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  • in reply to: Bond, James Bond #117280

    Post count: 596

    nah, didn’t get that from the Bond movie :-)

    Now the Dad and son on Modern Family – most definitely!

    in reply to: Girls on girls (no, it's not what you think) #117254

    Post count: 596

    Can it be true? My goodness I relate to all of what you girls say! I was tomboy as a kid and then most of my friends later on were guys. My current friends are limited to some more “original” characters than the typical cliquey woman. I don’t have signature dishes or an orderly household. But i do a &8*8$load of stuff they don’t! But to be honest I do love to shop and buy clothes and I love shoes and purses!

    On the other hand, the fact that we might relate better to guys ( although I have developed more social skills with women over the years ) is that ADHD people are not exactly good at letting people get close to them. Men in general are less likely to be good at sharing their feelings so it all works out well that way. Nice and convenient really :-)


    Post count: 596

    I guess what it all really boils down to is that the world is not ready to accept a strength based system. Instead of utilizing one’s strengths, everyone is busy trying to fix up their weaknesses. I always thought everyone, especially bosses, should read the Gallop Strength Finder books. http://www.strengthsfinder.com/home.aspx

    in reply to: An impromptu field trial for ADD alternative therapy #116827

    Post count: 596

    Well still haven’t actually tried to make anything with my jar of coconut oil so just found this website to inspire me: http://www.freecoconutrecipes.com/coconut_oil_recipes.htm.

    Seems like a huge resource.

    in reply to: ADD & Loving it/Mastering it Bundle #116676

    Post count: 596

    I downloaded the bundle too despite that I had downloaded the Loving It movie only recently. But don’t mind buying it twice since I figure it is a bargain anyway and it goes to support a worthy endeavour!

    Now if I could only get around to watching it….

    in reply to: Nutritional Inattentive ADD Help, It Really Works #116627

    Post count: 596

    Just looked – the stuff I bought say it’s “100% pure” and “refined.” According to Wikipedia :

    “Unlike virgin coconut oil, refined coconut oil has no coconut taste or aroma. RBD oil is used for home cooking, commercial food processing, and cosmetic, industrial, and pharmaceutical purposes.”

    I think I’ll use it as hand cream or to make soap then :-)

    I saw the stuff you are talking about in the organic section – it was nearly double the price! This jar was about 7$ if I remember and the other one was $13 something.

    in reply to: Bullying #95733

    Post count: 596

    Peter, Lol I went to primary school in the 1960’s in a crappy little school – they barely had teachers let alone counsellors. I think the library was only open once a week :-) It was still quite an authoritarian regime. Matter of fact they were still allowed to use corporal punishment on boys. So the likelihood of a teacher having sympathy for me were probably slim to none. But your idea of checking records is an interesting one. Maybe I’ll try and do that. Although since the school was closed down at one point I somehow doubt I’ll have much luck.

    It would be really interesting to see if any comments were made in a record of some sort. When I got my ADD assessment done I was looking through my old report cards hoping for insight. I think there were maybe two actual written comments, all the reports were just tick marks in checkboxes throughout my entire primary school years. But who knows, maybe they were just an incredibly lazy bunch of teachers and treated everyone the same! way!

    So Allan you were a reverse bully? ;-) I guess it’s the get them before they get me strategy :-)

    Tiddler how awful. It’s astounding that this sort of thing still goes on. With all this PR surrounding anti-bullying campaigns these days one would think things should change more swiftly.

    in reply to: Bullying #95729

    Post count: 596

    So Allen,

    Just curious, were you bullied as a kid in school and then just adapted by pretending to not care? Or did you really not care?


    (First of all have to say your avatar is the coolest! Love it!)

    I was bullied in school and my father told me to fight back and let the bully know who was boss. Stellar advice for a 6 year-old little girl fighting off 5 or 6 boys at a time! Well, although I did become physically strong, I spent my elementary years getting into fist fights as I fought off the boys who picked on me on a daily basis. I had no girl friends because they were afraid of me.

    The mobbing thing you mention sounds what I went through. No one ( teachers etc.) ever questioned why I was getting into fights and instead automatically assumed that I had caused the ruckus in the first place. The one time they called in my parents they told them not to worry because once I got older and started to like boys my behaviour would change. Seriously ?

    I still can’t believe to this day that not one adult ever intervened or believed me.

    In school I was very shy and spent my time reading so that I could be somewhat invisible but still present without feeling like I was drawing attention to myself.

    in reply to: Nutritional Inattentive ADD Help, It Really Works #116625

    Post count: 596

    Yes, meant to say the chocolate recipe looks interesting.

    But I can’t find any liquid version. I’ve seen the lardish stuff in two places though. By the term “oil” I was expecting something with a consistency like regular cooking oil.

