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  • in reply to: Drawing Therapy #106810

    Post count: 128

    Cartoon blog would be cool. I have drawn a couple of cartoons, one in response to one of Rick’s challanges. I did one that looked like a very ugly elf breathing fire and called it “ADD Untamed”. I also drew a three panel cartoon that i would love to share but haven’t figured out how to yet. It really needs to be redone better. I’m not the best artist either.

    I have one of those judges too. With my family’s input its a judges panal. GAME SHOW! Random thought, game show where either the contestents or judges are ADD. Maybe, what’s your most ADD moment. Or get ADD contestants to do things that you know they are going to mess up on and the one who messes up worst wins!

    in reply to: ADD & Demencia? #106811

    Post count: 128

    Dear me I hope not!

    I’m up to losing canes and money. My Grandmother and Aunt both had non-alzheimers dementia but they were in their 70’s and 80’s. I’m 59. I do know that ADD gets worse for women after menopause. I have always lost things to the point where I got absolutely paranoid about making sure I had everything when I left where ever I was. I seem to be even more distractable then before which is why I lost 2 canes in one week and my car key when my car got towed.

    in reply to: This is the thread that never ends…. #106110

    Post count: 128

    Too bad you can’t take him camping with you! I love camping. It would be hard for me to do now but I could manage if I have a folding chair to sit on.

    in reply to: What treasure do you find when you finally declutter? #106481

    Post count: 128

    No_dop, I never thought of it that way, LMAO.

    in reply to: Serial Entrepreneur and Document Tools #106452

    Post count: 128

    Welcome Alyssa! :D

    I have been looking at the tools you mentioned and I think I am going to find them very useful. Thank you for the tip. I had downloaded another task manager last week and was struggling with how it works its so complicated. I quite often find myself side tracked because of life events and with this I can keep track of whats happening with life in case I need to remember what happened when.

    When did you find out you are ADD? Your energy and organization remind me of a former boss who is the extremely hyperactive type and has your kind of drive and determination. He is on his way to making a million dollars a year in the company he works for.

    in reply to: Thank you! #106351

    Post count: 128

    I would also like to say thank you! I don’t know what I would have done without all the advice and just reading what other people are going through. Its really good to know you are not alone. Something I sometimes forget because of past experiences.

    in reply to: Name that feeling! #106216

    Post count: 128

    The county mental health place cannot prescribe stimulants like Ritalin. Thats why they sent me to the crazy psychiatrist who said I was bipolar not ADD. I was told the last time I was at the county place that they were starting a clinic there and would be able to prescribe things like Ritalin but when I called to make an appointment at the clinic I couldn’t get an appointment, I would have to “start over again”. I don’t want to start again from the beginning. They also told me that the doctor was booked up for 3 months anyway. I don’t have the patience for this so I will self medicate in the meantime. I will try on Monday to see whats really going on over there.

    I bought “you mean im not lazy, stupid or crazy” last year but I have misplaced it somewhere in my room I think. I would like to read the “driven to distraction” and the later book “delivered from distraction”. I can’t check them out of the library because I owe them money.

    in reply to: What treasure do you find when you finally declutter? #106477

    Post count: 128

    I found about $150 in change in my home office when started cleaning it a couple of months ago. Trouble is I never went back to finish cleaning.

    in reply to: Name that feeling! #106214

    Post count: 128

    Carrie, you changed your picture again! Very cool!

    I have had a very interesting experience this week. I was very depressed. I was crying all the time. My nose got so stuffy my friend offered some Sudafed. I took it, drank coffee, ingested some second hand smoke and all of a sudden I felt wonderful. I called my lawyer, found out what to do and did it without hesitation. This experience makes me want to buy a bunch of Sudafed and get some nicotine patches (I refuse to smoke) and drink a lot of coffee so I can feel better. I feel better then when I was on Welbutrin. I feel better than I have for years. This is very weird. Sudafed alone made me feel a little better, I drink caffeine every day, and I am only occasionally around smokers and I just find the smoke irritating by itself.

    I have read on this site about the dangers of self-medication. The only other time I ever remember feeling good on any kind of medication was at least 10-15 years ago when I was prescribed two different medications that were not supposed to be taken together. When I told the doctor how good I was feeling and how much energy I had they said no wonder and would not give me more. I was upset at the time and went back to my lower energy state. I wish I could remember which meds they were.

