old for the poem.

    The second poem was about a student telling their teacher they are wrong. I loved that poem because it was stating that 2+2=22. Anyhow, I took the poem to mean a lot more. AKA: Little Red Riding Hood. That story still drives me nuts. In grade K when my teacher was reading the story of LIttle Red Riding Hood–my thoughts were that Little Red Riding Hood knew the talking wolf. I mean come on, wolves don’t talk and if they did wouldn’t you run? After raising my voice to defend Little Red Riding Hood knowing the wolf, and the wolf was not a stranger at all. I lost.

    Recently at a book group I ran into my grade K teacher. (Had trouble calling them by their first name.) She saw the movie Little Red Riding Hood and thought of me. She admitted that I was right.

    Another series is Jonnie B Jones (I think I spelled that right). The story is about a young girl and her adventure at school, home, and life. When we had family night and we had reading hours were each of us (my brothers and me) took turns reading stories, poems. My youngest loved that series and it was really a good series to read.

    in reply to: Housework hacks #104480

    Post count: 226

    Lists-what you have to do and what time it has to be done. Remember to give yourself longer time to do the work.

    Check lists-I have check lists when I am in the car. Such as wear the belt, check mirrors, and make sure everything is checked before I put the key into the keyhole. Check lists for classes-books, homework, test and quizzes prep, and make sure I have supplies.

    My keys have a spot in my purse, cell phone, wallet, extra pens, and pencils

    in reply to: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten? #96076

    Post count: 226

    My house keys. I knew my keys were in my purse somewhere and then I remember they where on the table in the kitchen. Wasted an hour looking for them in my purse.

    in reply to: Alienation and Hurtful Comments #108311

    Post count: 226

    Toofat- I am sorry to hear that there is hateful comments on this site. A friend of my were talking recently about comments that are hateful. (We have blogs and lately she is having problems with hateful comments) The best thing we decided is to take it with a grain of salt. Meaning, if it bother us leave it and forget about, but I found out sometimes I over analyze things. I am so lucky that I have someone to talk to.

    in reply to: My Blog! #102402

    Post count: 226

    I found out I have 5 different blogs. Each one seems to die out.

    in reply to: ADHD, working memory, and words. A battleground. #108175

    Post count: 226

    @caper I failed the cogntivefun.net/test/4 mainly because the pictures did not go away fast enough, or I double clicked, and just plain forgot the pictures. I did better with three then I did with two.

    in reply to: Caffeine! Wow. Trying to self medicate. #107799

    Post count: 226

    Caffeine has strange affects on me. I drink enough of it to fall asleep, I will wake up cranky. Energy drinks seems to have me crash right away, but an hour later I am fine. The next day I am in such a mood. I have to watch how much caffeine I take.

    in reply to: Reading Comprehension #106374

    Post count: 226

    My problem is when I get into the story and then there is a random object. I can only think of the object. Like a cup and then I keep thinking about what kind of cup. It happens with characters too. Their histories, places they visited, and relationships too.

    Sometimes I jump from paragraph to paragraph. Sentences merge together in one line. It is because my other disability, or maybe it was ADD too.

    If I am not interested in what I am reading then I have a hard time reading understanding it. When that happens I have a notebook or I create a character too.

    in reply to: Driving, and dealing with anxiety #107628

    Post count: 226

    @sugargremlin no, I am taking courses at an Arboretum. Trying to get my nature certification. I doubt that they have the services as I did last year while I was getting my BA.

    Thanks again for the websites.

    in reply to: I've started a blog about my adhd journey. Strange dream. #107237

    Post count: 226

    @lakelly I had to write my dreams down for a month. My professor wrote on the dream journal and stated it was interesting.

    in reply to: Car parks are a nightmare! #107176

    Post count: 226

    I hit the house and almost hit a tree. I try to park away from cars and I only had my license for a week. I don’t like driving with so many cars. Oh, and I parked so I could pulled forward and not gone in reverse it didn’t work.

    Drove in the rain yesterday and every part of me was shaking as I turned into the parking lot until I turned off the car. My parking was really good though. Oh, and I parked in anther parking lot because the parking lot was full of cars and it just stressed me out so much. However, I had a stuff animal and I would talk to it and tell it what I was feeling and afraid of then laugh waiting for a response that never came.

    I noticed that I shake uncontrollably when in reverse or parking lots. It is a surprise that I got my license at all. Of course everyone that has driven with me claims I am a good driver.

    in reply to: kids or not #107281

    Post count: 226

    I always wanted four kids. The only problem is how many of my children will have ADD or ADHD. I am the only one in my immeditate family that has ADD and everyone was tested for it.

    My mom is a teacher and sometimes I get to help with kids. The children who needs help with work but are afaird to ask I normally spot them. About two hours into the classroom; I wanted to go somewhere other the room. At this point I wondered how I ever survive school. I realized that in high school I was not stuck in one room and moved around. The aids and the people who help with kids stated I should be a great teacher. However, I got the kids wound up that they got into trouble.

    My cousin has been acting up and it is not normal behaivor. No one wants to talk about it and that is scare, because I think it would be hard to have a child of mine like my cousin.

    I offten think about my kids spacing out, overly sensitive, having outburst because no one understand them, and life just planly hard for them. Not to metention the painful pregancy that goes along with it. That is were I say no. Everything I worked for was reached with hardwork. Hardly anything came easily for me, and that is what I am afraid of the most. Seeing my children struggle in life.

    However there is that slight chance that I will miss knitting blankets, sweaters, hats, and making other things. The social exspect is also there too. Maybe there is a mother and child with ADD/ADHD group out there. Heck, maybe none of them will have ADD. Smiling and proud of my children when they do something amazing.

    Well, whatever happens it will happen reather I am ready or not.

    in reply to: I've started a blog about my adhd journey. Strange dream. #107233

    Post count: 226

    I had a dream like the one you were describing.

    Here it is:

    The e-books replaced books and I hated e-books–missing books too much. The library had databases full of e-books. That is where I uploaded the e-book virus. This was my first time I have ever created a destructive electronic virus. The funny thing I created it on my e-book devise and when the virus destroyed the e-book I knew I had got it right.

    Months later the virus had hit the internet and destroyed tons of internet sites. In fact, it destroyed computers’ screens has a hole–a big black hole in the screen.

    People had given up on electronics mostly computers and e-books were officially dead. E-book companies went bankrupt and people had to go outside for once.

    Children played on the streets and the eccomenmy boomed strangely, because people had to do math by hand. Calculators had holes in the screen too. Grades went up and teachers learned how to teach children. Every child had an individual planning education based on their needs. Most of dumb students became smarter then the gifted students.

    Then I decided it was time to give people computers back and electronics back. The only problem people no longer trusted them in their lives. It took years to electronics to be big again but it did happen.

    Unfortunately for them I still had the virus and I was the only one that had the cure. In the dream I never dreamt that I used the virus only that if I decided to–I could install the virus again.

    That was my dream. One of my favorites.

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