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  • BuxomDiva
    Post count: 109

    @Edmondsjh – what makes you think there is a lot of focus on it? I’m a patient at the largest mental health facility in the province of Ontario and there is NO program for adult ADD. Mood disorders, schizophrenia, addictions, sure, and there is all kinds of research going on that is related to ADHD, but there is no actual program in place for those of us living with it.

    in reply to: Beware companies offering to help with claims! #98992

    Post count: 109

    actually I suggested consulting a community legal CLINIC – us poor folks can’t pay “market” rates for lawyers OR accountants – and I know how ill trained the H & R Block people are, which is why I was appalled when my mother actually used one of them over my sister’s ex who is a fully qualified consultant with one of the big financial firms here

    in reply to: I AM MAD AT TOTALLYADD ! #99309

    Post count: 109

    njadd –

    not going to touch the healthcare debate but here’s the thing – the book Driven to Distraction was first published in 1995 – so don’t blame this website that you never read it – it was on the New York Times bestseller list for a really long time

    and while we may have universal health care here, that doesn’t mean we can all find a doctor who knows his a$$ from his elbow when it comes to ADHD in adults!

    I hope you’re able to get all the support you need

    in reply to: Sex and A.D.D. #96489

    Post count: 109

    BAM123 – a friend of mine, also an ADD’er, uses the term “zoom hunting” – and your comment seems to address the adrenaline rush component of sex. Are you able to maintain a relationship with one woman or is it all about the pursuit?

    I would also suggest (based on personal experience) that you investigate the possibility of also having bipolar disorder, as hypersexuality is one of the hallmarks of that diagnosis. Apparently the number of us who are diagnosed with both conditions has increased rapidly over the last several years.

    in reply to: Beware companies offering to help with claims! #98989

    Post count: 109

    I don’t know any reputable accountants who would require a percentage of subsequent tax refunds for a number of years, as these guys do!

    I’ve never seen any evidence that the people working for this company have any greater expertise than those at H & R Block, who don’t charge that much either.

    I’m not saying that having professional assistance is never warranted, but do your homework and be careful about with whom you do business.

    in reply to: Asperger vs ADHD, what's the biggest difference? #98911

    Post count: 109

    I cannot stress enough how important it is to be diagnosed by a REAL expert.

    When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. It’s very easy to misdiagnose yourself; heck even doctors get it wrong sometimes.

    While I’ve always cited Edison as a class ADD’er, I have recently learned that he may also have had Asperger’s, as the Aspies claim him for one of their own as well.

    in reply to: Beware companies offering to help with claims! #98987

    Post count: 109

    Don’t waste your money on H & R block. There are plenty of free software packages that let you file online. It’s free if you’re below a certain income level.

    Many community agencies can help people with this kind of thing. They just don’t have the budgets to advertise all over the radio and Facebook!

    in reply to: Sex and A.D.D. #96485

    Post count: 109

    ThursdaysChild if you’re anywhere in Toronto could I come and meet your dog? I LOVE Newfies! lol (recently adopted an English Bulldog who is 72 pounds of velcro – since I don’t entertain here I don’t have to worry about keeping her or all the cats out of the bedroom)

    I have a friend who tells me that he never does the cuddling thing since it’s all he can do to stay focused for the duration of “the act”.

    When I was younger I used to play cribbage in my head, literally. I just thought I was bored with my husband!

    for many years the drug companies didn’t care if women lost sexual desire as a side effect of medications; that is finally changing, thank goodness.

    kc you’re very lucky to have such an understanding husband!

    in reply to: ADHD and parkinson's? #98160

    Post count: 109

    oh goodie I know this one! lol

    when I was studying massage therapy some years ago we were taught that Parkinson’s involved dopamine and I thought “OH $HIT”

    when I asked Dr. J. he explained that there are different types of dopamine receptors and the ones involved with Parkinson’s are not the same ones involved with ADHD

    hope you can sleep better tonight. ;-)

    in reply to: Ontario Disability Support Program #94220

    Post count: 109

    ADHD1977 – we’re in the same boat, waiting for my son’s date at the Social Benefits Tribunal in March.

    I was told by the Disability Adjudication Unit that we will receive a copy of my son’s entire file, including the adjudication page which tells us why they denied the claim.

    It would save a lot of time and money if they sent that when they deny the claim in the first place, so the request for an internal review can be more meaningful!

    Good luck!

    in reply to: Shyness and ADHD #98512

    Post count: 109

    when I do the Myers Briggs personality typing I come out as introverted, which a lot of my friends found very surprising

    I find that I often feel like I’m supposed to be entertaining so I’ll talk when I really just want to sit in the corner with a book!

    one of the many paradoxes in my life – like being able to hyperfocus one day and being completely unable to pay attention to anything the next!

    in reply to: Canadian Disabilities legislation and tax credit #97902

    Post count: 109

    guys I’m pretty sure that $35K figure is the one being thrown around by the companies trying to take your money!

    just found a reference on a website that the max is $1,100 per year – http://www.astepbeyond.ca/article/disability-tax-credit-283.asp

    in reply to: ADD kids/earliest age for diagnosis & treatment #97913

    Post count: 109

    Miguel, I’m sorry your ADHD meds created other problems for you!

    Auntie Jane, I understand your concerns. From everything I’ve read in the last 13 years or so, ADHD is usually diagnosed when kids enter Grade 1, as that’s the first time they have a really structured school experience.

    Not sure where you live, and I know some places have some really whacky ideas. In the state of Florida they actually let TEACHERS decide if a child has ADHD and if the family won’t drug the child the state removes the child from the home.

    Perhaps if you let us know where you live somebody in the forums could direct you to a reputable clinic/doctor in your area.

    Good luck!

    in reply to: Have questions about ADD and Bi Polar Disorder #97920

    Post count: 109

    I had been diagnosed with ADHD for several years before I experienced a mild manic episode while on Effexor and figured out that the depression I’ve been struggling with my whole life was actually bipolar not unipolar.

    I understand it is becoming increasingly common for folks to be diagnosed with both,

    Speaking only for myself, here’s the difference between being hyperactive and being hypomanic (I have type 2 so don’t get the full blown mania going without sleep for days and stuff).

    For me, being hyper involves racing thoughts, being unable to turn off the noise in my brain, talking a mile a minute – that type of thing.

    The rare hypomanic episodes I have experienced involved being physical energy. I felt compelled to clean my apartment at 2 AM. (wish I could figure out how to have an episode like that by choice!)

    ADHD can make us very impulsive and engage in seeking an adrenaline rush; one of the hallmarks of bipolar disorder is being hypersexual. Lots of room for crossover there!

    The important thing is to work with your specialist to address the symptom(s) most messing up your life RIGHT NOW. Don’t worry so much about the big picture diagnosis, just get the help you need to make your life work.

    Hope this helps.

    in reply to: ADD, clutter and "hoarding" stuff #94182

    Post count: 109

    @Billd – what’s a DiL? Sounds like a good plan!

    @Nimthiriel – I can so relate! wish I had a helper like that – my kids are not terribly supportive that way.

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