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  • in reply to: Having ADHD Co$T$ Money #117055

    Post count: 173

    LMAO! You guys are great.

    in reply to: Having ADHD Co$T$ Money #117051

    Post count: 173

    Coping strategy 1) Accept that these screw-ups cost money. Having a hard time with #1 today. Instead I will whine about it with my online ADHD commiserates. Thank you, guys.

    Coping strategy #2) Get a system in place. Hmmm. Not really sure how to remind myself to take the car with me when I leave somewhere…

    in reply to: Having ADHD Co$T$ Money #117050

    Post count: 173

    It just happened. I went to the dentist. After I got back home, it occurred to me that I had *driven* to the dentist, but *walked* home. I completely forgot my car!! I ran all the way back but I was too late. I got a $40 parking ticket for overstaying my welcome in the 1-hour parking zone. :(

    in reply to: The Best To-Do List Software evah! #117357

    Post count: 173



    Post count: 173

    Hi ListofLists, Have you noticed any other changes, such as increased socializing, spending, feeling more adventurous or outgoing? …

    in reply to: Smoking… #117331

    Post count: 173

    LOL; dietary overhaul, regular exercise, etc… Allan, that’s what I call being a “perfect human”. I have a chart and everything. Everest, however, is not on mine! Good luck with the quit and the unpacking. I am trying to psych myself to go to pilates so I can check that box on my chart. I missed yesterday’s class due to hangover — a less than perfect ‘perfect human’ day for sure. (Tangent: I hope someone starts a thread about maybe it’s an ADHD thing to drink your face off when pubbing with friends. I am down another few thousand much-needed brain cells this week.)

    Larynxa, I enjoyed that vid. Then I ended up lost and meandering in the dark nether-regions of YouTube land. Must add ‘avoid YouTube’ to my chart…

    in reply to: UK study finds kids hide their talents to avoid being bullied #117379

    Post count: 173

    Great post, Larynxa. I was out at the pub with a couple of teacher-friends over the weekend and I was horrified at their attitude toward bullying. They kept saying that the bullied kids just needed to learn to change their behaviour (i.e., blame the victim). I think I will email them that BBC article and ask what they think about the ways kids are changing behaviour to avoid bullying.

    in reply to: Smoking… #117325

    Post count: 173

    Hi Allan, how did your move go?

    I don’t know if you are anything like me, but I tend to be a bit rough on myself. When I try to change a behaviour and fail, I get pretty discouraged and down on myself. The older I got the worse this problem became. So I was less likely to try again after a slip or setback, and more likely to take a position along the lines of ‘well, this is just who I am and I am stuck being like this so screw it.’ To start over again would be a whole lot of effort and hope wasted, right? I mean, how many times can you put yourself through that kind of disappointment?

    So, anyway, it helped me a lot when I started to look at failure differently. I’m a science-brain, so I put more stock in evidence-based approaches. So I did a bit of research and found a resource that gave me new perspective. It is an old resource that has been around since the ’70s, but it is good. It’s called Stages of Change.

    It identifies all the stages people go through when they change a behaviour (for example, you sound like you are in the “contemplation” stage right now). But I think the best thing about this model is the way it identifies the “relapse” stage.

    It turns out that the more you fail at a behaviour change, the more likely you are to succeed in changing it. (BTW, this applies big-time to smoking.) People who *successfully* quit smoking for good have almost always tried to quit in the past and “failed”. But what they were really doing wasn’t failing so much as learning. Thing is, once you *see* it as learning and *apply* what you learned, that is when the real progress happens and it stops being failure and becomes real change.

    This sounds unconvincing in writing, but when you put the idea into practice it really starts to make sense.

    If you google it, you’ll find tons of websites. But the best ones are the ones that recognize relapse as important to success.

    Also, I love these guys in these videos who quit smoking: http://www.youtube.com/user/smoberup/videos?view=0

    I especially love Shelley ( the first episodes; I think they were numbered 1-8)

    And on another note, although I have never smoked myself (I have quite enough bad habits already, thank you), I had a bunch of family and friends who all but one have successfully quit! Most of them used Champix and their doctor.

    Anyhow, I hope something in all this rambling is of help!

    in reply to: Having ADHD Co$T$ Money #117047

    Post count: 173

    LOL! Glad to be of service, Scattybird!

    in reply to: o/` These are a few of my frustrating things… o/` #117290

    Post count: 173

    Oh, shutterbug, I hear you (even if your coworkers don’t)! I attribute this behaviour to the power dynamics of the workplace. My solution was to rid my life of the workplace! My cats make great coworkers. :mrgreen:

    in reply to: Bullying #95738

    Post count: 173

    I like that, Allan! I need to find a good resource for legal revenge strategies … :D


    Post count: 173

    I keep flip-flopping on that one, Allan. When I think in innovative ways or when I hyperfocus on a project so much that great results happen, I feel incredibly blessed to be such a wonderful freak. But when I miss an appointment or embarrass myself by not keeping up in a group conversation, I start wishing I were ‘normal’ — and then I consider meds again. Do meds = our normal? Is this a fallacy? I better go; I feel a tangent coming on. 😯

    in reply to: Adderall & Vyvanse: Tongue soreness #117246

    Post count: 173

    This sounds like drug-induced tardive dyskinesia (wise advice from Muffin). Can I ask what dose of each you were on, and whether this only happened when you switched drugs? How long have you been on Vyvanse? Are you still getting the tongue symptoms?

    in reply to: Having ADHD Co$T$ Money #117044

    Post count: 173

    Scattybird, that is a bad day. I hope you went home and put your feet up. What strikes me about your post is how responsible you are — you look after your pet’s health, you send a birthday gift to your niece, you make and strive to keep appointments, you tip, you formally acknowledge those who help you out. Imagine how much money we would save if we were as irresponsible as people seem to think we are!

    It’s true that these untimely expenses make it hard to plan. I wish I was disciplined enough to put ADHD money aside in advance. I don’t think it will ever happen though, because it would require discipline but also mostly for the same reason I don’t track my ADHD costs — it is just too depressing to see the actual numbers involved.

    in reply to: Having ADHD Co$T$ Money #117042

    Post count: 173

    Yup, every medical condition costs money. But it’s a lot easier to accept paying for bad eyesight or medication than to accept the cost of the paid-for purchases that I mistakenly left at the store last week. :(

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