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  • Lindstr7
    Post count: 103

    Hi Oasisfangirl, I’m glad you found this site. Another site you might find helpful is CHADD.org (just found out about it today). I’d also recommend watching the videos here, especially the ones on this page to start:


    Video 5 pops up first, but scroll down and you’ll see 1-5, start with one.

    I’m the mother of a 16 y/o girl and when she told me she thought maybe she had ADD I told her “I don’t think you do,” even though I’d just been diagnosed with it myself! I think there is a tendency to be in denial or to admit that there is a genetic trait inherited from the parents. I intend to get her tested now because I want her to be free to live up to her fullest potential.

    After you watch the videos and educate yourself a little bit more, you could invite your mother to watch with you. Maybe that will help you convince her that you need help. Visit and explore this site and the CHADD site and any other material you can get your hands on. There are lots of senior members here that can offer you advice, good luck!

    in reply to: Stimulants and Anti-Depressants #99278

    Post count: 103


    I’d highly recommend watching the videos here, they’re a great tool to educate yourself on ADD. So many people are misdiagnosed, including me! I’ve been on Celexa for a few years now and I don’t even think I’m depressed , or am depressed because I can’t function because I have ADD. My doctor told me that the two sometimes overlap. Just tell your doctor what you just said above and if they’re not qualified to diagnose you, ask to see a specialist.

    Today is my second day on Ritalin and I’m already feeling more “normal” and functional than I have in years! It was pretty much instantaneous, although I know I may need to adjust meds or change meds (get a slight headache), and take a wholistic approach (diet, exercise, etc.) but this has really opened a door for me and I feel like I’m starting my life anew. I know this won’t “fix” me totally but it is certainly given me the sense that I “can do”.

    I urge you to get tested and wish you the best of luck.

    in reply to: Teen ADD #102375

    Post count: 103


    all great advice from Hans. If I could offer my 2 cents, I would watch the videos in the video section. especially the ones found on this page:


    Video 5 pops up first but if you scroll down you’ll see the other videos 1-5. start at one and work your way through. The dr. does an excellent job of debunking myths about ADD meds. It would be a good tool for you and your parents. After you watch it maybe you can watch it together with them. I am the mother of a 16 year old who told me she thought she might have it and my response was “I don’t think you do.” Even though I had just been diagnosed! I think it was just a knee-jerk reaction of denial mostly out of fear of the stigma attached to any “disorder.” So, I urge you to watch these videos and educate yourself then perhaps you can be more persuasive when trying to convince your parents. Also, I’m on my 2nd day of Ritalin and the only side effects are a little bit of a dry mouth (not much) and I have a slight headache. Working with your doctor is key in finding the right dosages and the right med for you. Good Luck!

    in reply to: School – Verbal Abuse by Teachers! #93891

    Post count: 103

    Njadd, thanks for that info, I just looked them up and there is a branch here in Seattle. Also, thanks for the reminder about the videos here. I’m watching them now and wow, they are full of good stuff. With my ADD i went right for the forums overlooking all the other great resources here. I had had all kinds of fears about her taking medication but after watching some of the vids, realize that my fears are essentially unfounded. CHADD sounds like a great place to start. Thanks.

    in reply to: School – Verbal Abuse by Teachers! #93888

    Post count: 103

    Ohhh my gosh yes. She knows, however I don’t think she is able to be objective enough to discern what is dysfunctional behavior on my part, since she’s lived with me all her life, poor thing. I’ve asked her to observe me to see if she notices any changes lol. Aside from her grades, she’s astonishingly mature and is the one all her friends go to when they have problems. Maybe she’s had lots of practice with all she’s been through. I’m in USA formerly in CA and in WA state for last two years. (an impulsive move, typical). pls. do YOU know how to start a new thread? :)


    Post count: 103

    Crap – (sorry for the shorthand) I am starting ritalin today and it is not making me a zombie at all. I feel alert and somewhat more focused. I’m getting things done but don’t feel speedy. I hate feeling speedy or zoned out. I think working with the dr. to get the right dosage is key, you can’t just take the prescription and voila, all better. Working with your psych is key. I know about the relationship to food and self-medicating or whatever you want to call it. My philosophy now is to get to the ROOT of the problem. I believe that all other attempts to progress in my life were unattainable with my condition such as it is (hopefully WAS very soon). I would suggest you think before you go about all the symptoms you have and have had and express your concerns and hopes and maybe write them down if you tend to be forgetful or freeze up (like I do) when asked a question about yourself. Good luck and I’m crossing my fingers for you. There is a lot of support and help here so visit often.


