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  • in reply to: ritalin shortage? #103068

    Post count: 103

    methylphen-mall is working well for me. 10mgs as needed. First two nights had sleep issues, now its fine and sleep great.

    in reply to: ADD and chronic anxiety #98004

    Post count: 103

    P.s. I’m not suggesting you switch to ritalin, but that you may need to adjust your meds down if its making you too jittery. The most important thing is to find a doctor who will listen or convince your current doctor to listen to your concerns. Communication is key.

    in reply to: ADD and chronic anxiety #98003

    Post count: 103

    Moka….I initially thought I wanted to try for Adderall or Concerta because they were the newer drugs. My thinking was well, if they’re newer they must be better. My health provider always starts with ritalin (probably to save $$) which I am now happy about because Ritalin has been around the longest (since the 30s according to the videos I watched here,,,,which are very interesting you should watch if you haven’t already). With the 10 milligram tabs I can break them in half and adjust if I’m feeling too jittery. I now know what dosage is just right (like goldilocks!), and am able to take dosages that might not be available in the extended release form.

    Its now working fine and I feel no needd to try concerta or adderall. If, however, it were NOT working for me, I would of course try something different.

    If you were tested by another physician, bring your results to your neurologist or have him speak to the dr. who diagnosed you with your anxiety. I’ve never heard of a doctor dismissing a patients concerns so readily when they have test results to back it up. Sometimes you have to be assertive and not allow your concerns to be dismissed. If you are seeing a neurologist, then perhaps your insurance will cover for a psychiatrist as well. If your migraines are under control perhaps its time you switched to a dr. who has some knowledge of ADD and anxiety.

    Just my 2 cents. Again prepare yourself, even practice what you’re going to say, imagine their response and prepare an answer. Write it down on a piece of paper if you have to. Don’t give up! If you go in prepared, they’ll probably give more weight to your concerns and not be so dismissive.

    in reply to: How did/do you self medicate? #103710

    Post count: 103

    Pad- for years I smoked pot. Now that I’m on Ritalin, I have no need to smoke anymore. It was mostly to hide from the world and now I don’t feel I have to hide. :)

    in reply to: ritalin shortage? #103066

    Post count: 103

    I guess “ADD and Loving it” was a bigger success than anyone realized!

    in reply to: ritalin shortage? #103064

    Post count: 103

    Yep, just happened to me today. dr. prescribed 3 months worth and I only got one due to a “national shortage.” Odd.

    in reply to: ADD and chronic anxiety #98001

    Post count: 103

    Moka, if the higher dosage is making you anxious, you might need to cut down on the dosage. Is it making you physically jittery, or anxious (worried)? I’d been taking Citalopram for my anxiety which, now, along with the ritalin, may be helping to ease the anxiety. For me, my anxiety was mostly in social situations and general worry. I didn’t have panic attacks or anything serious, just avoided all social situations and focused too much on negative stuff.

    After I started taking the Ritalin, the social anxiety seemed to disappear and it may be due to the combination of the citalopram and the ritalin or just the ritalin (my doctor suggested I try and go off the Citalopram at some point, but its working well right now so I don’t see the need to change). But with just the citalopram alone, I still had the anxiety. Also, I have found that with the right dosage of Ritalin, I am more active during the day, without the nervousness (probably because I’m more active physically). Getting out and walking or exercising can ease anxiety and makes me tired at night so I sleep better.

    I’m not on the extended release of ritalin because I thought it would be easier for me to find the right dosage through adjusting the smaller dosages instead of taking the XR and not knowing how much to adjust.

    Everyone is different and not all combinations work in similar ways for everyone. If you’re feeling a lot of anxiety, I might suggest to your doctor that you try an anti-anxiety along with the ritalin.

    Just my 2 cents. Good luck and do research before you go in to see your doctor again so you are prepared. The more prepared you are with information, the better you can present your case to your dr.

    in reply to: ADD and chronic anxiety #97999

    Post count: 103

    Funny, I have found that Ritalin actually DEcreases my anxiety. Although, I think my anxiety was due to the ADD, not the other way around, so Ritalin basically wiped out nearly all my anxiety. Chezbomb, I agree that finding the right dosage is the key. Too much and I’m jittery….too little and there is no effect. There is a narrow sweet spot and finding it takes a little experimentation. Sooooo happy I found mine.

    in reply to: Women w/ ADHD Inattentive Type – anyone out there? #101354

    Post count: 103

    @Brent loll, yep. i do not recommend buying anything new until you get that thing plowed. i found socks I hadn’t worn (or laundered) in about 3 years when I finally reached the foothills of my pile. (they were hARD). urg.

    in reply to: ADD & marijuana #99556

    Post count: 103

    Thanks for your kind words Lee…. it would be interesting to know your test results for the EEG, etc. When I smoked I detected a mild increase in my heart rate. Wonder how ritalin+ pot would affect the heart. Hey, not trying to turn you into the resident guinea pig but if you’re gonna do it anyway…… might be interesting to know what the tests say. :) Thanks for sharing.

    in reply to: ADD & marijuana #99554

    Post count: 103

    Lee- Former stoner here. I’ve smoked pretty consistently since I was about 18 yrs. old. I’ve not smoked now for about 3 months and only occasionally feel the desire after starting Ritalin about a month ago. Ritalin makes me feel “normal” like I CAN get things done, I DO belong here, instead of just dreaming about fitting in. Pot made me feel inspired about whatever for a few minutes, then it was off to the zone-dome.

    Since quitting and starting ritalin, I don’t have the urge like I used to (and it WAS a strong urge, HAD TO HAVE IT….NOW), and feel lots more focused and realize the only thing it did for me was offer relief from a world I felt was rejecting me. Did nothing for my SOCIAL PHOBIAS (made them worse if anything), my DIET (junk, high fat, low fiber foods), FOCUS (god I was all over the place), MOTIVATION (sat around and did nothing but internet, eat, daydream, tv), Nothing got done.

    That being said, I did have a sister who smoked daily and she managed to keep a clean house, wonderful, creative cook, neat appearance, bills paid, generally had it together (or so I thought). She did have RAGE issues though and eventually committed suicide when faced with a life changing situation (divorce).

    So, while i do believe it affects different people differently, I can’t image it being a useful tool in treating ADD symptoms, omly possibly the H (hyper) symptoms and JoeLaLonde indicates he has not much of the H. I’m not Anti-pot, just don’t think it will help


    in reply to: Cool task app #103368

    Post count: 103

    I have post-it notes all over my house. Low tech, I know, but it works for me! I’ll put them on the bathroom mirror the night before so they are there when I am getting ready in the am, reminds me of things I need to do that day. Also, my blackberry calendar can be useful for setting reminders for tasks during the day. Mostly, I do try to take care of things when they pop into my head, or I will forget.

    in reply to: Open Chat Room #100780

    Post count: 103

    Any updates on starting a chat room?

    in reply to: finding someone to share life experiences #103356

    Post count: 103

    *scratches head* You’re sick of being hit on? wow, never heard a guy say that before.

    in reply to: Returning to the workforce after 18 year absence #103268

    Post count: 103

    Thanks, yes in San Francisco. I don’t have family there, just my ex (erg) and a few acquaintences. I was having a bad day the other day, so was just venting mostly. I’m teaching myself MS office suite with the Microsoft online training, so that should at least give me some basic skills to offer. My confidence gets stronger each day (meds are really helping!) and forming a clear path to move forward in my mind at least. Just gotta stay positive and show ’em what I can do I guess. Thanks for your responses.

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