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  • in reply to: Scared to take Medicine #102890

    Post count: 103

    HME – I do know what you are saying about the drug exchange, and I had to wonder myself when i first came on here. Everyone was talking about meds meds meds. I asked around about natural or herbal remedies but found none that anyone could claim worked for them. I still am open to trying something that isn’t produced by a pharmaceutical company. Then again, unless its something that you can pull out of the ground and brew yourself, its still a money making venture for the company producing it.

    We’re talking about different degrees of a condition that the scientific community seems unable to form a solid consensus on. As you pointed out in your remarks re: wikipedia…”if you’re clever enough you can sift the wheat from the chaff and get the information that you need,” what makes you think the readers here aren’t clever enough to do that. Nearly every post I’ve read here offering advice contains some sort of caveat that meds aren’t a cure-all and to do research to find the best route for them.

    Before I went on medication, I had stopped drinking, smoking, changed my diet and started exercising. It took tremendous effort on my part and I started to see the benefits, but mostly physically. I knew that I was destined to repeat my patterns of bad behavior after I found myself slipping. Your attitude that we are all being “duped” into buying these products is unfair and just plain mean and dangerous, especially for those who have seen huge changes in their lives. My sister committed suicide after years of suffering the effects of this condition and she was not on any medication. She sought “natural” remedies and was an organic farmer, she refused to even consider drugs. She meditated, practiced yoga and was a vegetarian. I find your condescending attitude particularly insulting.

    My psychiatrist told me that it will not “cure” me and I never expected to. I’m taking a wholistic approach via, medication, healthy balanced diet, exercise and meeting with a group once a week. With medication, I saw an instant change in the way my mind worked. After years of floundering I’m finally THERE (present) for my daughter and if it takes taking a drug once a day, I’ll do it…for me….but most importantly for her.

    I hope you find something that works for you.

    P.S. Re: Wikipedia, many college professors do not allow references taken from Wikipedia.

    in reply to: Scared to take Medicine #102886

    Post count: 103

    Tony….If Vyvance made you feel terrible then, its likely to make you feel terrible now. I think I might wait (also how OLD is that prescription?) til you see your doctor and tell them its not working for you. They will likely try something else until you find something that works (a pain but when it finally works, it’s worth it).

    Also, Jenetically has a great point about the life coach idea. My doctor gave me info on a group that meets every week, kind of like group therapy with a coach leading the meeting. Re: “meds like a strong cup of coffee”…. that and so much more because it actually helps the brain slow down and the thought process is more linear and focused.

    in reply to: The Sixty-hour hyperfocus COMA #94021

    Post count: 103

    Dogfather – re: getting into fights on the internet…Bit of advice…..do NOT go into Huffington Post if you’re at all politically inclined. I’ll pop in to see whats the news, see an article I find interesting and make a comment about it (my opinion must be heard! The people must know the truth!!) ….then someone will respond to my comments. Sometimes a really dumb or racist or rude comment, and then I have to respond to that….back and forth, then others get involved and these quasi teams start forming …. argh…. It can really get heated. Then onto the next article…… its a vicious cycle.

    in reply to: Dexrtoamphetamine and Alcohol #103009

    Post count: 103

    Rich1 – hate to be a downer, but if I were you, i’d lay off the booze for awhile until your system has time to adjust to the medication. Then talk to your doctor about it most definitely. If the dex is making you want a “relaxant” maybe the dosage is too high. I know I take citalopram which is the generic Celexa and my script says “avoid alcohol” Also, Joatmon is right, alcohol is a depressant and Celexa is an anti-depressant. I would use this time to let the meds take effect, Use the boost you get from the dex to form new habits,….I mean isn’t that why you’re doing this in the first place? After a few weeks when you go back to see your doc, then you can ask about it….I’m guessing they’ll tell you no alcohol, at least for a while. :)


    Post count: 103

    Thanks for the link nj – I’ll check it out.

    in reply to: Boiling over #102978

    Post count: 103

    Guy- Yeah we all have those days. Hope today is better for you too. Just remember to bring it up with your doctor, you might want to discuss your meds at next appt. You never know, an adjustment might be needed, especially if you’ve not discussed the anger/rage issue as part of your treatment. Sometimes getting the right meds or “cocktail” of meds takes a few tries…. a few milligrams more or less, might make a difference, ya know?

