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  • in reply to: It's Official! One Less Thing to be Quizzical About #106062

    Post count: 251

    I cried in the doctor’s office, but only a little, and it was definitely a load-off-my-mind sort of crying. I’d already had my big cry twice: reading that Delivered from Distraction checklist back when all this began, and then sitting in the auditorium during the ADD road show with Dr. Jain, Rick, and Patrick back in June.

    By the time I sat down with the doctor I’d worked myself into a total pretzel – months in the making! with all the DO-I-OR-DON’T-I I’d been carrying around; you folks have been there, I know! Reminds me of the old daisy-petal-pulling cartoons: He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me…

    And for every minute of my wondering aloud here, multiply that by ten for all the wondering aloud at home. Poor hubby; here’s a typical opening: “So, here’s another example of the ADD that I don’t have; I left my purse at home again!”

    God bless him, though, because he’s the only one in my family who took this seriously, who kept after me to go see somebody. “If you don’t have ADD, you’re no worse off. And if you do have it, you can do something about it.” Contrast that to my mother’s opinion: “You don’t have ADD, you have three kids!”

    And then multiply that number of conversations again by a hundred for all the unspoken obsession, the tape looping over and over in my head…..


    Yesterday evening, after I’d finally had a chance to tell him the news, my hubby came home from a grocery store errand with a little bouquet of flowers for me.

    “Happy flowers” he called them. And, damn, did they make me happy. To show my thanks I completely cleaned off the mess on the kitchen table so they’d look nice sitting there.

    They’re daisies.


    in reply to: Do you make up words by accident? #103305

    Post count: 251

    Just thought of another fun feature of this phenomenon – the little three-second delay as my misspoken word hangs in the air:

    “So we’re headed to North Dakota for our beach vacation in a couple of weeks….Should be fun.”

    (pause, during which my sentence slowly echoes back to me…)

    “Wait, did I say North Dakota? I meant North Carolina.”

    Sometimes I’ll keep on talking for another couple of sentences before the little bell goes off!

    in reply to: This is the thread that never ends…. #106082

    Post count: 251

    Oh, and on that note I figure this is as good a place as any to say I FINALLY SCHEDULED AN APPOINTMENT and it is on Monday morning! Go, me!

    in reply to: This is the thread that never ends…. #106081

    Post count: 251

    Carrie, your icon is ADORABLE; I love toads and frogs, and I offer as proof the fact that I have a Michigan J. Frog jewelry box that dances and plays “Hello My Baby” when you pull open the drawer!

    in reply to: Do you make up words by accident? #103294

    Post count: 251

    I sometimes smash two words together when my brain can’t pick the better word on the fly: “Do we need another –

    [brain simultaneously grabs CHAIR and SEAT]

    – cheat?”

    “You know what I meant to say” is definitely one of my more oft-used phrases at home…..

    in reply to: Migraines and ADD #105923

    Post count: 251

    Regarding the topic search thing, it seems to be some kind of bug to me. What’s interesting is that if I do a search and then click on topics in the results list that were posted earlier than today, I go to that topic. But clicking on anything with today’s date takes me back to the main forum page.


    in reply to: Totally ADD: No Exercise #105800

    Post count: 251

    There seems to be no middle ground with me and exercise; I totally obsess about my fitness routine for about two or three months, then fall with a mighty (and heavy) THUD off the wagon. Sometimes the two are related, since midlife seems to be rife with overuse injuries. :)

    Right now I’m struggling to get back on track, but finding, as I do every summer, with the kids from school it’s nearly impossible to claim fitness time for myself in any remotely regular way. Right now I’m lucky to sneak into the lap lane at the neighborhood pool and get in a few quick back-and-forths before somebody needs a Band-Aid, or snack money, or help finding lost goggles, etc.

    I used to run all the time, but I’ve somehow gotten a pesky iliotibial band irritation that has made running too painful for me. Too bad, because running is heaven for a wandering mind.

    I find that I do best with home video workouts. I like the privacy, the convenience, and the fact that I have a slo-mo and a rewind button when I can’t figure out the moves, which happens frequently. Even lifting weights goes so much better with a video, because the last thing I want to do is keep track of how many reps I’ve done! So much nicer to just heft away and let my mind go until the instructor tells me to stop.

    I definitely have a fairly big video library, because you just can’t do the same workout over and over again. I like to pick two or three and make those my “go-to” workouts of the month, then the next month, choose two or three different ones. It’s amazing how a routine you were once totally sick of suddenly becomes an old friend when you come back to it months later.

    in reply to: Chronically missing stairs and losing balance #105455

    Post count: 251

    So glad to hear I’m not the only one who falls UPstairs; I frequently get to the top of the stairs, and try to put my foot on a step that isn’t there!

    Best-ever incident was when I was in a school play. We had to march and cheerfully sing our way down the auditorium steps and then up the aisle. I can’t honestly blame ADD for this one, because who the heck can march in time AND sing out to the audience AND navigate their way down a flight of stairs? Well, everybody else in the play, I guess. :) But as for me, my foot hit the edge of the top step, and then that same foot skidded down the front edges of all the other six or seven wooden steps, and YET…

    Somehow I managed to get the other foot down on the floor and keep on going, still singing! That came so close to being a literal “break a leg!” moment!


    Post count: 251

    While I agree that many folks here and elsewhere blur the lines between ADHD and giftedness, I disagree with the “mild cases view ADHD as a gift” blanket statement.

