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  • in reply to: The High-Five Corner #106559

    Post count: 47

    My high five is that I worked on a Dragon Yest, and I am mailing all the paperwork out today.

    the paperwork was A BIGGIE for me!!


    Post count: 47

    Hey, bigdissaved…did anything work??


    Post count: 47

    Used to be like that almost everyday, not so much now. If I sleep, eat protein, take my antidepressant all of that helps. Also selff talk, “yes that is my worst fear, and that is NOT going to happen” can help. I call it my free floating anxiety..cause it is just there. I have used distractions to make them stop, and that may or maynot help…but it is the eating, and meds that have helped the most recently. If I take my Ritalin SR that has stopped the panic too…which I find odd, but reassuring…anything to make the self doubt shut off…you know??

    The trick for me was to try something, and then remember what I did, and what happened…usually it came as I thought back about my day..comes in small steps..try something..did it work? Try it again, try something else…I have used a journal too, and that is a good tool…

    Hope that gives you something to go on for now…A

    in reply to: I feel cold all the time! #102744

    Post count: 47

    Hi all, I worked nightshift for more than half my working career. I get cold “from the inside out” I discovered in my 20s if I forgot to eat..and I did that a fair bit..I would get cold and no amount of blankets, sweaters would help…Then I would ask myself, when was the last time you ate..PROTEIN..usually a while back..so off I go to kitchen, and after eating “real food”..I would warm up..

    I am now much older..(in my 50s) and it still holds true…all though I don’t forget to eat as often. It has to be PROTEIN..meat, eggs, peanut butter, If I get to eating too many easy foods..carbs…it makes me more spacey too..So protein helps me focus too, has for years even before I knew I was ADD..


    Post count: 47

    I have been taking an antidepressant Prozac 40 for several years, it helps with that anxiety, and aches and pains. I take Methylphenadate when I am working on stuff I have to concentrate on. I also started taking Omega 3 oil caps when I read about it in ADDitude, and it does add a little concentration I noticed when I don’t take my Methyl…Eating protein regularly gives the brain something to run on, and when I carb out I can tell I am more distractable…

    My gentleman friend takes Ginko and Ginsing for memory as he “used” to have ADD…I can tell when he doesn’t take them too he is much more all over the place…

    I have about a 4-5 yr expiration date on work also.. I am a nurse, and love what I do, most of my employment was before my DX. I have had one boss that was sooo patient with everyone she hired. When she left, her replacement did not have the same sensibilities..even tho the administrator has ADHD, she did not “get” me, so I don’t work there anymore. I am self employed right now, and all is well as long as the client is alive. I tried Voc-Rehab, but they wanted to know what I wanted to do that wasn’t nursing?? What can ADD people do? everything, we just don’t do it all the time!! They wanted me to find the niche I have been looking for…in otherwords..no help…like I said self employed. I am realizing I can’t sustain habits, I do well for a while, and then work related, or home related they fall by the way side. Work in progress..

    in reply to: Women w/ ADHD Inattentive Type – anyone out there? #101352

    Post count: 47

    Hello all, 54 y/o over wt mom of 2 girls. I realized I was ADD when my oldest daughter was getting diagnosed (dx) in grade school. Been on Methlphenydate SR 40 mg . It has helped like crazy. Read about Fish oil in ADDitude and started taking that too, and I think that has some good difference, subtle but there. I have taken an anti depressant since my girls were born, and it helps with the anxiety..and the Ritalin has actually taken it away for hours. Eating protein is very important too, as I can get to carb-ing out and this does nothing for the anxiety or disorganization.

    Have always been the square peg in the round hole. this Website has been a godsend. It helps me remember I am not unique or alone. My mind just works differently. I am pretty good at multitasking, and have had several jobs where it was necessary. I think the peri menopause has made this worse tho, as it is more exhausting, and I can’t sustain the energy it takes to do it for 8 hrs. Maybe I never could and just noticed? I don’t mind laundry..as long as I am doing dishes, or vaccuming, it is something to do in-between..you know? I did not like it when I had to pack it up and take it to a laundomat..I still have too many underpants so I don’t have to do it for over a wk..some things just work!!