    in reply to: Help!! I fear I've reached the edge of the cliff!! #102442

    Post count: 103

    Clam….I love your entreprenurial spirit! Those are some great ideas. My neice does the wedding thing and is making decent money at it. I agree that we make our own best bosses. I am going to take some of your ideas under consideration. Post more!

    p.s. I really like your painting, you are very creative.

    in reply to: Boiling over #102976

    Post count: 103

    Guy – you know yourself better than your doctor and if it is a concern for you, don’t let it go. Tell your Dr. that your rage frightens you, and what you just stated above, “he hasn’t seen me when I’m really losing control”. I’ve found that with doctors, YOU have to steer the converstion or they will just go through the motions, and if they’re not actually seeing it, they tend to brush it off. You only have a certain amount of time allotted, so use it wisely. You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you are unable to control the rage and hurt yourself. Its smart of you to be addressing this. Also, not sure if your on meds or not but stimulants might not be the best thing for someone with those impulses. Be sure and get a proper diagnosis by someone you feel comfortable with and trust. If your doctor isn’t listening, find someone else who will.

    in reply to: singing as therapy #102992

    Post count: 103

    Wow, thats pretty cool. I’ll have to give it a try. I know when I sing to my animals, they mellow out. Maybe they’re just tuning me out? :D Thanks for the creative idea!

    in reply to: Scared to take Medicine #102882

    Post count: 103

    Tony – yes. All of those added up point to ADD, IMO. I feel so badly for you because I had a list similar to yours that I took to my doctor and, thinking back, I was soooo stressed and nervous before I went in. When I came out, what a relief….she agreed with me, I felt like FINALLY I can start again. FINALLY, I can figure this out.

    What I guess I don’t understand is what made you afraid of the long term effects on your body? The damage you’re doing to your body with food far outweighs any effects meds would have (the right meds that is). As I said before, stimulants have been used since the 1930s, did you watch the video :


    When I started taking the Ritalin a few weeks ago, I used that initial charge to create better habits. I no longer crave alcohol or pot, which I used to self-medicate because I could NOT figure out why I couldn’t get my life together. All that is changing now. I do have to remind myself to get up and Do something, but I no longer have a zillion excuses in my head as to why I should put it off, but rather get up and do it.

    It sounds like you really improved on the meds, so you gotta ask yourself: Did you feel better when you were on the meds or now? What did you accomplish while on the meds compared to now? If you can make a concerted effort, through the meds, adjusting habits (ie, buying hEALTHY foods vs. junk, making lists or whatever to help keep you organized and on track, look ahead instead of behind.), doing things that make you feel good about yourself, ie, taking a walk/exercising, it all adds up to MOVING FORWARD. You have made such great efforts to stay in school, you should not let this ADD thing hold you back any longer.

    P.s. I know what you mean about the kids…. I listen to my daughter and actually hear her now, and our relationship is improving and we are growing closer. I ENJOY her more and Its great. Mind, this is kind of a pep talk, meds don’t “cure” you but they sure were a HUGE stepping stone for me. Keep us posted and GOOD LUCK!! :)

    in reply to: OK .. gonna let it all hang out here … #102833

    Post count: 103

    Good suggestions Curly, maybe some time away might give her the space she needs and the time to appreciate what she values in him as a mate. I agree that he should clean up after himself, but not only his mess….why not show that he can clean up, period, without making the separation between his and hers. That would show that he understands what SHE has been doing all these years and allow him to acknowledge and value her contributions.

    Not to be harsh, but am I detecting a note of defensiveness in Rich’s posts with regard to her not accepting his efforts? For me, the hardest thing was acknowledging MY role in the demise of my marriage. Once I was forced to go out on my own, I was better able to understand my ex’s position and let go of my defensive posturing, suck it up and acknowledge that it was mostly my fault (or to be fair to myself, my ADD). In any case. I hope it works out for you Rich and we’ll see posts of your continuing progress. This ADD thing has destroyed too many lives and marriages.

    in reply to: OK .. gonna let it all hang out here … #102831

    Post count: 103

    Rich, hope the meds help, but it may take some adjustment, etc. so if it doesn’t work immediately, don’t give up. I would still try and take the time to write her a letter and tell her how you feel. If writing your feelings is hard for you, she’ll know that and appreciate it even more. But trust me on this one….women love when a man takes the time and emotional energy to express thoughts and feelings. Hopefully, once the meds are regulated, you’ll have the focus and patience to lay it all out so that it makes sense in your head and, in turn, to her as well. Best of luck to you.


