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  • in reply to: Is there really "nothing positive" about ADD? #107026

    Post count: 128

    Filmbuff1984 I also immediately recognized the Starfighter i just didn’t mention it. I love the movie too and have it on VHS. Used the movie in a class I was teaching in 1985. I need to find it on DVD when I have money for that kind of thing.

    Wgreen – Dr. Thomas Brown also spoke at the conference that is on CADDAC website. I listened to it a couple of months ago. I don’t remember the details of his lecture and I don’t have time today to listen to more than the first 10 minutes. He had some interesting thing to say about growing up with ADD and how the symptoms can get better or worse as we get older depending on the stuff that this thread is made of. Maybe tomorrow I can go back and listen to it again.

    in reply to: This is the thread that never ends…. #106119

    Post count: 128

    Hey Carrie! Did you know that you can also change your display name as well as your picture? Changng both would be confusing. Acutally changing one is bad enough for me. Librarian_chef is now Biblio-something. I can only tell because of the picture of the aztec faces. At least thats what they look like to me.


    in reply to: This is the thread that never ends…. #106118

    Post count: 128

    Everyone- you know how we are always correcting ourself mid-sentance or even mid-word? There is a word for it!

    epanorthosis ~ n. The correction or retraction of a statement usually while making it; thinking better of what one is saying and withdrawing it.

    Courtecy of http://wordsyoudontknow.com/

    in reply to: Is there really "nothing positive" about ADD? #107011

    Post count: 128

    @sugargremlin I agree with you about the absolutes.

    @P-P wgreen can edt the comment he made and remove the email address if he so chooses. If you wnat to send a request to have it removed you need to send feedback to alert admin.

    in reply to: Is there really "nothing positive" about ADD? #107004

    Post count: 128

    This has been an amazing discussion!

    Years ago I read a science fiction book about a society where there were no children. People got old and when they decided they were old enough they would choose memories they wanted to keep and then went into this machine to die. Couples would decide to have “kids” and people were “born” as adults with the memories and experiences they chose to keep from their previous life and they just started again. Every 100 years or so the machine that made the bodies and inserted the memories would spit out a unique individual with no prior memories, a “new” personality. They had the basics, of course, but no prior experiences. They story continued with one of these unique individuals being “born” and seeing how messed up things had become and this individual set everything straight again. It has been a long time since I read this story but I think they went back to having kids.

    The point I am trying to make is that ADHD has always been around but it has just been in the last 60 to 100 years that individuals, now being diagnosed as having ADHD, have had more of a struggle in our increasing homogenous society. If one does not fit into the pigeon holes then they are deemed a failure. Kids are increasingly confined. Can you imagine “Fidgety Phil” having any problems roaming fields and streams chasing frogs, catching fish, being free to be as fidgety as he wants to be where no one is around to criticize?

    We need to remember that we are the “new” personalities, not by choice, and we are here to “mess” up society and point out that we as humans are all different and we do not all fit in the predefined pigeon holes. As I grow older, I have been increasingly disturbed by the youth culture and the attitudes of corporations and HR departments and I come from the generation where you didn’t trust anyone over 30! One has to be young and perfect to fit in. If you are different in any way then you are rejected. The older I get the faster I lose jobs and contacts because of my “uniqueness”.

    Picking over the fine points of what is and is not ADD is pointless. Confrontation is stimulating so we gravitate towards it. We as a group tend to misunderstand things so confrontation is inevitable. Medication for most of us is a necessary evil whether prescribed or not. As to what our individual symptoms are we only need to worry about how to deal with the ones that trip us up and use our strengths to the fullest. A positive mindset always helps when determining strengths. If you need medication to achieve the positive mindset, so be it.

    Argumentativeone we seem to agree on many things especially the cause and effect. Rick has a video he did on cause and effect. http://totallyadd.com/cause-and-effect

    As for what I am doing about my situation, since the traffic ticket/Sudafed incident I bought some Sudafed and finally got rid of my sinus headaches. It also has turned around my attitude. Hell of a lot cheaper than prescriptions. I’m stopping here on this post before I take up a whole page, it’s already too long. Personally, I’ve decided to let the experts figure out the finer points and just deal with my personal issues and see if my experiences can help anyone else and visa versa.

    in reply to: This is the thread that never ends…. #106115

    Post count: 128

    Does anyone know the words to the song “on top of spaghetti, all covered in cheese, i lost my poor meatball, when somebody sneezed.” I think after that line it goes “it rolled off the table and on to the floor, before i could catch it, it rolled out the door.” I dont know anymore, does anyone else?

    in reply to: Is there really "nothing positive" about ADD? #106929

    Post count: 128

    First of all I think Dr. Barkley is thinking not just about the milder cases but also the people that are more disabled than most. These are the people that are so disabled that they are living with relatives because they can’t support themselves or are homeless or in prison because of their ADHD. For every Ty Pennington there are 10s if not hundreds that are in prison or failing so badly at life that they commit suicide rather than continue. The problem in the US at least is that most Doctors are NOT recognizing ADD in adults so it is hard for an adult to even get diagnosed much less medicated. We have to fight to get the help we need.

    Medication is not a cure-all anyway. It is a crutch to help you develop the skills to work around your weaknesses. Even then there are some who are so bad that they will always be on medication in order to function.