    Hmm cap lock on -could be…


    Post count: 596

    Well I gave up on the library years ago! I

    I think there are some things we people with ADD just aren’t meant for! Imposing other people’s deadlines on ourselves is one of them.

    Unless returning library books becomes something that is personally relevant to you then you don’t have a hope in hell. Monetary fines are generally meaningless to us i believe. Sure, we don’t want to pay them anymore than the next person but I don’t think we have a concept of its relational meaning. I don’t like paying fines but I’m not exactly devastated after I pay it. As a matte of fact, I will have usually forgotten about it in a matter of minutes . I know I should be upset but I don’t actually feel the emotion. It’s really kind of sociopathic when i think about it :-)

    On the other hand, can you get your husband to return them on time? or perhaps just accept that the fines are part of the cost and stop feeling you have to comply ?

    Somewhere I have a post in one of the humour threads about taking a bag of un-returned library books to Europe by mistake because I thought it was my husband’s reading bag. Can’t find it though so del post a link if I ever do.

    in reply to: Repressed Hyperactivity?!? #116902

    Post count: 596

    I was diagnosed as hyperactive which at first I thought was odd since I’m not one of those bouncing off the wall types. However, I am very fidgety, always doing “something,” clench my teeth, etc. etc. So I guess the H part fits. As a child I was active but again I don’t remember being the stereotypical hyperactive type.

    In hindsight, it was the era of sit still in school and be quiet and do what we say. I tried to comply as best as I could but usually got in trouble for something I did everyday, couldn’t wait for some physical game that involved tackling or what have you. I remember climbing on the neighbour’s balcony and not understanding why the other kids didn’t want to jump off it too! For pete’s sake it was only four feet off the ground :-)

    I was also bullied so not sure if that kind of represses one’s personality a bit. Anyone else have this experience? I tend to be self-conscious and generally avoid conflict and try no to draw attention to myself. That said, my impulsivity usually over-rides this effort :-) . Not sure if all of this goes together but I suppose it’s possible.

    in reply to: Nutritional Inattentive ADD Help, It Really Works #116623

    Post count: 596

    well i finally got around to buying the coconut oil but so far it has just been taking up space on my counter . I did try taking a taste – must say the stuff tastes like lard , I was expecting a coconut taste! Keep meaning to look up recipes but well… y’all know how the rest of that add story goes!

    Incidentally, I haven’t signed in all week – I tried last monday and saw it was ADD awareness week. Well as if the fates played some silly joke on me, all of a sudden my password no longer worked. I assumed I had changed it and forgotten what I’d done. No matter what I did it rejected. Couldn’t get a reset because I had used a sneakermail address as my email. Even tried making a new account and it wouldn’t let me complete the process. Anyhow for some reason tonight my old password worked! . I thin the data base has ADD :-)

    in reply to: Just hired someone to help me declutter my home! #116667

    Post count: 596

    ipsofacto, your experience as you describe it sounds very similar to mine. However, I am seriously beginning to wonder if my family is a lost organizational cause! No amount of simplification seems to motivate them to put it back, close it, put it away or whatever it is one can do with “stuff.” I suppose until everyone in a household is on board it will be an uphill battle. In my case it seems I’m battling up a mountain though :-)

    in reply to: Overstayed my welcome here #111805

    Post count: 596

    Funny how we take the words we use every day for granted. I don’t think I have ever looked up the definition for whine until yesterday when I was looking up whinge . Mainly because the dictionary icon is right in my mac dock, otherwise doubt I would have bothered, but I digress :-)

    So, interestingly, the distinction between whinging and whining is that while whinging means to complain persistently and in a peevish or irritating way, whining on the other hand means to complain in a feeble or petulant way. So I suppose if you are going to complain then you might as well whinge and get a good run for your effort :-) I would think it is better to be peevish ( easily irritated, esp. by unimportant things) than to be petulant (childishly sulky or bad-tempered) :-)

    Sorry, I figured if didn’t use those in a sentence I wouldn’t have an opportunity to imprint them in my memory :-)

    in reply to: Overstayed my welcome here #111801

    Post count: 596

    Gosh Allan where do you find words like whingeing? :-) I thought it was a misspelling of whining but actually found it in the dictionary. Wo knew? :-) Excellent word I must say – will have to try and remember to use it!

    For anyone else who never heard of it:

    whinge |(h)winj|Brit. informal

    verb ( whinges, whingeing or whinging, whinged ) [ no obj. ]

    complain persistently and in a peevish or irritating way: stop whingeing and get on with it!

    And to answer your question – Nodopamine never did came back. Unless she is lurking. But a real shame because she always had something interesting to say!

    And see, I can be nice – no peevishness in this post :-)

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