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  • in reply to: Can a person with ADD/ADHD start a group for ADDers. #119557

    Post count: 929

    Thanks for posting that link @Larynxa, it’s really cool that those webinars become available for us.

    Hi @Evelyn, welcome to one of the friendliest forums I’ve found on the Internet. This is a huge place for finding solutions to any and all of your ADHD and just general life struggles.

    I’m glad you’ve shared the details of your life with us here. You’ve managed to handle so really large challenges. It’s especially valuable experience when you share it here. We’ll be watching you and of course caring a lot about how you’re doing.

    I’ve been able to keep myself entertained for hours in the past. Just reading through the various and sundry “ADHD adventure stories” all across this forum.

    Your story is equally interesting and heartwarming. The peoples lives that you were part of were made much easier and I’m sure you kept them well entertained along the way. It’s true for a lot of us that we get sort of busy with not giving ourselves enough credit for the things we’ve done well at. I can see that you’ve done really well in several other peoples lives.

    You’re capable of the very valuable self sacrifice that our world desperately needs these day. Your father in law was one of the more lucky recipients of your kindness.

    And now it’s us. So welcome to one of the nicest gathering places on the Internet.

    I have gone through may periods in my life when there was “something special” about sleeping on the couch. It’s sorta like a treat of some kind. Maybe it’s about being forced to go to be early when I was a kid. My brother and I used to take turns sneaking out into the hallway and watching the TV, (while parents were on the couch, not knowing I was on my belly in the hallway, watching them watch TV… lol) I guess it’s lucky that they never fooled around, at least that I remember, huh?.

    As a teenager, I found it always much easier to fall asleep on the couch after school. When I should have been doing homework. But then when I went to bed… Nope… couldn’t sleep!. N just looked at my annoyingly not done homework sitting there…. annoying me. That’s pretty annoying…

    Well crap!. I wonder if MarieAngell is up to something important here. It’s a good question to ask.

    What does the couch mean to you?

    There’s a whole lot of difference between sleeping on the couch, and sleeping in our bedroom. Could be interesting. I know this. It’s kindof a treat to sleep on the couch. Maybe you just need to give yourself some permission to “have the treat that you most definitely deserve to have”

    You’ve done so very much to deserve a nice treat. In the form of a fluffy, comfortable recline on your couch!.


    in reply to: so embarrassing #119554

    Post count: 929

    LOL, that’s great!

    Thank you. Thank you. I’m here all week.

    Take a bow 🙂

    in reply to: You might as well laugh… #119492

    Post count: 929

    Oh crap, now I’m having a “yawn attack”

    Thanks @Larynxa

    in reply to: You might as well laugh… #119491

    Post count: 929

    Laugh? what for?

    I would love to get a clock like that one!. I’ve decided to make it my mission to find a clock like the one in either on or the other  video.

    The one with the clock in it.

    Not the second one…



    in reply to: A Gift? #119490

    Post count: 929

    Great post @pheonixmagicgirl!. At first I thought it would be too hard to read because you don’t like to use paragraphs. 🙂 but the whole darn thing is practically quotable.

    I like the end where you say “That’s all I have to say about that” lol. Did you use your Forest Gump voice? I’ve worked on sounding like him a couple times. I do Yoda pretty well.

    Forest Gump was kindof a dumb and far fetched movie, according to dorks like the director of Pulp Fiction, and The Usual Suspects. Can’t think if his name. He’s not really a dork… IMHO. I just like to say that. It’s funny to me.

    It’s a good idea not to take stuff I say very seriously. Unless I’m giving you some encouragement. If I’m doing that. Please know that I’m being very sincere.

    I have always been sorta good at encouragement. I think so anyways. I never had a lot of money to spend on my own daughters education. But she managed to get an excellent education regardless. I’m guessing it’s because of (among other things, like her determination) the way I used to say “Good Answer!!!” a lot when she gave me good answers to some of my not always good questions.

    I got encouraged to be happy by the dude I saw on PBS. He’s Shawn Achor. Check this out you guys!!! http://goodthinkinc.com/ I haven’t checked out this web site yet. But I really dug the thing of PBS, and he’s also easy enough to find on youtube.

    Take a look, it’s encouragement to do all the little things that make happiness just plain come naturally to us.

