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  • in reply to: Grieving the losses – AGAIN #102796

    Post count: 103

    I feel so similar to Working2. I was on Facebook last night looking up old classmates from highschool. My best friend from HS is now a clinical Psychologist at the CDC. Me…. a frump-a-dump (ex) housewife. Unemployed, single-parent, no degree, no friends, basically no life. I had a dream last night that we were both running to catch a bus….. my legs wouldn’t move …. I shouted to hold the bus…. she got on it and i couldn’t move my lead-like legs, and the bus took off. So sums up my life. I see something I want but CAN NOT move to get there. Started on Ritalin 3 weeks ago and starting to see things more clearly, but GOD i feel so behind. I’m 50…. I feel so damn sad that my whole life was nothing but that dream repeated over and over and over again.

    in reply to: Returning to the workforce after 18 year absence #103266

    Post count: 103

    Thanks buxom, I live in Seattle now but will be returning to San Francisco this summer. I don’t know of any agencies for this type of thing. There is a “Women in Transition” program at the college near me but its for women returning to college. Revising my child support is probably not an option at this point. I guess I just would like some tips from women who have gone through this, I’m just at a loss as to where/how I should start.

    in reply to: Three Steps Forward Two Steps Back…….UGH!! #103077

    Post count: 103

    Amazon….p.s. I forgot to mention… my fears were all for naught. I ended up getting the highest grade in the class! I have a feeling you will do great. Amazonly!

    in reply to: Scared to take Medicine #102899

    Post count: 103

    LOL Jen…..Thanks for lightening the moooood. i agree with you about the diet thing. Making brown rice one day for the week and store it in a baggie is a good short cut, chopping veggies is fun! I try to eat foods that can still remember where they came from(ie not processed with preservatives, etc).

    I gotta remember to not take things so personally and remember that people express themselves differently and to get to the “root” of what they’re trying to get across instead of getting stuck on methods used to make a point. Thanks.

    in reply to: Because maybe you guys all understand #103119

    Post count: 103

    Wow Cayjam. Did you steal my notes ;) That was my rant for years and years, til I actually had an AHA! moment from this website and hearing about ADHD more and more in the media. I thought geeze, I am STILL in the same exact place I was when I was 20 except now I have a kid and loads of bills to pay. I HAD to try something. Changed my diet, cut out booze and started exercising (sort of). Those things helped, but something was still not connecting. I Still felt like i wasn’t really a participant in my own life, that the world was flinging me here then there and life was passing me by while everyone else was out having fun, enjoying life and making progress.

    I was late EVERY DAY for every job I ever had. Would work for a year max (making excuses was an art for me), then quit. Like you, I started an AMAZing job that had great benefits, let me come in late, wanted to promote me, and one day I, I have no idea why, I went in early before anyone was there, wrote a resignation note, quit and went home. DUH! I would hate to see that happen to you with your new job.

    Not sure what was keeping me from my doctor, but maybe the stigma of someone my age having a disorder that was identified with hyperactive little boys; admitting that I had something wrong with me; taking medication for something that I thought I should be old enough to manage on my own…..? Not sure why, but when I did….WHat a RElief!! She gave me a test and all signs pointed to ADHD, sent me to a psychiatrist who also tested me and he concurred, wrote me a prescription for Ritalin, recommended a group therapy session and said “keep in contact, let me know if you have any side effects, see you in a month”. Wow, that was easy, what was I so worried about.

    I started taking a SMALL dose of Ritalin and noticed a change pretty quickly, and its helped me ever since, with some minor adjustments and side-effects that eventually went away. I wish I’d done it years ago. It is as Spice lady says, NOT a CURE, but rather a tool that helps me focus more clearly on ways I can change my behavior patterns. I no longer go to the laundry (grudgingly, like my feet were made of lead), and say “pebble!” and wander away from my original goal. Now I say Laundry time, make myself get up (not nearly as much of a struggle), go down and actually do laundry, not only stick it in the washer, but in the dryer, out of the dryer, folded neatly and put away! egads…..a first for me. Now, when I have to be somewhere ON TIME, I am more clear-headed and realistic about when I have to leave the house, account for traffic, time of day, hair, makeup done earlier, clothes the night before, and I usually am on time now. I’m looking forward to starting classes again as soon as I move back to CA, and start doing what I want to do in life, start controlling my life instead of ADHD controlling me. Some days are still better than others and I still have to work on behavior patterns but its so much easier now, like a giant weight has been lifted off me.

    Now, I’ve been accused on this site of advocating drugs by a poster so I’m NOT advocating drugs to you…..just sharing my experience. Many people here choose not to use meds but look to behavioral techniques and methods.

    You’ve already taken the first steps by recognizing your patterns of behavior and your trail of “misadventures.” Because I felt your pain and frustration in your post, it pains me to read about where you are in your life and how you are hurting. My EX husband just flat out called me a “Waste.” You aced your tests, you want to play violin,….I’d say, judging from your list of “positives” you are an amazingly talented person being held back by something. I’m not a doctor, so it would be irresponsible of me to say ADHD but it sure points to it much the way mine did.

    I grew up with four brothers who were always ruling the roost and I was sort of off in the corner somewhere. So I know what you mean about being a guy. I’m so glad I’m female!!! We have so much to offer the world and we’re not always distracted by (s.e.x.) the way most guys are. I seriously think we should be in charge of the world! Okay, enough of my grandstanding.

    Dspicelady, said it much more eloquently, and every person reacts differently to different methods, meds, so you have to figure out what works best for you with experimentation. I recommend watching the videos on this page to get you started if you haven’t already….


