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  • in reply to: alleged "alternatives" for ADHD #94237

    Post count: 71

    P S – it is pretty amazing that the responses can be so negative with out any personal experience. In the sea of alternative options, I agree there are many scams and it sucks and isn’t right and I feel the same as everyone along those lines. Taking advantage of someone who is looking for hope, symptom releif and trying to find a treatment is extremly low behavior and they should be sought ought and prosecuted.

    I do not happen to feel ALCAT falls into the category of a scam or trying to take advantage,

    But also in the sea of alternatives and new methods could lay the key to unlock answers. Some of those new methods will work for some and not for others.

    Look at the posts on neuro feedback – the consensus is that it doesn’t work, but there are people that claim that it worked wonderfully.

    Many people argue the lacebo efffect – who cares? If it worked what is the difference – aside from the costs of capital invested and emotional expectations.

    So – one can say “There is no science to prove it” ( I personally don’t agree) – medcial science has only recently fully embraced the diagnosis of ADD. If you have ADD you know it – but 20 years ago a good portion of the medical community said it didn’t exist. Oh –

    O K – so I thought I had ADD – but my MD says it doesn’t exist – thanks I feel so much better now.

    I’m not saying the ALCAT blood test is for everyone – I’m just saying I had success with it and others I know did to . That is not anecdotal to me, that is real life. If you are looking for a nutritioinal program that MAY help with symptoms – it might be something to look in to.


    Look at adderal – medical worls doesn’t really truly kniw why it helps with ADD – you could argue that is you gave anyone speed they would be more focus and attentive

    Incidently my nutrionist has the following credentials: Bachelor of Arts in Biology, Chemistry and Education, Master’s of Science in Human Nutrition, Diploma in Classical Homeopathy (DSH) from the School of Homeopathy and is currently finishing up her doctorate (PHD)

    I hardly thing this places her in the category of a scam artist. I don’t think that she went through that level of experience and education so she could hock snake oil. Incidently what are your qualifications on the subject, Walt, Larrynxa?

    Additionally, toward the positive what alternative treatments have you found to be effective?

    in reply to: alleged "alternatives" for ADHD #94236

    Post count: 71

    Did I use the word Allergies once? Maybe you should read a little more carefully and pay attention.

    I’ll take scinece and results for $1,000 Alex.

    The test is for food INTOLERANCES, which is a completely different matter than an Allergy.

    Science can in fact test your blood against food groups to see how they react with your blood work and whitre blood cells. Based on the reactioin it indicates foods that inflame your system or that you are Strongly moderately or mildly intolereant to.

    In science you change one varaible at a time and measure how it effects the experiment. So when I removed the intolerant food groups my condition improved. AT the end of six months I slowly added the intolernat food groups back in one at a time and observed if there were any changes in my condition. When I found symptoms returning, I removed that food group and my condition improved again. It is not a labratory study but does follow a methodology.

    That ‘s all the blood work tests simply indicates things that irritate your system and keeps it from working optimally.

    When I removed the intolerant food groups from my diet, my symptoms went a way, I lost the weight I could not after many previious attempts andI felt great. As did the majority of my friends and relatives. Call it anecodtal, but I don’t have the capability of doing a double blind study with 10,000 participants.

    I just know when I shifted away from the intolernat foods it did what I could never accomplish by any other means of diet and excercise I have tried. When I strayed it went the other way.Food can efffect your body in much the same way medications

    But you know what you have convinced me. My results are scientifically unsound and I’m going to forget about the 30 lbs I lost – with no calorie restrictions and how great I feel when I follow the nutrional advice.

    I’m going back to the old way I used to approach nutrion – I feel so silly. I didn’t know it wasn’t supposed to work and should embrace feeling crappy and being a fat slob. Thanks again, the future seems brighter now and I feel so much better.

    in reply to: alleged "alternatives" for ADHD #94233

    Post count: 71

    Have you taken the blood test and sen your food intolerances and followed the advice?

    I can only speak from experience and the experience of family members and friends that have have taken the test..

    It was close to a miraculous out come for me and many of my friends, that’s not anecdotal, that is a fact.

    I excercise regularly and over the past 10 years have not been able to mlose any weight. Tried many diet approaches. I suffered from low energy, in attentiveness, lethargic, trouble sleeping, poor pale complexion, bloating and restlessness.