    We have to rmember that ADD manifests differently in women and girls…we “take off” or go somewhere else, hello inattentive!! and had to educate the teachers in my rural community. I have had to educate my bosses too, and some have become believers, so are still skeptic. one of my best bosses was ADHD and very clever…I miss working there, but my direct supervisor was a skeptic, so I don’t work there anymore…

    I say congratulations to all who are just learning about why they never fit, AND don’t give up..meds have been sooo helpful!! some didn’t work, but others have made all the difference. Don’t believe everything a MD or Psych tells you, sometimes they are misstaken the first MD I went to thought I was Bi-Polar, meds did nothing for me..so I had to stick to the antidepressants and ritalin..and I changed MDs..and I found couselors have been soo helpful. Every idea is worth a ponder or a try…if it works keep doing it, if it doesn’t..try something else til you or your family notice a difference.. It will happen.

    As I have mentioned I live in a rural part of MT, and I am thinking about a coach. I can see where that could be helpful. Or evern another couselor .. just getting to it lately has been a challange.. I would LOVE to have a group to work with..as we are good cheerleaders..

    That is all for now, as I am thinking this is getting a little long…onward thru the fog!!!

    in reply to: Irony #101762

    Post count: 47

    Irony…I have pockets of organization in my life…I have to fold the unders…or it doesn’t work for me. Socks, I have 2 girls, I never, NEVER could find mates, so I decided that two of the same colored socks would work,, or, sometimes the same KIND of sock gold toes..black/blue…I am a nurse, who notices..right? Some do, some don’t, I would make it a joke, close enough for 630am thank you.

    I also ended up with 2 laundry baskets with socks UUUGGGHHH too much…so now I am back to mating about 10 pair..blue and black, and 2 red..Some have the same color scheme..they sell them like that now, so I have socks to last me a LONG time…my girls call them day off socks..I call them .. close enough..

    My winter “uniform” is black or olive colored cords, or twill pants when it is above 20 above..Summer is Khakis…or skirts…and hawaii shirts..they go with everything, and they are colorful, and my socks usually hit one or two of the colors…I was a big hit with my old people at the nursing home. My boss,,,not so much…my Administrator had ADD he “got” me, my nursing supervisor not at all…just uptight..I don’t work there anymore..but my wardrobe hasn’t changed much.

    I have gotten some better with my bills, not late with all of them, I got tired of paying the extra money to the power company for instance, and the tellephone..they get enough of my money…although I forgot the land line for the first time in over a year, and it is turned off…aaa a plan for tomorrow.

    I am hoping to get on line banking, I am still waiting for it to be available where I live.(.In the outback of MT..) where it can and has snowed on the 4th of July…but I digress…

    I am having a dinner for my high schooler this Sat, so I am tidying, and putting away, laundry AND typing…So the goal is to get the pile of papers from around the desk…redistributed/organized/taken care of…tonight…tomorrow…the kitchen…

    My need to take some Ritalin, and see if it still works…I don’t take it when I work night shift, because it is quiet and slow and I puddle along nicely…Life is good…mostly…

    in reply to: Blanking – the forgotten symptom? #95045

    Post count: 47

    YES!! blanking…has happened, still happens..and I am trying to remember what was going on just before….seems to be a over stimulation thing right now….Today I just couldn’t stay present, and kept blanking on my honey..I feel bad, but it isn’t until he is gone and I have a moment to process it was because there was tTOO MUCH jamming the circuts…boing…shut down reboot….oh I’m back..I think..you know?

    in reply to: Impulse control, how do you get a handle on it #99209

    Post count: 47

    Thanks for the encouragement Saffron…I have been practicing myself and like you catch myself sometimes, but not in every situation. But it is different a lot of the time…guess I will keep it up. I took a Mindfulness workshop and that too helped keep me in the moment..it was a good refresher of things I have learned in the past which is sooooADD ….

    in reply to: Facebook Tug of War!!!!! #98347

    Post count: 47

    I agree with gforcewarp9…I only confirm people I actuallly WANT to keep in touch with..(family/friends) I actually ENJOY NOT confirming people…classmates in particular…we have a face page tho so I go there sometimes…but not often…