    Scroll down to video 1 and work your way through to 5. It cleared up a lot of fears and misconceptions I had about taking medication. Lots of other good vids and links available here too.

    Good luck and would love to have an update.

    in reply to: Scared to take Medicine #102896

    Post count: 103

    Oy vey. HME Can you cite your resources and advocate your preferred approach without condescending to the posters here who do things differently? Belittling others for their way of doing things wins you few fans. I’m definitely interested in the things you have to say, and I’m not sure why you’re so bristled that everyone isn’t immediately jumping on your band wagon and abandoning their preferred method of treatment.

    You have valid points to make and I personally value your input (and your resources). I just thought this remark was offensive : “I have to say that the discussion here sounds like a bunch of teenagers who just go their medical marijuana cards and are busy trying and comparing every single strain on the market…” …. not the best way to invite people into your “tribe.”

    This forum is about sharing and I welcome everything you have to offer and intend to have a look at your sources.

    in reply to: Totally Frustrated #103083

    Post count: 103

    I feel your frustration. You’d think your psychiatrist could test you with a standardized test, even if theyre not a specialist in the field. Have you tried to contact the facility or doctor that tested you in Tennessee? They might still have the test results on file.

    Here is a webpage that lists local CHADD sattelite chapters in Georgia.

    http://www.chadd.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Chapter_Search_Display1&state=ga (scroll down to bottom of page.)

    They might be able to direct you to affordable services in your area.

    in reply to: Boiling over #102980

    Post count: 103

    If I had that issue, I might consider channeling that rage into something like martial arts. Break a board or something :D When I lived in San Francisco, every morning in the park I saw a bunch of people doing tai chi. I’m not sure I’d have the patience for it, but it seems pretty meditative. I hear yoga is a favorite and i think I might give that a go. I REALLY think you should talk to your doctor about it, it must be pretty scary for you.

    I have a brother who used to rage (at himself) and I think he uses jogging to release that energy. I don’t live near him anymore so I don’t know if its still helping or not. Every time I read your posts, I worry for you. I don’t know you so I don’t know if its something that can be controlled through meds or therapy, but is it possible you may have had some issues (parents not supportive? poor self-esteem?) possibly from childhood (in my brothers case, our mother died on his birthday), that maybe therapy could help you get to the root of.

    Hope today is a good day for you. Next time you want to rage at yourself, think of you as a little boy who needs protecting and practice some self-love :)

    in reply to: Scared to take Medicine #102894

    Post count: 103

    2Raddled – ummm thanks for the advice but I don’t think you read my entire post. I recommend that if you’re going to comment on someone’s post, read the whole thing ;) I am not anti-meds, and in fact I was defending my decision to take them (see post). Also, I don’t have a word processing app. so I apologize for my misspellings. But hey, its an internet forum, not english 101 ;)

    in reply to: Three Steps Forward Two Steps Back…….UGH!! #103073

    Post count: 103

    Oh No! Its so exciting that you’re going back to school, you’re so brave! I took a class a while ago and it was the first time in over 30 years that I’d been in school. I was a wreck, complete wreck. It was even night school in a “women in Transition” program, so I was around others just like me. Luckily I had a friend taking the same class but I was so nervous I thought I would pass out. Sounds crazy to some people, but that was me.

    Please dont give up! YOu made it to the class, you had a little melt down….so what. Get back in there and think ahead… or don’t think at all… just get to the class. Like woody allen says, 99% of the job is showing up. If you think you’re taking on too much of a load, cut down on your classes until you get acclimated, then you can add more next semester. Hey, its been fifteen years, whats an extra semester. Don’t be too hard on yourself, this is a big step. You’re an inspiration and now I”M counting on you :) You can do it! :D

    in reply to: Backup Singers…. #103078

    Post count: 103

    Thats funny. Before meds: Greek chorus….. after meds: Glee musical

    in reply to: Hi and Thank you #99863

    Post count: 103

    Mex- I had a pretty much instantaneous reaction too. All good except for a headache as it wore off and sleep not great for first two days. Now, no headaches and still working like a charm. It didn’t turn me into a different person, just more productive, both physically and mentally.

    I asked my psych. if it would “go away” this feeling of clarity, the way an anti-depressant might “plateau” but he assured me that it would not. Also recommended therapy with a group in my area for ADHDrs. I gotta say…. so far so good and I’m still feeling great and most of all moving forward. Its given me the boost I needed to recognize bad patterns and I don’t slack off nearly as much.

    I know what you mean about the doormat or rage thing. I found that I’m more self confident in expressing myself and I now edit myself before speaking up and I don’t finish other peoples sentences, which is big for me.

    Glad to hear it was a good start for you. Good luck, keep us posted.

    in reply to: Hi and Thank you #99858

    Post count: 103

    Is it extended release? If not, 27mgs seems a tad high for a first dose, but i’m not a doctor! If you feel jittery or “speedy” don’t throw in the towel. For some people it takes a few tries to get it just right. Most start you low and will increase if the initial dosage isn’t having much effect. Lucky you have a supportive partner to help you through this! keep us posted please.

    in reply to: What do you do to calm down? #101820

    Post count: 103

    Audio books always seem to work for me, especially if the narrator has a soothing voice. Relaxation hypnosis tapes, Exercise during the day too helps. No caffeine ever and a hot bath before bed.

    in reply to: Scared to take Medicine #102891

    Post count: 103

    P.S. HME….. your research and references are welcome and I would love to see more of your findings posted here as well as more threads re: natural “remedies,” environmental causes, etc. Feel free to lead the charge.

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