    I’ll admit I can’t weigh in with any real authority since I remain merely questioning-and-undiagnosed at present, but I imagine myself to be at the mild end of inattentive type. I probably belong at a site with a name more like “PartiallyADD.com” :) More of a nuisance than a brick wall, perhaps, but still – a *nuisance*. I’d love to experience this rush of creative ideas others have described, but for the most part my wandering thoughts tend to be things like “I can’t wait for the intermission of this concert, because I’m so hungry….maybe I can eat those almonds left over from the dinner I packed – Oh, damn! I left them in the car!” Hardly the makings of The Next Big Thing.

    I suppose I should clarify further and point out that all this mind-wandering was during a concert I was PERFORMING in…..

    So, yes, I agree, we all have gifts, and furthermore, I agree with LibrarianChef’s view that we succeed based on our ability to use any and all gifts we have, and that the challenge is not letting the ADD get in the way of the unwrapping.

    That said, I don’t mind if other folks see their ADD as a gift. Frankly, I’m jealous of them! I would never want to discourage someone from looking at something in a positive way.

    I’ll allow that the mildness of my own impairment might make me more tolerant of such an outlook.


    Post count: 251

    Sugargremlin, I loved all the info in your post; like you, I’m fascinated by the connections between this and that, and like you, I love to gather info and ponder it! Your post was very timely for me, because the whole sleep business is a biggie with me right now; I’ve been having a pretty serious bout with insomnia this past month.

    RLS – started getting bouts of it during my pregnancies, and it still pops up from time to time. I tend to see it as a signal that I need to go to bed. I’m lucky in that it’s only an occasional thing, and generally doesn’t happen when I’m in bed, but rather when I’m sitting on the couch watching TV at night. So I can get up and march around if I need to. :)

    Off to try that test now…..

    in reply to: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten? #96071

    Post count: 251

    In the “I forgot” category, there are two worsts that come immediately to mind; for now, I’ll just mention one of them: my English final during my freshman year of college.

    Funny thing is that my roommate was taking the same class, but since we had been given the option of writing a paper in advance, or taking the final, she had chosen the paper, while my procrastinating self (surprise, surprise) chose the exam.

    So on Saturday morning, my roommate was sound asleep when I got up and headed out to breakfast. It turned out to be a lovely winter’s day: sun shining on crisp, clean snow, a brilliant blue sky. Instead of going back to the dorm after breakfast, I indulged in a lovely long walk around campus.

    I arrived back at the dorm room around 10:45 a.m., to be greeted by my roommate in this manner: “Well, how was it?”

    “How was – what?” I replied, confused. How did she know I’d been on this lovely long walk?

    Her eyes doubled in size as she gaped at me. “The ENGLISH final – How was it?”

    “That’s not till Monday,” I corrected her.

    Now her eyes took over her entire face. “No, it’s TODAY! From 9 to 11! I thought that’s where you were!”

    “No, no, it’s Monday – I wrote it down,” I said, flipping through my class notes and looking at the margins, because that’s where I wrote all those important memos-to-self: in the margins of my notebook. And finally I found what I was looking for, up in the corner of a page: “English final, Saturday, 9 a.m.”


    After a moment of frozen panic, I numbly walked over to the lecture hall where the exam was taking place, at that very moment, for maybe another ten minutes. I peeked in. A few stragglers were scribbling away, the professor nowhere in sight. I loitered around the door until she showed up at 11 on the dot. I forget what tumbled out of my panic-stricken mouth when I raced up to her, but the very first thing she said was, “Don’t worry.” And she let me take the makeup exam, already scheduled for – you guessed it – Monday morning.

    So, one of the worst, but, wow, it could have been EVEN worse.

    in reply to: Organizing your office #105301

    Post count: 251

    That sounds TOTALLY cool – I’m going to try it at home. Just having things in four boxes would be a big improvement over the mess that’s all over my bathroom vanity! :)

    in reply to: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours? #96882

    Post count: 251

    Not the funniest, perhaps, but the most recent!

    Today I took my daughter to our local outdoor pool for her swim lesson. Since we were a bit late (but only a bit, I swear! :) ) I had her run in ahead, which left me with the job of carrying most of the many bags of towels, lunch, and whatnot I always seem to be bringing. As I was checking around, I heard myself say out loud, “What am I forgetting?” Suddenly I’m thinking of a song: “Papa, Can You Hear Me?” (from Yentl, I think?) and I’m singing along with my newly inspired lyrics: “What am I forgetting? Do I have my car keys?” and so on. Next thing I know I’m envisioning this whole ADD-themed musical – wow, how cool that would be….

    A couple of hours later, after the lesson, and more swimming, and lunch, we walk out to the car…to discover one of the doors wide open.

    At least I figured out what I forgot! :)

    in reply to: Question for Dr. Jain about last night's stage show #104981

    Post count: 251

    Wow, bewitchd, you did way better than I did on recalling the focus and attention section – I’d forgotten all about it until you mentioned it, and I certainly couldn’t have told you there were 6 types! So, alas, I can’t help you fill in the blanks on that one! But the bits you remember did come back to me when I read them in your post, so I’m glad you mentioned those!

    in reply to: The Bulldog Bristow School of Anger Management #105005

    Post count: 251

    Love it! Had to Google Bulldog so I could remember what he sounded like…..


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