    As to being a contradiction to “ADD & Loving It!?!”, Patrick states himself that he is not loving it but he has accepted it as part of who he is and with his wonderful wife to support him, he is one of the fortunate ones who is doing well.

    The only positive I have ever seen in my own ADD is the thinking “outside the box” that OCCASIONALLY puts me ahead but mostly sends me around the corner and down the block when I need to be somewhere else.

    One note on Dr. Barkley, he had a fraternal twin brother that had severe ADD. He nearly died of infections because he would forget to take care of himself and died in a car wreck. He has personal experience with what it can do to someone’s life. Watch the full lecture on http://www.caddac.ca/cms/video/teens_adults_player.html where he speaks on two subject matters.

    in reply to: Me or ADD: Good with Animals? #106907

    Post count: 128

    I am really good with animals too. I think it goes back to when I was 10 and wanted to be a hermit and live with the animals because they don’t hurt me like people do. I also am really good with plants. Its the reward of large glossy leaves (sometimes big fuzzy leaves) and having them get so big they take over your window or balcony or patio or porch.

    I agree with sugargremlin that it is more people specific but there may be a tendancy toward animals because they do not judge us. Plants only judge us when they wilt because we forgot to water them for a week. (oops)

    in reply to: Procrastination! #100194

    Post count: 128

    In case anyone is interested, the full lecture by Dr. Barkley is on the CADDAC.ca website under videos (left side of web page). He is a wonderful speaker and makes things so clear. He is coming back in October on emotional control which is my biggest problem (aside from procrastination). I can’t wait to see that lecture.

    If you have watched this video, you know that his fraterinal twin brother was ADD. His brother struggled with the symptoms and was killed in a car accident so he has a very personal interest in the subject.

    in reply to: Bullying #95723

    Post count: 128

    I’m glad it worked out for you. I have had my share of bullying and in unexpected placesl. I am startng my own business as well. I’m just starting out but already it has been personally rewarding if not yet financially rewarding.

    in reply to: There's a "tone" to my voice that everyone hates #106398

    Post count: 128

    I still have a problem with sarcasm. I often have to take a deep breath and stop for a second before I speak. It is especially hard when I am tired. On two mornings last week I had to get up a couple of hours earlier then usual after getting to bed late and had to appologize to my friend I was staying with more than once. I think the sarcasm problem is mentioned in the book “you mean I’m not lazy, stupid or crazy?”

    in reply to: Will I survive? #104166

    Post count: 128

    You have gotten some wonderful advice from everyone. The only thing I can think of to add is I was listening to a Tony Robbins CD and he was talking about some seriously depressed people that went to this experimental clinic. There were no medications or therapy and the only thing they did was smile at themselves in a mirror for 20 minutes every day. They all walked out of the clinic 2 weeks later not depressed anymore and not needing any meds! This concept is called by many names, has been written about in many books, talked about by just about every modivational speaker there is and the best way I can think of to discribe it is the Power of Attracton. You attract what you think about.

    I think about suicide and I get more depressed. Yesterday I made some new business contacts and I am feeling really good. Actually, that is backwards. I was feeling better about myself yesterday and I made some new business contacts that I would not have normally approached. I had been thinking about my business as the solution to my financial troubles (too numerous to mention here) and was able to talk to these people without hesitation. Just typing this and thinking about it is making today better (I had a rough morning).

    I have one question. While you are at work do you eat constantly? I had a position for 7 years and ate almost constantly. It was the only way to keep my brain functioning. I gained nearly 200lbs while I worked there! I have lost it all over the last 10 years but while I worked there I was a “grazer”. I did try to eat stuff like shredded wheat and managed to lose 7 lbs but the appeal of dry cereal only goes so far and I went back to the fattening stuff.

    in reply to: The High-Five Corner #106532

    Post count: 128

    I asked for referrals from 4 people yesterday afternoon and made 2 contacts for my business! I’m on my way!

    in reply to: Name that feeling! #106219

    Post count: 128

    I was on Welbutrin for a couple of months. After 6 weeks it stopped helping my ADD and after a couple of months I was getting no benefit and the side affects were not worth continuing. I have a high tolorance for most medication and get used to long term stuff very quickly.

    in reply to: social eating, are you uneasy with it? #106472

    Post count: 128

    You are probably not the only one but my annoyance level is much lower than yours. I tend to either eat and not talk or talk and not eat. I have taken home more food because I was talking not eating.

    I have a nephew that has always “protected” his food like he grew up in a prison or something. He would lean over his plate, shovel the food into his mouth and have his other arm circled around the plate like he was expecting someone else to try to steal it. He has always been like this and no one can figure out why. Some people truely enjoy the taste of their food. Maybe you are just hyperfocusing in this pleasure and become more than a little irratated if this hyperfocus is interrupted.

    Personally, I used to dread eating out because I was always being critized for my table manners. I always seemed to drip something on my clothes. One time in a restaurant I suddenly coughed all over the table. I always seemed to do something embarassing when manners count. It got better and now as long as I remember not to lick my plate or drink the salad dressing that escaped the salad I do all right. I have found just in the last few years that I enjoy the company more than I worry about table manners.

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