    When I discovered what my body was intolerant two and removed those items from my diet and kept my regular excercise routine, my health and energy sky rocketed. I lost 30 pounds when I couldn’t lose 10 pounds over the last 10 years. I felt great viirtually all of my symptoms went away and my energy went through the roof.

    Additionally, I have referred at least 10 people to the program and 9 of them have seen just as many benefits. The 10th, not so much but she admitted she really did not follow the program that well. It does take discipline and is based on a six month abstinence from intolerant foods and the slowly rotating them back into your diet to see how it affects you.

    I am not offended. It just seems you have a lot of research and hours of home work into alternatives and don’t have anything much to say. It seems you have a habit of researching alternatives but never take the plunge. You seem to speak with great authority, but have zero personal experience.

    I have seen it work wonders for many people personally, including myself. It worked wonders for me, fact not fiction or opinion. So where is the scam?

    As far as it being a scam, I can say it worked for me and did wonders. So I acheived my weight goals and improved virtually all of my symptoms in the REAL WORD – not the CYBER/ PSEUDO-HYPOTHETICAL world. It worked extremely well for me and others, but becasue you say it is a scam – I guess you must be right. All the benefits I have derived from it as well as friends must be an illusion a figment of our imaginations.

    Because a report you read says it is BS – it must be B S? There have been a lot of studies that say ADD is B S – maybe they are right too?

    If you haven’t personally experinced either failure or sucess with it, you really don’t knoiw what you are talking about it. Maybe you should considering trying SOMETHING – anything, it might work for you – rather than sniping from the sidelines.

    My brother lost 40 pounds, clleared up rashes and cured his insomina he had for several years and (actually got him off meds) , got him of nexium as well

    My mother in law – lost 30 lbs, energy went through the roof and it totally cured her bricitis – she had gotten to the point wherte she could not lift her arm above hger head.

    A friend got of medication for stomach problems and cleared up a persitent cough he had for over 10 years

    For me personally – I’ll take a scam like that any day.

    in reply to: No Friends #93962

    Post count: 71

    I myself feel the same way about fiends and was recently diagnosed with adult add at age 45.

    If not for my wife’s good social skills I wouldn’t have much in the way of friends.

    I’m pretty sure it is probably related to ADD – but who knows. My father had instilled a sense in me that you can’t really trust anyone and in the end they will screw you over. I have consciously or subconsciously inherited that belief system

    ALthough I long for more closer friends relationships, they allude me as well. I get along pretty well in a social situation, can gp through the small talk and fairly charming when it is approproiate to be – but don’t really have a close friend I would really feel comnfortable with asking to go to a game or out for a drink.

    I think it probaly stems from the innate low self esteem related to ADD. Perhaps that is part of it ion your situation as well. I think sometimes people can sense the self esteem issue and maybe recognize it for what it is or could misconstrue it as conceit or some other faux paux.

    On the other hand, I’m not the kind of a guy that wants to be in a bowling league or on a softball team… I would rather spend the time with my kids, Part of the problem for me and maybe some ADD’ers is that we might takepotential friendship opportunities to seriously. Some times someone who can’t make a dinner invitatiion or play date is just that – they have a conflict – I think we can all get into trouble when we try to read peoples mionds when an interactioin falls through.

    My advice if there is any – lighten up – I say this to myself as well. Have faith that things will eventually click and when they don’t click, it may be for a good reason and you might have just didged a bullet.

    We recently invited some of my wife’s friends and their kids over for a dinner for a special occaison. The other couples were people I was interested in getting to know more. If we didn’t invite thrm for the “Birthday” for the other couple – I am not sure if they would have accepted an invitation to dinner on theri own. The end result , we got the opportun ity to know one another, the kids had a blast and we recently recived an inviraion to a party at one theire houses.

    Maybe try to have an event as a nice gesture for a friend (birthday, anniversday, moving) and invite a few couples that you normally would not approach, but would like to know better. Most likely they will say yes to the invite beacsuie of your common friend and you will all geta chance to no one another and their kids will get a chnace to know yours

    in reply to: alleged "alternatives" for ADHD #94230

    Post count: 71

    I wish I knew what a good alternative to medications would be. I do think there is something to diet. There is a blood test c alled the ALCAT blood test. This blood test actually tests your own blood for foods and chemicals that you are intolerant to. The put the food cells into your live blood and actually see how they react with your blood work. About two years ago I went through thius process and basically did not eat the fooods I was intolerant to. I lost 30 lbs and kept ot off by mostly following the diet and excedrcise.

