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  • in reply to: Anphetamine Salts (Adderal) causing High Blood Pressure #92718

    Post count: 39

    Im on 60mg of Adderall xr and it only gets me 8-9 hours of benefit.

    My bp was high at first, and has dropped back down… About 6 weeks in. I do get really flushed once in a while, but thats about it. I did have issues sleeping, but that has gone away as well.

    My dr monitored me weekly, then biweekly until i found the right dose and my bp went down. Not due back for another 3 months!

    in reply to: Adderall increasing forgetfullness #96963

    Post count: 39

    Hi billd!

    I have now been on Adderall XR for about 2.5 months. My dr has been adjusting my medication doses

    I am up to 60mg a day, and have some Dex tabs incase I am working late to supplement the xr when it wears off.

    It definitely took some getting used to, and adjustments but I am happy with the results.

    Side effects such as grinding/clenching teeth, high blood pressure, insomnia and jitters have gone away.

    I even my appetite is back to an acceptable level. I did lose close to 20lbs whichis a lot for a petite woman.

    Now that a week has past since your post I would be curious to hear how it is going.

    My dr told me that it takes time and adjusting doses to get it right.

    in reply to: New iPhone/iPad OS – technical ADHD medication #108772

    Post count: 39

    Sounds like a cool app to me! Although any app I download runs the risk of being among the other 300 apps I have downloaded, used for a week and then have left to die on my app graveyard of a screen.

    Nothing is perfect, but if you find a way to use it and stick to it – that is half the battle!

    Thanks for the recommendation. I will check it out.

    in reply to: Seeking help in Toronto #102176

    Post count: 39

    Oh, I should also add that my dr didnt know that this learning centre existed and was able to diagnose. He said a referral thru him may take year through our health system. I dont blame him at all as he has been very supportive and open to treating me, even before I was diagnosed.

    in reply to: Seeking help in Toronto #102175

    Post count: 39

    Tea: The city I live in has a learning centre that has an “attention clinic” that will fully assess and diagnose (over a period of visits and info gathering). There was a fee, however if you have insurance through an employer, you may get covered. They recommend treatment and will send their findings and recommendations to your doctor, so they can monitor if medication is the direction you wish to take. Staffed with psycologists and psychiatrists, i felt my assessment was handled carefully yet swiftly.

    How did I find out about this place? I called my provincial health services line and spoke to someone who laid out the options I could take.

    They also mentioned that the university here will assess and diagnose, however have heard that there is long waiting lists and it may take longer since you are there so the students can learn. I didnt want to muck around with all that. No patience! Lol

    in reply to: What do you do to calm down? #101830

    Post count: 39

    I find running an awesome outlet for my energy, which helps me relax for the rest of the day. Up at 4:30 to squeeze it in, but it makes a difference. I also go to yoga in the evening 2-3 times a week. I was advised to slow my running down when I started meds as my bp was a tad high, but have gotten green light as my body has adjusted appropriately.

    Sometimes I fall off the routine, and holy moly I notice it!

    Oh, seeing a massage therapist has also been good for me. Gets some relief for my tense muscles. Although I have missed/forgotten/double booked my times with her over the years. I still have to pay her… Perhaps thats why she likes me!

    How do I fit all this in being a working mom? Life for me has always been 300 miles an hour… Oh yeah, I suppose I do have ADHD!

    And not so sure about Spock… I find it easier to buy into the planet Ork with egg shaped spaceships… NANU NANU!

    Oh boy, i’m hoping someone ‘gets’ that or else everyone will think Im nutty!!

    in reply to: Starting a new job in the midst of ADHD diagnosis process #108485

    Post count: 39

    Hi Stash!

    We are in a sorta-kinda similar boat!

    I too had just started a new role in my company this week. I was officially diagnosed a week before, and was placed on meds with my first visit to a trusted dr.

    I have no doubt that my attention and ability to learn is 100x better than if I had not been on the meds. I started to incoporate some organizational tactics which I have stuck to (for two days, but hey… Longer than I ever had before!) and have developed a kinder outlook of myself, which has increased my ever low confidence. i feel that the diagnosis and the acceptance helps a ton.

    in reply to: just was put on disability indefinitely . #107596

    Post count: 39

    Hi trashman!

    I haven’t been on for a couple days and was excited when I saw this thread under recent activity, hoping for some good news.

    Sounds like things are rolling and you are getting some awesome support from folks in your world.

    I agree, the peeps that take part in the forums help us all by sharing experiences and ideas. I guess it helps to not feel so alone!

    Keep us updated… It would be great to hear the outcome!

    in reply to: What to replace anxiety with to get something done? #108602

    Post count: 39

    I have found that a lot of anxiety I was experiencing was due to being in an ADHD tailspin – missing (deadlines/commitments/opportunities), frantically trying to recover, getting many “we’re disappointed in you” talks then my self esteem would plummet. So I just “tried harder” and continually live at warp speed. I did get lots accomplished, however many of the balls I had in the air would come crashing down around me still… *snif*

    Going on medication didn’t take away the drive to get things done, or dampen my quick start personality. What it did was allow me to get precision sharp on one thing and able to move on to the next after completion. Now, it wasn’t all just medication, I have been incorporating some other strategies as well. Meeting with a psychologist has been so beneficial in creating these strategies and getting tips on how to stick to them. If you have insurance, some plans will cover a percentage of these sessions.

