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  • in reply to: Can these be symptoms – or a part of ADD?? #119358

    Post count: 929

    Yep, that’s ADD alright…

    in reply to: Anxiety or ADHD #119357

    Post count: 929

    Good thread to read if you’re new here, or if you’re like me and still need some encouragement to keep on keeping on…

    Hang loose

    in reply to: Sometimes, the bullies are teachers & principals. #119356

    Post count: 929

    You’ve got a great imagination @Scattybird 🙂 I once had a girlfriend who had a whole bunch of wicka stuff. It gave me the creeps so I did a good job of discouraging her to “put that box away”. It was my imagination that was getting the best of me that day. Mostly I just enjoy my imagination.

    It’s a treat. 

    in reply to: Sometimes, the bullies are teachers & principals. #119348

    Post count: 929

    That’s heartbreaking. I wish more people cared about this. That’s because “this” is about many of us. We’re here, we have computers and Internet access. The folks with the most sever ADHD, and these same folks are just as much “diamonds in the rough” as we have been. And lot’s of the folks around this camp are still just barely healthy enough to have a mobile phone. No computer. Barely have decent Internet access.

    They’re so beaten up and defeated by the cold blooded treatment society (us) gives them. That many of them are homeless. Treated like they’re useless.

    They’re not useless. They’re us!, but for the grace of God. Yep, I said it. Cuz I truly believe it. You don’t have to say so here if you agree. It’s enough to say it inside your own soul. Good enough for me at least. I can never tell you what’s good enough for God. That just ain’t me. Mostly it’s cuz I really don’t know. 

    That’s the truth. I really don’t know. Try not to ask me okay?.



    in reply to: Survey Said….CADDAC Co-morbidity Adult ADHD Survey #119347

    Post count: 929

    My first reaction to this survey is pessimistic. Could it also be that I really just don’t feel like taking yet another survey designed to put us in some sort of box of judgement? to define us as “this group of problems” or “that complex of psychological disorders”.

    Why do we make judgments of each-other in the first place?. I’m gonna try to be a lil more postive about this.

    I sometimes still get a kick out of people that say “I don’t judge”, it makes me want to ask “then how do you pick your friends?” Then when we have friendships with people, we still go ahead and pass judgement on them. We do this wrong too!.

    How many misunderstandings have we all had just here on this forum?. Fortunately for us we don’t have any flame wars going on here. There’s a really cool thread called “we’re nice people here” started by Scattybird. It’s easy enough to find. Just click. http://totallyaddconnect.com/forums/topic/were-nice-people-here/ (nice typo right there in the title Scattybird!) lol. Good thread too.

    Sure enough we do pass judgement on each-other here. It happens when some of us start a new thread, if people post on it a lot. It seems like it’s a good thread. I was on facebook and found this http://www.facebook.com/ForReadingAddicts and found a quote about writing, and the goal in writing. Well, one of the goals.

    Is to “write stuff on that causes folks to really think”. That’s not something this community needs much encouragement for. We naturally think like nobody’s business. More than some of us would like. I bet a high percentage of ADDers are also smart aspes.

    It’s real cool the way people in this community think. I really “get” how lot’s of you guys think. I’d rather have ADD in common with folks that about a gazillion other problems and struggles people have to deal with in this world.

    We’re lucky here.

    As well as nice.

    in reply to: More junk "science" from Dr. Oz #119346

    Post count: 929

    I can’t remember where I read it, but I found out that it’s a good idea for us to avoid our shadow as well. Apparently those of us that have been “afraid of our own shadow” have been right after all, for all these years. You too should now be afraid of your own shadow.

    It knows…

    In San Fransisco they’ve banned plastic bags. I actually agree with this new law because many of the plastic bags people use end us as “urban tumbleweeds”. Ever been driving through a would be beautiful vacant lot?, or maybe the beginnings of the country on the outskirts of your town, where we go to enjoy mother nature, only to see plastic bags clinging to various bushes and real tumbleweeds?.