    Since then I have strayed from the program, put soem weight back on and was diagnosed with ADD about six months ago. I am not saying it is a cure, but just like there appear to be links tpo Gluten and Autisim – I do believe that food is a drug in the sens of how it interacts with your body and could be benfical in controlling symptoms.

    I’m going back on teh program – whuch really is to stay way from the foods I am intolerant to. I do knoiw that I felt very good and clear headed when I was on the program. Why did I stop? STress, bad habits, wanted to consumes the foods that were not good for me, a baby along the way…. Hopefully I can gbet back on the straigt and narrow

    in reply to: Generic Adderall timing? #92791

    Post count: 71

    pay abot $150 us for generic adderal X R one month supply.

    Is anyone concerned with long term use or possible B P problems

    in reply to: Generic Adderall timing? #92789

    Post count: 71

    I pay $180,00 U S dollars for a 30 day supply of generic adderal XR in U S for a 10 mill.

    in reply to: Taking a combination of medication now #93623

    Post count: 71

    Hi Manny,

    I was diagnosed ADD about 4 months ago. My primary prescribed adderal. It helped me stay focussed and did make a difference, but it raised my blood pressure and just seemd to harsh.

    I switched to a 10 milligram extended release and that seem to do the trick. As a mattr of fact I got to the pont where I only feel I need it 3 to 5 days a week. It is much more gentle and keeps me on track. I’m highly functional with I gues moderate ADD symptoms – but sometimes it really messes up my forward progress.

    My danger zone is at night between 6:00 and 11:00 at night . I get wired, antsey and restless. More often than not this leads either eating food that is not good for me or a couple of drinks to calm me down.

    After a month or so on this the Phych I have seen has suggested adding 100 mill of welbutrin twice per day. I am just strating this combo and not sure how it will work. Wondering if anyone else is on a similar combo of meds.

    in reply to: Wellbutrin #92621

    Post count: 71

    I was diagnosed ADD about 4 months ago. My regukar physcian prescribed adderal. It helped me stay focussed and did make a difference, but it raised my blood pressure and just seemd to harsh.

    I switched to a 10 milligram extended release and that seem to do the trick. As a mattr of fact I got to the pont where I only feel I need it 3 to 5 days a week. It is much more gentle and keeps me on track.

    The major problem I have is between 6:00 and 11:00 at night . I get wired, antsey and restless. More often than not this leads either eating food that is not good for me or a couple of drinks to calm me down.

    After a month or so on this the Phych I have seen has suggested adding 100 mill of welbutrin twice per day. I was just wondering if any one had any experince with wel butrin as a med for ADD alone or conjunction with adderal

    in reply to: Exercise and ADD: RUNNING FROM DISTRACTION #92887

    Post count: 71

    Does anyone know about or have experience with Integrated Listening Systems – a program that uses auditory stimulous combined with tasks/excecises to treat Adult ADD.

    I noticed we had a post from Dr, Ratey, co author of Dr. Hallowell’s book driven to distraction (EXCELLENT RESOURCE), and ILS indicates their method is endorsed and used by Dr. Hallowell.

    With the price of home equiptment and the program hovering around $2,000, just wondering if anyone has any insight or experience? Its a lot of money to take a chance on with out knowing much about it.

    in reply to: Adderall Questions #92083

    Post count: 71

    Post count: 71

    Every think of simulcasting it on the interenet or doing a web based workshop?

    in reply to: Adderall Questions #92077

    Post count: 71

    Does anyone have any experience with adderall causing high blood pressure in someone with normally good B P?

    Is it possible for adderall to harm or damage the heart/

    in reply to: The book 3 steps to Conquering ADD #92722

    Post count: 71

    Thanks very much for your thoughtful and informative response. I am at the beginning of the curve here, just self diagnosed through online quizzes and discussing my symptims with my doctor. He put me on adderal and said that is mist likely the med that a Phycologist would prescribe first any way. It really heloed with my symptoms, but I discovered it was increasing my B P and I stopped it. It seems very difficult to find a specialits and I’m not sure what to do. I decided to visit my nutritionis and revamp my diet based on the ALCAT blood test – which actually shows what foods your body is intolernat to and soem natual supplemnets like Bacopa Complex, Mid Tran and Cataplex G.

    in reply to: Who is going to the ADHD Workshop in Toronto on February 27th? #92345

    Post count: 71

    Hi Rick, do you ever think that they might have a video workshop or webinar? Many would love to attend but can not becasue of proximity. Technology could really open a lot of doors here, thanks

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