    I am so sorry that where you live you do not have access to the medication like some of us other folks. I suppose everyone’s journey is different, and I hope you are able to get through the rig a ma roll of all those tests, and get some support through your Dr.

    On another note, I too hate the uncomfortableness of clothing, am hot all the time as well and consider wool to be my kryptonite :P

    in reply to: Just Diagnosed – Where's the Party? #108582

    Post count: 39

    wolfshades: Thanks a bunch! What an awesome recommendation, however there is no meetup group where I am, but the CHADD local chapter does. I agree with the anonymity of it – it seems these groups invite anyone who has ADHD or those that know someone who does. I go to Toronto every couple of months – perhaps I will check out the meeting days/times and who knows , I may be able to pop into one while I am there!

    quizzical: Thanks for the additional recommendation! I looked at that book and was a bit scared off by the length of it, but am thinking of giving it a shot. Gotta love the library! Oh, and yes, this Dr. is fantastic. He isn’t my family Dr., but I have seen him through the years. Once my family Physician told me to “get over it” when I was seeing him about depression, I have kicked him to the curb!

    billd: Yes, Newhart had that as well! Not the “bed and breakfast” Newhart, but the one when he was a shrink, I think. I see I’m not the only one brushed up on my 70s/80s pop culture! I will easily remember obscure and dated TV shows, but cannot seem to remember anything of importance… heehee.

    in reply to: Just Diagnosed – Where's the Party? #108578

    Post count: 39

    Thanks Carrie!

    Yes, I was a bit scared that they would just tell me I’m lazy, stupid, or crazy… wait… guess I better read that one! LOL

    in reply to: Going off meds #106482

    Post count: 39

    Hi GameGuy!

    Have you looked at trying a different medication? I started my journey on Concerta and did not notice too much of a difference, plus had nasty side effects. My Dr. said that there are so many other options for ADHD medications, that it makes no sense sticking with one that isn’t working and/or making life unpleasant. We decided to switch to Adderall to see how it worked. Although I have had to play with dosages (still am actually) I notice a big difference.

    Your Dr. would be the expert in how long it will take to be “just you” and to recommend any other options.

    One thing I have learned is that it is highly individual. What works for me may not for others, and vice versa. Good thing there are many different options out there!!

    Hoping your day went well!


    Post count: 39

    I am currently going through the process of being diagnosed through a not for profit learning centre. There is a cost, approximately 1400 dollars, however I am fortunate to have coverage under 2 plans to pay for the majority.

    Now, one thing they did explain is that there are payment plans and different options they have available for those without coverage. Spending that amount of money is a huge decision, if it is all out of pocket. Not sure if this is an avenue that they have avaiable, or if that makes any difference to you.

    When I saw the Dr that is treating me, he said that a referral from him would likely take years to play out. He said to stay the learning centre route, which is way quicker. Also a nice thing is that this Dr. is doing medicine trials with me, which for me is helping dramatically.

    So, I think I am in the “Lucky” (heehee) category with getting a diagnosis. Just 3 short weeks since the revelation that this is what I may have to now – going for my 2nd appointment with the psychologists, and bringing a family member (I guess they usually like to have another person’s perspective). They said that if all goes well, I am looking at getting some kind of diagnosis in October. Another “Lucky” thing is that they do not suspect a sleep disorder, which from what I have read from fabulous posters on this site takes forever!!

    Whichever route you take, it will be the right one for you.

    All that said, doesn’t it seem screwed up that a referral to a psychiatrist takes years through our provincial health care system? Also sad that if you have the money, (or coverage) you get the care. Very, very disheartening considering we all know how this effects our lives, and how so many people respond to treatment (counselling, coaching, medicine, coping strategies etc).

    in reply to: just was put on disability indefinitely . #107592

    Post count: 39

    Woohoo, trashman!

    I am so happy to hear that you are not alone, and that you are getting the support you require from your dr. I know it won’t be an easy road ahead for you (or any of us for that matter), but having folks on your side is validating and less daunting.

    Sending all positive vibes your way… :D

    in reply to: just was put on disability indefinitely . #107581

    Post count: 39

    Oh trashman!

    Just a couple things that popped in my head. Do you have a diagnosis? If so, then perhaps looking into what your company does for workplace accomodations. Usually they will work with the insurance company, along with your dr. to create any accomodations that can be made for you to be able to function as best as you can.

    Also start looking into what the process is if you do not agree with the the decision on your claim. They will also tell you why they denied the claim, so going to your dr with that info will help.

    You are stuck in a really bad position, and your company is actually at fault in some way. If you have a dr telling you it is advised you do not go to work at this time and work is saying you have to, that potentially puts your health at risk. Now, if your claim is denied that doesnt say you need to return to work. It just means they will not be paying you your benefit. Employers have to give you the time, although it is unpaid.

    Another question… Are you unionized? That would be another avenue to take as well.

    Anyways, hoping this info leads you to a more positive outcome. I have worked as an HR professional in large organizations here in Canada and have seen situations like this that are handled properly, with a few that have not. Guess one good thing about working for so many differentcompanies is you see how things are done differently! Thanks adhd!

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