    I have a bunch of distant family I do not know, I haven’t confirmed them either…this is MY PAGE…MY RULEs….I haven’t blocked anyone yet…(cause I haven’t confirmed I think.)..what power…you ticked me off…so you are out!! take that!! evil giggle inserted here…


    Post count: 47

    mgm8634 welcome, dont give up, you just started!! I personally can’t “feel” the Ritalin SR I take, but those around me can see the difference. I have also noticed that when I take it the unrelenting low level anxiety diminishes/disappears…subtle but important. I live in MT..talk about few and far between for therapists…never mind the psychiatrist, find someone to talk to. This has helped me over the years more than anything. Last year was the first time I had anyone that worked with me with ADD issues!! Talk about wonderful!! She has since retired, so I am again looking for a “neutral third party” to figure things out with.

    This motivation thing has me stuck again. I start getting the shoulda/woulda/couldas, and then looking for chocolate, or some other diversion. So I am getting the clear on some of my behaviors…seeing them is the first step in being able to change them…course this motivation thing has me stuck, but I am hopeful.. again…. DON’T GIVE UP.

    in reply to: ADD and anxiety and ADD and premenauposal #96607

    Post count: 47

    Moka, I don’t have any expertise, but I have been wondering the same thing. I am of this age also, and my ability to keep a job is diminished greatly. Symptoms more so, been dxd for several years, but not compliant as I should/could be. I have noticed that the Methelphinadate has helped my anxiety in the day time…I have tried meditation and Tai Chi in the past, and both were helpful. I still can sit and be still but it is very challaging…will check back and see what comes up. Thanks for the thread..

    in reply to: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone? #93441

    Post count: 47

    I am a picker and a popper…somewhat reformed on the zit front since I am older…But I did make a self esteem connection from when I was younger..really working at my face when I was in the dumps and beating myself up..mentally and literally. But used alcohol swabs dabbing at the offensive site helped me break this habit eventually..Bit my nails until I had a job where it was gross to continue…so I got a buffer and got them shiny…never did go back to full time hard core biting down to the quick, but find my self “nibbling” if the top gets ripped or nicked down, then get the emery board out and am back on track til the next time. I pick at my head especailly when I drive, a friend pointed it out,,I was unconcious of it..but I still pick/scratch sometimes from nerves, frustration??…

    I doodle when on the phone, or at work..that helps like crazy, I used to say I can’t talk unless I have a pen in my hand to help me rmember the conversation…and not to mention focused on what I am doing. I crochet, tat, sew, read, that helps at times… especially when I worked night shift and had a lot of time on my hands…I think becoming aware of the behavior and deciding to change it helped me. But alas I still pick my nose.. I still find myself in front of the mirror sometimes, and then aske myself why I am mad at myself?? This helps me stop and figure out what happened to get me picking at myself again…

    I find reading the forums sooo helpful!! I have been treading water most of my life, and now I see it is NOT just me!! That it is ADD a LOT of the time!! PHEW…thanks everybody

    in reply to: Funny "Diagnostic Indicators" #97449

    Post count: 47

    You mean not everybody reads books and watches tv?? No way..!! Haven’t been able to read more than two books at a time since my girls arrived…Reading ADD friendly ways to Organize your Life…very cool…and I have resigned myself to carrying my phone charger with me in my work bag, and of course I have a car charger..I carry it in a green zip bag so I can find it..

    in reply to: ADD and holds grudges #96710

    Post count: 47

    I hold grudges but not like I used to..I have been thinking lately that I don’t process the whole day for days sometimes, and things can get by me and I get the “shoulda, woulda, couldas” for a while….mostly grudges are held against mean spirited people that had their agendas I know nothing about…and karma does come around, and I have seen some of these mean spirited people get bit…I have also prayed to get close enough to one person to step on her foot with a high spike heel….god has been good enough NOT to grant that prayer….and when I say this person not long ago…I didn’t have high heels on and I laughed at my self and walked away…life is too short …. and mostly life is good.

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