    Or better yet on a windy day you might not see real tumbleweeds. (unless you’re near the desert) But there’s a good chance that anywhere you live these days. You’ll see an empty plastic bag bouncing along in the breeze…

    So yep. I think it’s a good idea to ban urban tumbleweeds (plastic bags). A paper bag can be re-used a few times, then used the last time for a garbage bag. And they’re biodegradable. If we could just start recycling all the tons and tons and tons of junk mail we get. We would probably not have to cut down so many trees for the grocery bags. Heck, I got solutions to all kinds of problems. DGMS

    It’s the superfast, traveling and a million miles per second ADHD brain at work.

    I’m grateful this community helped me to see how much I should be valueing my ADD brain, even if I still don’t use it all that well.

    I’ve made some serious progress. Progress is much better, mostly it’s just more reasonable and possible. Than perfection. Human perfection does not exist. I’ve met a few women who seemed to be perfect, but that was before they started talking!. lol. Only kidding ladies. It’s true for us men too. If we talk, we’re lying!… haha. Just a joke for crying out loud!.

    I wouldn’t lie to ya.


    P.S. I was kidding about the shadow, like I do almost every time I talk.

    in reply to: Things an ADDer WOULD say… #119340

    Post count: 929

    Sounds like you’ve got a great therapist @Galadriel724 hmm. I copy n pasted your name cuz that’s easier than typing it. Looks like I may have discovered an “Easter Egg” type of feature here. Not really but my imagination sure does not ever quit!.

    I found these quotes surfing around in my documents folder… Hope you guys like em. I bet I found them all in the same place on the net after surfing here, then clicking a link from someones post…


    “I’m sorry…I wasn’t paying attention to what I was thinking” -Shelley Curtiss

    “I was trying to daydream but my mind kept wandering.” -Steven Wright

    “Punctuality is the virture of the bored.” -Evelyn Waugh

    “I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with a soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most important moments.” — Jim Morrison, musician

    “I had a terrible education. I attended a school for emotionally disturbed teachers.” — Woody Allen

    “I prefer to distinguish ADD as attention abundance disorder. Everything is just so interesting . . . remarkably at the same time.” — Frank Coppola, MA, ODC, ACG
    “ADD is like going through life, carrying a one-man band contraption with a broken strap.” -Julia Smith-Ruetz

    “My room may be a mess but it’s an organized mess. I know right where everything is.” -Brandon Curtiss

    “It’s a damn poor mind that can think of only one way to spell a word!” — Andrew Jackson

    “To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.” — Thomas Edison

    “All human evil comes from a single cause, man’s inability to sit still in a room.” — Blaise Pascal

    “It has been said that idleness is the parent of mischief, which is very true; but mischief itself is merely an attempt to escape from the dreary vacuum of idleness.” — George Borrow

    “Too much rest becomes a pain.” — Homer

    in reply to: It's on the Internet, so it must be true! #119339

    Post count: 929

    This reminds me of that thing I was on TV about a pig getting pulled over just because he’s a pig… That cop sounded like a real jerk when he told the pig. “I pulled you over because you have a tail light out, fix it”

    What a dork… probably a racist. It’s not a crime to drive while pink. (DWP)   Skin colour is a very poor indicator of character… Just ask me. I’m purple and cops always think I’m a dang grape.

    I just roll away,

    and go make some grape juice or something…

    Or maybe some wine.

    I’m a grape after all.

    Dang cops!!!


    (this was just me fooking around. it’s a lot like fooling around, but with a K)

    in reply to: What's your superpower? Focusing on the positive #119338

    Post count: 929

    I’m very enthusiastic. Ask any one!… but be careful not to ask me about it. That’s because you might be in for one long asp conversation my friend…



    ***grinning from ear to ear***

    in reply to: Wellbutrin #119332

    Post count: 929

    Crap, I wrote a decent post about wellbutrin but I accedentally his some unknown key code that make my new compute freak out!

    The dang thing is just like a very poweful gun with a hair trigger…

    Deep meaning huh?  Whelp… sometimes it’s best to just accept the fact that today writing is not what I have enough time for. Especally when my bladder is about to pop~ plus it’s getting dark already and I can’t even see the dang keys on my keyboARD.



    in reply to: A Gift? #119308

    Post count: 929

    I like what Howie Mandell said about ADHD. “If it’s a gift, I’d like to return it”

    Yep, it’s been painful and terrific. “Terrific” is a strange word to use, huh? It’s not necessarily bad, or good. It’s a heck of a lot of entertainment, that’s for sure. It’s Terrific!.

