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  • in reply to: Left right confussion #113578

    Post count: 51

    I still have to think each time when it comes to left/right. I sincerely think I’d end up dead if I had to change sides of the road. What I think you are experiencing is one of the thousands of compensations we make in order to function has now been foiled.

    in reply to: My quest to destroy ADD. (clinical approach) #106883

    Post count: 51

    oops, I guess I’ll have to read the dates. Thanks for that heads up, in any case, it still might be a good idea to answer an old post with no other answers otherwise someone might take his regimen and try and “cure” themselves.

    in reply to: My 12 year old son hates taking his medicine! #114265

    Post count: 51

    I do agree with scatty, sometimes you can get the results you want but at a cost. A child can’t articulate uncomfortable side effects as well as an adult can so it’s important to talk to the child, or look for signs that there is discomfort.

    in reply to: My quest to destroy ADD. (clinical approach) #106881

    Post count: 51

    I can’t write such long posts anymore because I am not medicated, so forgive any bluntness or rudeness as unintentional. There are already known causes for the symptoms, and known definitions, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes ADHD medication increase social anxiety and for others they decrease social anxiety.

    Whenever I hear ‘big pharma’ I’m starting to roll my eyes. ADHD medication is the single most effective treatment for ADHD. ADHD is a neurological disorder with no known cure.

    Coming up with your own alternate theories without understanding the reigning theory seems to me like putting the cart before the horse.

    I’m pretty sure most women with ADHD could do without the hirsute properties of taking testosterone and who knows what other strange things might happen.

    ADHD is not trifiling, it causes harm in the lives it touches. Educating yourself about it is key.

    Hope that helps!

    in reply to: Formication #114227

    Post count: 51

    Yeah, I did try ritalin at 5mgs and after three days I was feeling itchy and icky, not to the extent that I was but after what I went thru even that was too much.

    I’ll make an appointment with a specialist and see if anything can be done, I keep telling myself that I went most of my life without meds so it’s just no big deal if I continue on as I had, I almost wish I had never gone for treatment because then I wouldn’t know any different.



    Post count: 51

    I don’t really care how others see their adhd, if someone thinks it’s a gift, all the power to them. More often tho, there is a chiding that goes along with it, and that is, “if you weren’t so negative your life would be much better”. Severe ADHD is no gift, people end up in jail, homeless, unable to keep a job, friendless, etc…

    It’s not a gift, and it’s also not a deficit of positivity. Co-morbid conditions can also affect the severity of the symptoms, I’ve seen people with comorbid, anxiety and depression be told they just need to be positive. This sort of response shows a real lack of sensitivity to just how difficult adhd can be.

    Over the years, my opinions, my level of education about adhd have all changed. I come from the, ‘this is not a disorder or a disability camp and I’ve moved over because, simply put, I can’t deny it any longer.

    You may have had a lot of support, your circumstances may have helped you a lot, maybe your adhd is mild, (tho generally that is a taboo subject since EVERYONE has severe adhd lol) you may be doing all right, but to extrapolate from your experience across the board to ‘adhd is a gift, or people are just too negative’ lacks compassion. Sometimes lifes burdens are very heavy, and sometimes people break, they’ve got a long way to go to get to any level of health.

    Compassion is always a useful thing.

    I’ve come to associate positivity advice with denial and judgementalness. Not very positive.


    Post count: 51

    From what I understand there are no hard and fast lines between disorder and mental illness. They can be and are used interchangeably in the literature.

    in reply to: Formication #114225

    Post count: 51

    I don’t use cocaine, I’ll rarely take an aspirin. Well, the not taking medication eliminates the formication but leaves me with untreated ADHD. Formication is a living hell, and way worse than ADHD imo. The stimulants did have a positive effect, especially on my driving, on my frustration levels, anxiety, things were better.. until I started to feel like I had hundreds of spiders marching all over me. It was like a never ending episode of fear factor. How is formication treated if I was to go back on meds? I can’t go back on meds unless the formication is treated because I’ll lose my mind.

