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  • in reply to: The RAGE & blame game #114622

    Post count: 165

    @ Wifey: if the books I’ve read are right, and I think they are, then he is responsible for his behaviour, ADHD or not. Blame is abuse, verbal abuse, and is as damaging as physical abuse. Perhaps even more so.

    I don’t know how to correct this issue, but I do know you can’t live with it forever; seek help so he can “own” his rage and recognize his triggers.

    Good luck, and FWIW it doesn’t mean he’s a bad person, just slightly misdirected. Jim

    in reply to: I don't know how to relax #110764

    Post count: 165

    @Labyrinth: you’ve hit on one very helpful thing… exercise. I ride and ski and run and well, I think you get my drift. You can channel your energy into a sport or thing you really like. And then because you like it, you continue to do it. and it works and is helpful. That’s relaxing.

    Should you chose for example, to join a gym and then get bored, you’ll drop out, so the key is to do what you like as often as you like. Baseball’s a great start, don’t stop now…

    Cheers and good luck, Jim


    Post count: 165

    @2much2do: wait for the doctor in July. simply there is no point in seeing a doc that is untrained, you’ll walk out discouraged as it’s unlikely anything will get resolved.

    As Scattybird & kc5jck & others have said, educate yourself and if I may offer some light advice: make a list of questions you have between now and July. If you try to remember them, well, you know…. ๐Ÿ™„

    There isn’t anything to be afraid of…you made it this far in life without any major disasters and so a few more weeks will be of no consequence; many here (including me) diagnosed late in life profess that diagnosis is actually a great relief. and with some help thereafter, you’ll do just fine.

    Good luck and keep us posted. Jim

    in reply to: Prescribed Adderall XR and IF SOO CONFUSED #114454

    Post count: 165

    Call your doctor and ask he/she. We’d be guessing at what your doctor was thinking when he wrote the prescription.

    That said Adderall XR should get you through most of the day, and after it begins to wear off you may want to take a second smaller dose to keep focus while you complete a long work day. My doc had me on that regimen but I’ve learned what works for me is just the Adderall XR dose, and no additional pills at all. I have no clue what doses he’s given you and/or for what , and for time-based applications.

    I stress this is just me, though, and you’re likely going to be different. Jim

    in reply to: Day 1 on Concerta #114403

    Post count: 165

    Well that’s a lot better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!

    I’m happy for you that you seem to be having the subtle changes that happened to me…it makes life manageable as opposed to frenetic and anxious. Enjoyment goes up and life balances more and focus, well, focuses. Regardless, enjoy the ride. Glad you persevered! Cheers, Jim

    in reply to: I'm getting medication! #95165

    Post count: 165

    I’m on Adderall XR, forgot the last 2 letters; my bad. So much for my focus statement ๐Ÿ™„

    in reply to: I'm getting medication! #95163

    Post count: 165

    I’m glad you’re getting help quickly. As others have said, everyone is different; I use Adderall @ 20mg, (amphetamine, dextroamphetamine mixed salts), and within one day I was able to focus and stop procrastinating (well, mostly stop). Subtle, but…I felt and still feel “normal” whatever that is.

    Keep us posted, good luck, Jim


    Post count: 165

    @Robbo> I just got my 3rd crash replacement full-face helmet (& turned 65) WTF am I thinking and doing? I’m dialing down the aggressive stuff; a broken neck can ruin your entire day. thankfully the road bike seems to give me calm and pleasure.

    On pain: did my back in – in ’98 moving between houses. Probably the singularly most painful and frustrating thing I ever suffered through. Mercifully a good physio got me back on track and daily (when I remember) exercises to strengthen core keep me in fine shape.

    If I had a longboard I’d probably be part of a coral reef somewhere by now ;o)

    cheers, Jim


    Post count: 165

    @scattybird: you can e me here jcampbll at telus dot net. and I’m happy to get you back on a bike! Don’t correct my last name, there’s an ‘e’ missing.


    Post count: 165

    @Scattybird: I also do road riding and it is strangely meditative and calming; all new sports aside, just getting on a bike makes me a kid again and it’s just plain fun. Not for all, but if it works for you, then go for it!?! if you’r interested I can try to help get you started, and it’s less $ than learning to fly helicopters. :D


    Post count: 165

    @Scattybird: I can relate sort of, glad you had a great experience! As a mountain biker on the Nor-shore of Vancouver, it takes all your focus to stay on your bike and not get seriously injured, which I think is a fun way to spend the day (not in injured, but focused) Post ride there’s a bit of blissful faint endorphin action, so I do it over and over and over. Adderall helps. next time I’d try the Ritalin, just don’t go under any bridges!

    Enjoy the ride with me on this link: http://www.pinkbike.com/video/5179/whofaved/ , I’m not in this video, but live below this trail and helped build in about 10 years back. Sometimes I think all of us doing this are ADD or similar.

    Helicopter flying, far out :P

    in reply to: An update on….ehm…ME! #113394

    Post count: 165

    @ashockley55: gosh knows I’m no doc, but seems to me the Strattera is a bit rough on you. All know is that we as a group all react differently to different meds, so perhaps a different one will be less harsh on you. I stress I do not know what I am talking about but hope that you find a med that works. Who knows, one day the Strattera may kick in with no side effects and suddenly you’ll be near normal, called to Hollywood to act in a new movie, and win the lottery. ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Post count: 165

    @Scattybird…OK can’t stand it, what did you do Sunday that was helpful for you?

    in reply to: Totally ADD: No Exercise #105837

    Post count: 165

    At the risk of incurring the wrath of Dr. J, I find that if I do things I like, I will remain motivated to do them. Skiing, cycling and hiking seem to get me out the door, partner or not. IMHO if you have a sport or thing you really like to do, then enjoy the thing to death. Just my humble .02, Jim

    in reply to: An update on….ehm…ME! #113384

    Post count: 165

    Well that’s a lot better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!

    I’m happy for you, and am so pleased you’re on the right road to being more comfortable as you rocket through life with the rest of us! Good stuff! Jim :mrgreen:

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