    Has anyone else had this experience? Is there an ADD med equal to this combination? What’s the harm in doing this combination every day? I don’t want to go back to the way I was earlier this week. Before I took my last Sudafed this morning, I started feeling bad again so I took it with my coffee. I was already in the cloud of smoke and then I felt much better.

    in reply to: There's a "tone" to my voice that everyone hates #106389

    Post count: 128

    Sean, have you ever recorded your voice and listened to it? It may be helpful if you record what you said to someone and got a complaint and see what your tone of voice sounds like. Listen to it right away and then again a few days later. Its worth a try.

    in reply to: Name that feeling! #106200

    Post count: 128

    Steffie thanks for the encouragement. I have been in a funk since Sunday, crying almost all the time. I have a lawyer and I haven’t called them yet because I’m scared. I have so many emotions and so many thought and it all piles up. I just got my car back yesterday because my sister offered to pay the impound charge. I got light bulbs and insurance so my car is legal again but this was all done with continuous help. I was frozen. I couldn’t initiate any action on my own.

    My daughter’s friend, who has been through hell in her short life, has recognized Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in both me and my daughter because of the prolonged stress we went through for several years. I started to tell her a little bit about the years of continuous stress and verbal abuse from my husband and she started telling be about her father, who is in prison for raping her and fathering her child who was killed in a car accident last year and I felt like I haven’t been through anything like what this girl has been through so why am I so frozen. She keeps going and I am stuck.

    I have endured verbal abuse all of my life and a couple of years of being slapped around. Is it because my abuse was more subtle? Someone breaks a bone in your body, you know it’s not your fault that the bone is broken. Someone tells you that you are stupid you start to believe it so you don’t recognize that as abuse. I know this intellectually but it keeps haunting me every time something goes wrong. And lately, every time something goes wrong, it takes me longer and longer to get over it and get moving again. Right now I feel like I am just waiting for the next bad thing to happen.

    I’m tired of fighting the world. I might go back to the county mental health place.

    in reply to: GAMES! Goals? #105720

    Post count: 128

    Carrie, is you sister ADD as well? Last year my sister told me that at my age (just turned 59) I should have my life together. I feel its is less together now then ever. Part of me wants to give up and just retire from life and sit and do needlepoint forever and watch movies and part of me, very weak part of me today at least, is saying how satisfying it has been helping some friends have a lawyer to help them with their legal problems.

    in reply to: Name that feeling! #106180

    Post count: 128

    I have felt that itch as well. My itch is usually when things go wrong. I just figured out something. I am hiding from living because I don’t want to go back to dealing with things going wrong so I do nothing. Do nothing and nothing can go wrong right? That is actually wrong as well. I had a very bad day. I got pulled over because of no brake lights. My insurance had expired and my car got towed. I lied to the cop about my insurance but I was so stressed that I said the first thing that came into my head. I didn’t have my registration with me. I cried for a couple of hours and Jessica’s friends have been helping me. I got the insurance fixed but now I have no food money for the next two weeks.

    I shut down for a while. I drank two beers and had dinner and that itch started itching bigger. I feel really bad. I want to explode then the panic starts. I DID SOMETHING WRONG. My whole life I have been scared of doing something wrong, but then my whole life I didn’t know about my ADD. I want to explode. I want to run. I want to eat a whole cake. I want to take a bottle of Benadryl to fall asleep and maybe not wakeup again. I am cut off from all my usual video games, have been for a while. My only outlet that I have with me (can’t get home right now) is my needlepoint that is almost finished. I probably only have about an hour of work left and I wanted to stretch it before I put the final touches on it.

    How can I stop this without drugs or doing something destructive?

    in reply to: GAMES! Goals? #105715

    Post count: 128

    Carrie, really hope that the Prozac works for you. I guess we got a little off topic here. I’m starting to feel like I am slipping back into depression again. It kind of sneaks up on me. I started making plans, I downloaded a task manager because I don’t have outlook on my netbook. I haven’t had a good block of time to figure out how to use it though because I am playing chauffer for my daughter right now. I haven’t finished doing my research either. I’m going to try to do some now. I will have to leave in a little over an hour to pick up my daughter again.

    She is making plans to buy her own car. I can’t wait. She still has to get her driver’s license but she can get that on her own insurance.

    in reply to: GAMES! Goals? #105711

    Post count: 128

    I took Prozac for years and my first pill made me giddy, silly, almost drunk. I know it was an unusual reaction and I have never found anyone that could explain it. When I found out about my ADD it made a lot more sense because they kept saying that ADD meds work right away. Another thing they did not tell me is that it can make PMS WORSE. Not for everyone but it did seriously for me. I already had serious PMS and the Prozac made it worse. I did a post on PMS somewhere on this site. If it makes your PMS worse, talk to your doctor and consider stopping it. The generic Prozac did not work for me either so when they would only give me the generic I just stopped taking it. When I stopped taking it I did not notice any difference. Then again I am not as self aware as I thought I was so someone else may have noticed but that was almost 20 years ago.

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