    I’m really not a drug addict, I was first diagnosed in the late sixties as ‘hyper’ and back then we were supposed to grow out of it. I didn’t think I needed any “damned drugs’ until my family begged me to at least try. Left to my own devices I would have said there’s not a darn thing wrong with having adhd and we most certainly don’t need to be medicated. Then I got medication.. can’t argue with improvement.. I would really like that improvement back without the creepy buggy feeling.

    in reply to: so what now? #94589

    Post count: 51

    What helps partners more than anything else is realising that there are indeed actual limitations no tool box is going to fix. The destination may be normal but unfortunately that’s not a desitination that we can ever reach. We can implement strategies but the plain fact is that this is an incurable disorder.

    There will be symptom leakage, to expect otherwise is unrealistic. It’s perfectly normal to react defensively to criticism and in fact people without adhd do as well. The idea behind ‘constructive criticism’ is well meaning but in practical application it’s still criticism. Emotional dysregulation is a part of adhd and my honest advice is for critical communications (because they too do need to be had) is to do so in an e-mail or in writing. It allows us with adhd to process the information without being overwhelmed by the emotional dysregulation and gives us the time we need to come back with a less impulsive response.

    Yes, this kind of communication is very different but it works. It takes into account our processing deficits and is much more likely to be productive than the same ol same ol. I don’t know about you but I always feel ambushed in these types of situations and that’s never been good for me in terms of communication. Communication is the number 1 issue for couples with ADHD and if we want to be apart of the solution we need to stop seeing our actual needs as such impositions that we can’t ask for them.


    Post count: 51

    google geek squad. they are an online gaggle of helpful geeks for just such issues. I see this post is a month old, you’ve probably thown your computer out the window and went and bought a different one by now or maybe two.. just in case.

    But if anyone else has computer issues and wants help with bugs or other problems.. these guys will walk you thru. You do have to remember to go back and get the rest of the instructions tho, there’s always a catch!

    in reply to: School vs. ADD–adult student #93521

    Post count: 51

    cue cards .. Side 1. Name Side 2: function (what does it do)

    Then flip thru them in increments of 20. Just keep flipping thru don’t sit and stew about one you’re just not getting, After you’ve flipped thru them for awhile you start remembering them, the ones you remember consistently go in the ‘remembered’ pile, then add more. Occaisionally go thru the remembered pile to refresh and any you’ve forgotten go right back into the “to learn’ pile.

    It might take time to write them out but it’s well worth that time investment.

    (see, piles are our friends)

    in reply to: I think I may need a Lawyer…help!!! #93541

    Post count: 51

    It’s pretty hard to find Dr’s who are sensitive to ADHD. Lawyers might be a bit more difficult. That said, take someone with you to a lawyer and don’t put it off. If you can’t speak co-herently then write stuff down.. point form or have your friend help you condense things if you’re a rambler.

    I’m sorry this is happening to you.

    in reply to: Examples of inattentativeness #93731

    Post count: 51

    Went to the kitchen to make my morning coffee and a bun with jam. started the coffee and got the bun and the jam.. I needed a knife.. I turned around and saw a knife in the sink along with a few other dishes. Forgot about the coffee and the bun and did the dishes. I turned around saw the bun. DOH! put jam on the bun, and got out a mug made my coffee. Phone rang … found my cold coffee and dry bun 2 hrs later.

    That’s all it takes. To turn from what I’m doing.

    in reply to: Online Collaborative Problem Solving #92521

    Post count: 51

    ADHD isn’t a skill deficit disorder, it’s an output disorder. We have the skills we just can’t get them out!

    in reply to: Dr. Mate's theory of ADHD being caused by early adversity #92672

    Post count: 51

    It sounds like he’s confusing RAD with ADHD. Children with RAD look like ADHD but with treatment can outgrow it.

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