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I finished university today1!!Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111
I also find getting up early works a lot better for mood and energy; my ideal time is 8:30. but it’s hard to wake up that early on days when I don’t have something planned! trying to get the yoga thing happening often enough or go to a cafe to write so that I have something to do to get out of the house in the morning.
I have considered hiring someone to clean my house before! I say go for it. it’s a lot of money, but you are saving yourself time and a big headache. and I always think it’s easier to clean when it’s not actually your stuff….. you know? good luck!
as for me, I’m still a little down, but so much better now because I went into school today to work. last week was reading week; I guess I really don’t do well with breaks, i.e., large unstructured blocks of time. and I love sleep too! slept entirely too much.
REPORT ABUSEthat sounds good Nadia! I thought I was the only one to take my laptop into the bathroom, ha ha…. in my current apartment I don’t have a bathtub though, I really miss baths! don’t take them for granted.
REPORT ABUSEI slept a bunch and feel better now. day’s not over yet…
I have the same problem.
Everybody on here seems to have partners or be married and/or with kids – how did they get there??
REPORT ABUSEit’s 1:30 here and I’ve been awake since 7:45 and am still in bed in my pyjamas. feeling pretty bad about myself. cancelled on my friend because I just feel too depressed to go outside or even take a shower. I have tired days a lot and I deal with them the best I can, but when I’m tired AND sad for no reason, it’s too much. so today is one of those days and I just don’t feel like doing anything; it’s the worst.
I’m on anti-depressants, I’m on Concerta. I had a bad depression episode due to something that happened back in September and I STILL feel like I’m getting over that episode. it’s gotten better and I’m ‘functional’ but I’m still unhappy, wtf – even though all the bad stuff is long in the past.
sorry this is perhaps not the right thread for me right now.
the checklist sounds like a good idea, I want to try that. routine definitely helps, but it’s like, take a break, and it’s hard to get back into it again. it’s like the only way I can get things done is if I keep going without stopping all day long?
REPORT ABUSEI certainly have no idea what kind of struggle and pain you went through. I just want to stand up for us BPD ladies: we are actually normal too, we are a type of normal. We just need extra help; the right therapist, the right meds, and lots and lots of support.
Speaking for myself, I’m not proud of being an ’emotional roller-coaster.’ And trust me, what you’ve experienced as a roller-coaster was a full-on… I don’t know, rocketship on crack for her.
It’s possibly even more scary to not be able to predict and control your OWN emotions, you know? take care.
REPORT ABUSEAlso I’m seeing my counselor today who’s supposed to start DBT with me. And at the hospital yesterday (overdosed last week) they gave me a script for 2 other meds to take the edge off and I’ll pick those up today. Will keep you posted? Didn’t go to class though, bleh.
REPORT ABUSEHi Sammie! I’ve got BPD “traits” is what they say, on top of my ADD. I’ve been on a good combination of Wellbutrin, Celexa, and Concerta for almost a year.
Currently though I’m experiencing a really bad bout of depression that started maybe 2 months ago, so I’m looking for help myself. Don’t think I can give much advice but I thought it would help you to know that I’m out here, just as it helps me to know about you – though I certainly don’t wish this pain on anybody!
This episode was triggered by a breakup and now I’m obsessed with the poor guy, it is seriously out of control. I suppose it could be worse still, but it’s too out of control for my liking (and his). It’s really effing tough, and it’s pretty much impossible to expect any sympathy from anyone except my closest friends who know me. Even counselors don’t always get it.
I’m actually fine with the slow and sad depression. But when I’m experiencing the BPD symptoms, it’s like this totally anxious, frustrating, desperate kind of depression and it’s next to IMPOSSIBLE at its worst.
Tell me about what you’re going through.
For a couple of months I didn’t have any money, now my student loan has finally come through (I’m also in my final year at university!) and so yesterday I just bought myself a whole bunch of stuff. Pyjamas, tea, nice soap, a book of poetry, a new whiteboard… Did make me happy, actually! Be careful though, because it’s tough to curb the shopping once you get going.
REPORT ABUSEhi everyone,
other men with ADD reading this, please post about your relationship struggles! it would be useful to me and to the other girlfriends/wives here.
I’m heartbroken right now from a recent breakup. short relationship but we knew each other for a couple of years before. we were both in love but our fights got more and more frequent and just wore us out. I was diagnosed with ADD last winter and am being treated (meds + therapy). he was diagnosed as a child but did not get much treatment; did a lot better in university and afterwards and the diagnosis was chucked. I’m pretty sure he does have it though. I understand him a lot of the time, but we also have different symptoms.
he was really hyper at times; especially after waking up in the morning or after sex. (I’m very sensitive and it was tough not to feel ignored.) I’m more impulsive, so I always speak up when something bothers me – i.e., I start the fight, you could say. but I make sure to speak without blaming and focus on how a behaviour makes me feel. when HE got mad, he would say really mean, petty things sometimes. I knew he didn’t actually think that, and he always apologized a few hours after; but it was like he was trying to hurt me. that was a big problem…. so now I guess I’m stuck figuring out whether he is truly selfish or if some therapy would help him be more available and secure….
I want to mention, too, that his hyperactivity was really helpful sometimes; when doing chores or cooking. he never minded helping me out with that stuff, and loved cooking for me (which was great because I never get around to doing that myself). whereas my slower nature was really good in a stressful situation and I knew how to calm him down and not get carried away myself.
good luck, ladies. relationships are tough, hey?
REPORT ABUSETurtletatter: yes exactly. good luck.
REPORT ABUSEthanks sugar! good luck, guys, keep us posted.
REPORT ABUSEmaybe get some bins/bags ready so you can sort it out right away (‘to donate’, ‘to chuck’, ‘to keep’, etc)? but it does sound fun! get a bottle of wine and then it will be like opening presents.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 5, 2011 at 12:33 am in reply to: What truly inane activities do you waste time on? #107757none of you are pathetic, guys, be nice to yourselves. we just have to work harder, unfortunately, at things that may be really simple for others. but being kind to ourselves is one of the biggest favours we can do for ourselves. and I don’t mean letting yourself waste time, but just be nicer to yourself when it does happen.
something I’ve been trying recently is picturing a ‘good mom’. what would a good mom say? how would she take care of me? or what would I say to a good friend in this same situation? I say ‘good’ mom because I want to treat myself better/kinder/with more structure than my real mother did!
PS: SUGAR GREM: High-five for sequins!! I’m going to dye my hair crazy colours tonight; cliche for post-breakup, but I’m not going to care.
REPORT ABUSEthat’s awesome, ND! HIGH-FIVE! and I say you get rid of that unopened box. if you haven’t needed it in all these years, you probably won’t need it ever. (my mind is on de-cluttering.