    Post count: 103

    Njadd – how is the Cymbalta working for your anxiety? I’m on Celexa now but I don’t think I’m depressed, more social anxiety type thing. Today is my first day on Ritalin and already I’m getting stuff done without feeling buzzed or overstimulated, but it does give me a headache. Here’s hoping. Also on the school thing! I went back and took a class a two years ago and I only managed that because I had a friend holding my hand in the same class. It was a writing class and i was astonished at how well I did (I got an A! *pats back*), but mostly because writing is something one can take home and do in a solitary, controlled environment I’m guessing. I want a degree SOOOO bad and have all my life, but of course, was too scattered to even get to the registrars office. Sorry about your injuries, it sounds bloody awful. Good wishes for you.

    in reply to: School – Verbal Abuse by Teachers! #93885

    Post count: 103

    p.s. i’d like to have a discussion about nature vs. nurture but can’t find a tag…..Does anyone know how to start a new thread?

    in reply to: School – Verbal Abuse by Teachers! #93884

    Post count: 103

    Njadd…I agree that the schools are sorely lacking in funding (thanks to those who value weapons over education :)…which makes it even harder for those kids who need the extra help and understanding to get help. I was a loopy mess in school and dropped out of college because I didn’t know how to deal with my issues, but when it comes to my child, my tiger-mama claws come out. I had so many meetings with the principal and staff trying to get her evaluated. She didn’t qualify for special ed because her grades were just above failing. Frustrating, but I didn’t want her to be in special ed anyway because I didn’t think that was where she belonged and I didn’t want her to be labeled and possibly stigmatized.

    Now that I know I have ADD, of course I wonder if she does as well. The thought of giving a 16 y/o meds is kind of scary but am I keeping her back from her full potential? Was it my “nurturing” (as an ADDr) or Nature (in her genes). Will my getting focused help her stay focused? know what I mean? My next step is to get her tested.

    It sucks that we fell through the cracks, but today is my first day of meds and already I’ve gotten more done in one day than I had in a week before. So, forward HO, and I ain’t lookin’ back.

    in reply to: Organization and Time Management HELP! #91818

    Post count: 103


    Good for you for having the wisdom and courage to just do it and not ask anyone “should I”? Again, its taking small steps towards making change that is the most effective and lasting. Plant that first foot on the ground, then the second foot. EVERYONE makes mistakes., you probably are hyper-sensitive to your own.

    I have to say, your story sounds very similar to mine in that I always had people do things for me: Siblings (I was the youngest), friends, boyfriends, husband. It worked until, well my husband got tired of it and asked for a divorce. I was paralyzed and freaked out, cried every day, raged at him and others, thought of suicide (but I could never leave my child motherless since I grew up without a mother). Then, I was forced out into the big scary world on my own (although I’m still getting support from him and not quite functional enough to get out and get a job, although if I were forced to I would have to go out and deal with my dysfunction in the “real world” yikes!) So, I think that your getting a handle on things now while you are in a supportive relationship will help you prepare for if/when you find yourself on your own. I think the uncertainty of “what might happen” can be paralyzing too (well, for me I KNOW it is). I understand why you are afraid, any change can be frightening, but you are making steps to make yourself into the person you know you WANT to be. I am too. I found that I can’t always keep comparing myself to where others are and beat myself up for having wasted so many years of my life doing NOTHING productive and just spinning my wheels. For years I hid in my house, smoked pot, hid from friends, made excuses, ducked n’ dived. Well, the pot I realized was only making me fat and unmotivated and I thought to myself, I’ve got to do this for me aAND most especially my child.

    So, long story longer (sorry), I finally did go to the doctor yesterday and got a 30 day prescription for ritalin. Today will be the first day taking the full dosage, so I won’t know if its helping for a few days probably. I don’t know where you live (I live in US, WA state) and I have decent health insurance. I told my doc I wanted to discuss ADD. Listen, your doctor knows (or should know) about this condition as more and more people are discovering they have it and pharmaceutical companies are climbing over each other to get the latest med on the market….why?….because its a product in great demand. You are most definitely NOT alone in this. I want to encourage you to make an appointment and keep it. Think ahead about what you want to ask and say and write it down. They will likely ask you a series of questions or give you a survey to fill out and take it from there. My next step is to be evaluated in their “Behavioral Health” dept. to be evaluated. If you have insurance, I would get thee to the telephone and make that appointment. If you write things down ahead of time before you go, you can always refer to your “cheat sheet”. Be brave and strong and you’ll be so proud of yourself for taking such a big step. Then, instead of “Idoeno” you’ll be “I did it”! Finally, yes, I thought I was depressed and am on Celexa for that but now I’m not so sure I’m depressed or maybe I’m depressed because my ADD made me dysfunctional. They will try to determine of you are depressed or if you have ADD or both as they, according to my doctor, can sometimes overlap. Try not to think of yourself as “separate” from everyone else. Like my doctor said, “there is no normal.” Sorry to go on so long and please stay in touch here, people have been great.