    I hope some of you guys take a look. He’s not a preacher or anything, at least not that I know of. 🙂

    in reply to: Sluggish Cognitive Tempo #119489

    Post count: 929

    I’ve been reading your posts for a very long time @ashockley55 and you’re one of the more solid and reliable characters in this camp. I’m sure it’s not just me thinking this.  I hope you don’t give up on finding the right doctors(s). I didn’t read you saying you are giving up. I just know how my brain works. I have given up at least a few times since I’ve been coming here. No crap.

    I also know I’ve had sooo very many friends go through that awful, nasty, time consuming process of finding not just the right medication, or combination of therapists and doctors and support groups. Or community to surround yourself in. But to find all of this, and still manage to feed ourselves and also manage to get an education. I’ve been doing a lot of studying myself lately. For me it’s books, books, and more books.

    I still get bummed out… It’s still painful. It’s less though. Much less.

    I think I’ve gotten much more enthusiastic about reading since I’ve been coming to this site. I wonder if it’s just a coincidence?. Heck no!.

    You are kicking ASS girl!.

    People don’t necessarily tell us when we help them in this camp. But trust me, there are tons of folks who don’t have the guts to write so much about their life. Like you do. We’re helping much more people all across the planet. I wonder how many countries and languages what we say goes out to.

    @Rick, hey Rick!, can you give us a few statistics on the traffic coming through here?.

    So this is encouragement.

    Please feel very strongly encouraged. And trust me, you’re helping many more pholks with a ton more problems that I’ll ever be able to figure out. I bet it’s a lot though.




    PS, I too have had that “heartburn from hell” It’s always a bad idea to compare anyone else’s suffering to my own. One person get’s their problem minimized, and the other gets too dang much attention. It’s just plain never fair. Life is not ever gonna be fair. But if we can treat each-other like the way people treat each-other on this web site?.

    We will win!.

    Don’t ask me what we will win. We all want to win different stuff. For me, I just like to be “the winner”. But what do people do with old trophies?.

    Collect dust. And good memories…

    We can have the stuff we want.


    in reply to: Software/Tools? #119451

    Post count: 929

    I haven’t ever called myself a writer, but I do a lot of writing on places like this one. It’s really good advice I’ve read here. So thanks a lot you guys.

    And I like “blatherskite” cool music!  🙂

    in reply to: More Misinformation #119435

    Post count: 929

    I have missed a heck of a lot of information over the years.

    It went right over my head. Probably because I was tucked down in some kind of fox hole scared to get my butt out into life and learn some more.

    It’s likely I’ll miss a heck of a lot more too. The trick is to put down this computer and get my butt our of my fox hole.


    in reply to: Off Topic-Taking that first step… #119433

    Post count: 929

    Welcome welcome @phoenixmagicgirl

    You have come to the right place. It’s only my opinion, but you can probably read a lot of what I’ve had to say here in this forum. Then decide for yourself if I’m making any sense or not. Don’t go by what folks say about me. Just read what I’ve said.

    Very criptic stuff here, if you’re really paying attention. If not. It’s all gibberish!. lol.

    I’ve been to quite a few of the various 12 step recovery type meetins. I used to really really love them. In fact. I can’t even tell you that I’ve ever EVER had a bad experience at any of those meetings. It was one of the most growth filled. Happy, and productive times in my life.

    That’s so very true. This is not sarcasme. I’m very serious about this.

    As I saved this, it occured to me that you might be my daughter!. I know that it’s definitely not likely. Mainly because my daughters Mom is probably not a heavy drinker. That I know of anyway.

    I was watching Dr. Phil again this mornig. He’s one of the only daytime talk show people I can stand to watch. Oprah discovered him I think. He’s pretty cool though… He really grilled a couple parents for the torture they inflicted and still are infractioning on their kids. They’re seperated. It broke my heart to imagine what it’s like for my offspring… then again, I’ve got an  over-active imagination. It’s working overtime of the (me being an over protective parent) category.


    So I’ll help you. Cuz my own daughter’s really busy with her life. I’m really really super proud of her too. She’s incredibly bright, smart, and If I could, I’d give her everything she could ever possibly need for all of eternity.

    I can’t though.

    What she needs.

    It’s already inside her.

    If she pays attention.

    And really really looks at herself with honest eyes. An open mind. And and eager willingness to show up for all the meetings she’s decided to go to.