    I also like

    ” If ADD were a gift, why don’t people ask for it?”

    Very good point. I sometimes wonder how many folks come here just to point and laugh?. I wonder a lot… It’s a curse of the ADHD imagination.

    I tend to throw a positive spin onto my struggles because it’s always been my experience that optimism beats pessimism hands down each and every time.

    We need to be honest about what we’re thinking, and how that makes us feel. Optimism is just plain more comfortable. I’m much more fun to be around when I’m optimistic.

    In the end, if I did have the option of “returning this gift” I don’t think I would. There used to be a poll on this site before all the major (good) changes took hold. It asked us “if you could return your ADHD. To make it so you never had to struggle with it ever again. Would you?” I say no every time. Most of the poll said they would return it… I think… never could understand that. I’m still dumbfounded about it.

    I just never wanted to “fit in” as much as so many of my actions have seemed to imply. Of course we “want to” fit it. But most of the time I don’t feel like I did. So I make the best of it. Sorta burried the idea that I EVER wanted to fit in. It’s less painful if I say “I never really wanted to fit it anyway”. Sometimes the truth is easier to just ignore. It get’s much smaller, and weaker. Later on, when I start to feel like I do actually fit in in some places. It’s hard to reconsile… It’s just plain awkward!… foreign. Strange indeed. Mostly cuz I’m strange. Stange indeed. But I also know that I’m not all that unique. I just have to accept the fact that I’m like a lot of the other ADDers around this camp. I’m special.

    With an optimistic attitude. My core thinking eventually catches up with my attitude, and I end up fairly happy. Happen enough… “happy enough” is good enough.


    in reply to: The lure of the computer… #119307

    Post count: 929

    I bet that TED talk with Brene’ Brown about vulnerability goes into some more details about this “connection” thing. In a general way, Very. The Internet is the largest human experiment of disconnectedness, that humanity has come up with yet.

    I ain’t not history expert. Guess that’s obvious. But the way I see it, the entire internet. Especially with all the social networking sites popping up and spreading out like this site for example. They all have the same thing in common.

    It’s human beings finding what we have in common. And encouraging each-other.

    That’s what we do here. We back each-other up. We help folks a lot of the time without ever even knowing we’ve done that.

    I think it would be interesting to see what the statistics are for the traffic that comes through here, just browsing and reading about all the dramatic struggles so many of us go through. It’s the same human drama that keep millions of folks glues to the TV screens before we had Internet.

    There’s a book I’m getting ready to read. It’s the sequel to Orson Scott Cards “Enders Game” it’s called “Enders Shadow” Anyone read this book?

    Fascinating sci fit tale about a genius kid who becomes a computer aided warfare mastermind. Mostly it’s about human relationships, and adventure of course, a lot. I don’t do a very good job of describing the story. But it’s one of the many excellent books I’ve treasured over the years.

    Thanks for sharing ladies 🙂


    in reply to: What's your superpower? Focusing on the positive #119306

    Post count: 929

    This thread is just a good read.

    As I read all, or most of these posts. It occurred to me that I’m really good at encouragement. It’s a powerful thing to be able to do. I was never a cheerleader, too prideful and I look to freaky in my sisters cheerleader outfit. (on Halloween, uhuh, I did that…) That night I had to work on discouragement when drunk friends kept pulling up my skirt!. Some things are never good to encourage.

    Encouraging others is the oil in the bottom of the crankcase. It’s the gas in the inspirational tank for many folks. I provide some of the fuel that human beings need to defend their human rights.

    Life will tear you down, you can count on a raging ADDer to lift you back up. We’re the friend folks know they can talk to about “deep, heavy stuff” (mostly…)

    I never said I was consistent.

    It improves my self esteem when I focus on building up another person. In contrast, I find it frustrating and usually will speak up when folks go on and on about “what’s wrong with people”.  Too many times we all, (myself included of course) tend to get caught up in all the negative human conflict going on in the world.

    I can also look back and see how I’ve always been able to mediate when two opposing groups get into a heated argument. I can find common ground, help folks find a compromise when they all seem to have given up.

    Like so many ADDers, I can see the world “from a birds eye view” We see the big picture.