    in reply to: School – Verbal Abuse by Teachers! #93882

    Post count: 103

    That reminds me of when my daughter’s teacher told me she had “never in her 20 years seen a child like (mine)! This was when she was in second grade and when I visited the class room, she would snap her to attention by yelling her name in front of the whole class, and really just scaring her. She was seven years old! I tell ya I wanted to rip her a new one.

    in reply to: Organization and Time Management HELP! #91814

    Post count: 103

    Can someone tell me how to start a new topic on this site? Thanks.

    Idoeno, I’m glad you found this site….just found it myself about a week ago and its given me great insight and I don’t feel so alone and disconnected. There are some senior members here that can give you good advice. So, first off, congratulate yourself on getting this far. It was a choice you made to get the book and visit this site so you can check those off your list! See you can make decisions. I’m curious if you have or are planning to be evaluated. I made three appointments and cancelled them before I finally made it today. And I’ll tell you, making the decision to go, and actually going, was one of the best “choices” i’ve made in my life.

    I just started taking a small dose of Ritalin today and am hoping it will help me “fix myself” as well. I’ve been beating myself up for years for not feeling “normal.” When I went to my doctor today I told her “I just want to be normal.” She told me there is no “normal.” Everyone is unique (sorry if this is sounding sappy), and there is no other one in the world like you. As far as “I doe no” goes” it sounds like you need to get in touch with what you want and not focus on what other people are doing or how accomplished they are or that you’re not where they are in your life. I hope you’re not thinking “spare me the platitudes,” but I really do try to live like that now, if I don’t I just spin my wheels worrying. Indecision can be paralyzing, I know.

    Typically, when I go shopping I get so distracted by all the pretty groceries that I end up leaving without what I went in for…garg.

    I’m big on making notes to myself on my blackberry now.

    It sounds like you’ve already made a pretty major by deciding you want a better life for yourself and that is a great choice. Whats your next move?

    in reply to: Help!! I fear I've reached the edge of the cliff!! #102437

    Post count: 103

    You’re welcome, stay in touch and let me know how you’re doing. I’m kind of in the same boat.

    in reply to: Help!! I fear I've reached the edge of the cliff!! #102435

    Post count: 103

    Amazon, I’m 50 and have a 16 year old. When she graduates all support will end so I know how you must be feeling. I would say first of all try not to panic or you won’t be able to make good choices. I too want to go back to school but have doubts about myself. I think you can do it and I encourage you to GO FOR IT! From your post you seem anxious (for good reason), and I wonder if the klonopin is working for you? I can’t answer questions about meds but I can offer you support, being in a similar situation. I am not on any ADD meds yet but will be going tomorrow to seek meds.

    When I took a class last year, it was through a “Women in Transition” program at my community college. It was a way for women to feel comfortable going back to school and most were women my age. I felt SO comfortable being around women my age in similar situations. I only took one class (social anxiety,etc), but want to go back. My anxiety was high the first day but then I started feeling more comfortable being around women like me. I even raised my hand and contributed to the class! I tend to put things off till the last minute and then panic. I also have big ideas about what I want to BE (lawyer, writer, social worker), but not realistic about what I can achieve short term. One step at a time is my mantra now. Get up, get dressed, foot out door, etc. and focus on getting through the day working towards your goal and not panic because I didn’t become an MD in two days, know what I mean?

    Please don’t give up hope. You can do it.

    in reply to: 53 just diagnosed a couple questions.. #101579

    Post count: 103

    Quiz- Yes that is great news. I’m going in Tuesday hoping to get started on the meds. I’m also wondering if any of you have teenage children and how this condition has affected them. My daughter is 16 and her grades are terrible and always have been really.

    My question is: Nature vs. Nurture. Could my behavior all these years have affected her development or is it a chemical or gene thing. I know no one knows this for sure, but if any of you have any experience with this I’d appreciate hearing from you. I told her that I was going to go see the doctor about this and she started wondering if SHE had ADD. I loathe the idea of her going on meds at 16 but am I depriving her of her full potential? Should I wait to see how I do on the meds and see if getting it together and being more focused at home makes a difference for her (nurture)? It just kills me inside to think that my behavior is stifling her true potential. ANyone? Thanks.

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