    Well crap. She will find it and more!!!
    Much more.
    She’ll find love.

    A lot. Tons!  :=)

    in reply to: Sluggish Cognitive Tempo #119422

    Post count: 929

    Thanks Marie, your son sounds like an interesting dude. I like the front brain n back brain thing. Of course I don’t take what ya said all that seriously. I sometimes crack up when people take a statement like yours about your son as an invitation to diagnose his mental health!. These people are indeed idiots!.

    But I have to admit, I have a strong tendency to pass judgement myself. It’s been on my mind a lot lately. Passing judgement was the main lesson in the book my lady friend who’s a therapist suggested I read.

    The book is “The Shack” by oh, crap!. I gave the book away only a few days after reading/thoroughly enjoying it. When I remember the Author. I’ll let ya’all know his name. Sound good? It was a great book because it really drilled in the idea of what a waste of time it can usually be to pass judgement; on each-other, our selves of course, and most of all, on God. I’ve spent a lot of years trying to understand God. It’s easier to just work on learning how to love my neighbors in the world. My mind will naturally go back to it’s tendency to want to understand Jesus Christ. And fortunately I’ve got plenty of Bibles to study.

    The thing about Russel Barkley is that he always looks so dang, ummm… pensive!.  Only instead of sad, he’s pissed off. Or is he just really strict with himself? I won’t say “hard on himself” because that could be taken wrong, apparently. 🙂

    That’s a new word for me. I actually wrote down on my planner some goals yesterday. One is to take at least one English or writing class. Soon. In the meantime, I’ll start to give myself some new vocabulary words to goof around with.

    Feel free to correct me if I use any fancy words incorrectly. I wonder if Russel Barkley has any struggles of his own? Silly question, I know. He’s a human being, so of course he’s got some struggles. Maybe his struggle is to become a professional sourpuss. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist…)(I have restrained myself until I could not restrain me no more…)

    I am joking. Of course!.

    Remember, I’m only writing the mean stuff cuz it sounded funny in my brain before I wrote it. Dr. Barkley does indeed have a place in the profession. I even think he does a lot to help us, in the long run. He’s an educator, yeah… A teacher. I like teachers.

    Everyone should have plenty of teachers.

    N students too.

    in reply to: Sluggish Cognitive Tempo #119412

    Post count: 929

    whups, meant to say:

    That sounds like more fun than talking about what I think about Russel Barkley

    He looks too much like my dad when he’s pissed off. I bet the real problem is that I need to just forgive my dad. Might as well be honest while I’m fishing another typo.

    My therapist says I’m a perfectionist. When there’s more time. I’ll share the results of some homework she gave me about a month and a half ago. After I read the book she asked me to read. (Idid finish thebook. )

    I’m really frustrated with how fast my clock moves when I’m running late.



    in reply to: Sluggish Cognitive Tempo #119411

    Post count: 929


    Or trying to tune out some extremely boring conversation.

    I wrote more, but it was pretty rude stuff and I ran out of time. I’m not all that crazy about Barkley. I like what Dr. Edward Hallowell says in his book “Delivered from Distraction” and I also like the stuff in the “ADD And Loving It?!” video. It’s just better.

    Mostly I like what the successful people in this camp say. There’s a lot too.

    We’ve had some good threads about defining success here. That sound like more fun to talk about than what I think about Russel Barkley. I’m sure he’s a decent dude. I bet if he had ADHD he might sing a much different tune.

    Ya think?

    I won’t go on and on about how he sounds like he’s out to warn the dang world about us…

    Nope, not today…


    in reply to: so embarrassing #119410

    Post count: 929

    Good job @Fabulous

    And just bring a barf bag with ya. That way at least the dentist can put some rubber boots on 🙂

    in reply to: Barkley on "hyperfocus" #119399

    Post count: 929

    You should have seen what I almost posted on this thread last nite when I wasn’t feeling very um… reverently.


    Me too BOO!

    in reply to: Shadow Syndromes #119359

    Post count: 929

    Here’s another good one… lot’s to read.

    A good quote from this thread:

    Re I.Q.: I once attended a lecture by ADD Specialist, Dr. Daniel Amen and he said, “Over an I.Q. of 160, EVERYONE has ADD”!

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