    I was reading an article about Richard Branson (sp?) the dude who owns Virgin Airlines. He said he had a talent for dialing into “what’s really important” He could cut through all the details around any given project and get down to the nitty gritty “bottom line”, and didn’t let unimportant details distract him from the obvious.

    I’ve been told that I have “a brilliant sense of the obvious”. Many times it’s been said almost sarcastically. Usually because the person pointing out my ability was embarrassed because they didn’t see the easy solution first!. I just cut through red tape with a chainsaw.

    That’s the ADD way…

    Cut through red tape with a dang flame thrower! 😀  (okay, well… maybe not a flame thrower, but I’m highly enthusiastic!). That’s all, n get a lil carried away some… well, okay a lot some times.

    Why do you think I say DGMS so much?  Cuz if I get started………. yep, you know…


    in reply to: TED Talks: The Power of Vulnerability #119293

    Post count: 929

    Great TED talks and great comment


    in reply to: different manufacturer = less effective? #119292

    Post count: 929

    Those video’s are for premium members only.

    In almost every case that we’ll be talking about here. The generic medications are going to be almost exactly the same. I know that we can also count on some unknown amount of “placebo effect”. It’s a good idea to google “placebo effect” too. This can be a hard topic to talk about because our opinion and what we believe a medication will do come into play much MUCH more when we’ve got a very active imagination. I bet I’m not the only ADDer with a very active imagination. A good imagination can make a difference with some solutions, that’s how we get tricked into all kinds of “snake oil” type remedies.

    It sounds like Concerta may be one of the few exceptions to the so called “rule” that we can almost always expect generic meds to be just like the original meds. I’ll bet they’re working on that too.

    It’s also important to remember that while medications make all the difference for many people when we start dealing with our un-diagnosed ADHD, or other medical problems. Later on when we develop a good support network. More than just the many friends we find here and elsewhere on the Internet. We learn many other very useful tools and coping strategies along the same path. It’s a debatable statistic. But I think medication is about 20% or 30% of the solution for most of us. Of course there are exceptions. In general medication is kinda like training wheels for lot’s of us.

    I had an appointment today with a new social worker. A psychologist working on her Masters degree who’s serving an internship at the clinic I go to with my medical/medicare. I take Wellbutrin. I used to take Ritalin (the generic is methylphenidate, and the generic wellbutrin is bupropion) I stopped taking the Ritalin because… well mostly I felt like it wasn’t helping all that much. Had a lot of questions about dosage that I wasn’t getting answers to. And the truth is I gave up because it was too much dang hassle to go through all the waiting process to eventually see a psychiatrist about specific changes I wanted to make with the Ritalin dosage. Unfortunately my general practice doctor. While being an excellent doctor. Has certain limitations in his knowledge about ADHD treatment.

    I think he was just afraid to make a dang freaking decision! and Yep, that really pissed me off. So I just said “screw it” and called to cancel that prescription. In hindsight, I realize I should have waited for the next available appointment. Even if it was 6 freaking months… DGMS.

    So, yeah… I’m still working with some patience problems. We’ll get there.

    One day.

    For now I’m not under all that much pressure to produce anything at all in my life. So it’s no emergency. I do have a lot of very important (to me, and people in my life) projects going. I’m very active in my community in several different areas. But it’s not a matter of life and death. So… I take the medical care that I can get. I try to be grateful too.

    I ain’t all that good at it. I try. 🙂

    If you have any more un-answered questions about your medications. Basically, accept for a few kinda rare situations. You can count on the generic being very close to the original medication.

    You can call just about any pharmacy for decent advice. I’ve called more than just a few over the years. I’ve been taking medication of one kind or other for depression and ADHD for over 20 years.

    Remember you can call more pharmacies than just the one you get your medication at. As a common courtesy, any pharmacist will give you good advice about any medication you are taking, call for a second opinion at another un-related pharmacy. The good advice is part of the service you should expect when you’re paying a retail prices for the medications.

    The pharmacy makes a profit on all medication. So pick the pharmacy that seems to have the best knowledgeable advice you can find. Call more than just a few even after you think you’ve found a good one. Also remember to ask you doctor any questions you don’t find an answer to. It’s just your basic right as a patient.

    Hope I didn’t rattle on and on too much here.


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