    Post count: 103

    Jen- I just read these threads and your posts do make me chuckle. Your energy is infectious and fun. I’m a little lost though as to where you are on your meds now. Have the headaches subsided with the Methyl?(I’m gonna call it ritalin since its easier to type.)

    I’ve always been a little like you re: messy house, spinning wheels, never making progress. I know for me, being home alone all day left to “my own devices,” I would sit around, surf the net, watch tv, (smoke pot argh, just ONE more glass of wine with dinner, heh), make grand plans that fizzeled out as a new one popped into my head. My ex never thought I contributed, which I thought was nonsense, thinking my being the moral compass of the family and getting my kid off to school was enough! But, its hard to appreciate those things when you cant even find a clean shirt, etc. so I guess in the end, he had a point. I see that now.

    I noticed in your more recent post that you seemed to get a lot done in one day (was this while on ritalin?). Thats progress right! Of course, everyone is different, but since taking ritalin I take advantage of that initial charge of energy in the am and get stuff done that normally would have been shuffled around, stepped over, excused as not that important, etc, The mount Vesuvius of laundry downstairs is slowly dwindling away and the clean clothes actually make it into drawers! (so THATs what those dressers are for, doh).

    Maybe raising a kid on my own who is depending on me was the biggest impetus for change, and I am 50 this year so, time is a’tickin and my kid needs me after 16 years of having a flake for a mom. You have such great character that shines through that I’d hate to see you end up like me at 50, wondering where the hell my life went. Wish I had this knowledge at your age. I’m still and probably always be not the neatest person in the world and who gives a flying fig, as long as I maintain enough order for me to function. Love to hear an update on your meds situation and how you’re coping.

    Anyway, curious about where you are now.

    in reply to: Self diagnosis made me cry #102957

    Post count: 103

    Plop…. I also had an AH HA! moment and since doing research, like you, I went to see my dr. I have been taking Ritalin for about 3 weeks now and it has been like the door finally flew open. My thought process is more focused and linear, the noise in my head is calmer, I don’t second guess myself nearly as much, I’m more confident, I get up and out more and don’t stumble on my words in conversation, and the grocery store thing! why was i the ONLY one in line who was not highly irritated and if someone had coupons or was writing a check, for god sake, I’m outta there! Now I don’t *sigh* loudly and make a show of rolling my eyes, etc. when having to wait, big step!

    Meds aren’t a cure-all and I do need to take advantage of my focused state to develop good habits, but it has given me the boost I needed.

    As far as relationships, My ADD ruined my marriage I’m certain of it. If I could do it all again……… hindsight. I am single now, but my daughter has noticed a difference in me and as a result, she is trying harder in all things and our communication has VASTLY improved.

    I hate to advocate any specific treatment, but if I were in your position and as you seem willing to try medication to “see what life on that side of the coin is like,” I’d say go for it. I mean, hey, stepping on glass? Thats dangerous! I don’t know what the UKs health care system is like, but if Mental or Behavioral health is not covered under the state system, I’d do it before you leave Canada. It might not be as recognized in the medical community over there and it is becomming more accepted and treated here (USA and Canada). It may take some time though to be diagnosed and adjusting the meds etc. Everyone reacts differently.

    What better way to start fresh, in a new home, country, relationship, etc. I just KNOW that my next relationship will have a MUCH better chance of surviving now that all the junk in my head has quieted down. It hasn’t changed the essence of who I am at all, but has allowed me to more freely access and develop my positive traits. Forward Ho and no more constantly looking backwards.

    Good luck and keep us posted!

    in reply to: Scared to take Medicine #102874

    Post count: 103

    HME You’re right. I’m sorry I got the info not completely right. The video I’m referring to can be found here on this site.


    Apparently it was benzadrin/dexadrin (sp) that was used in the 30s to treat children suffering from the after effects of encephalitis. The kids nicknamed the pills their “math pills.”

    and methylphenidate was being used in the sixties (according to the drs. in this video anyway).

    I don’t disagree with you about the pharmaceutical “industrial complex.” It is a for-profit industry and one should always be wary and do their research before starting on any medication. That being said…. I don’t think one should NOT take medication simply because someone is making a profit off of my condition. I agree entirely that information is power when making decisions about one’s health and the more thorough your research, the better prepared you are to make good choices. I know I did and am happy with my results so far. Thanks for your input and research! Good night!

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